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January 2nd, 2015 at 04:38 pm
Went ahead and sent my mortgage payment today. It hasn't cleared yet, but I believe once it hits my balance will be down to $49,343.07!
In 2 more months I should be into the $48ks! How exciting.
I also sent $70 to the LOC. The money would have probably been safer to send to my credit card. But husband has been pushing to pay the LOC down, so I figured I would please him and make a principle payment. Plus it will save us about .40 in interest each month. lol.
Today marks the first day of my life without a routine job. It was great not having to hurry into work. Time will tell if it will work out long term.
Monday (the first day on the new job) we are going to a Meetup. Can't wait. It's fun to meet people that are similar to me, and I always love learning new things.
Posted in
December 31st, 2014 at 06:21 pm
Today is my last day of my "real job."
I already turned in my keys, and I'll be going home in less than an hour. I'm nervous, but also excited. I can't wait to start my new job on Monday.
Until then I'm going to have a relaxing weekend at home, and visit with some friends. Tonight we are hosting a party. Tomorrow husband is off work, and we will get to spend some time together.
Money will be tight but doable, as long as I get paid by February. My parents already told me not to worry and that they will help if I need anything.
Boots the cat is doing well. Things are really looking good in life right now. Here's to a new year!
Posted in
December 26th, 2014 at 01:53 pm
We nearly had heartbreak at my house. Tuesday my cat I've had since I was little was acting a little strange. He would meow at you when you tried to touch him, and he was not being his super snuggly self.
In the middle of the night I rolled over and bumped him and he hissed at me. (He sleeps in bed with us) I didn't think too much about it, because we just got home from vacation and I thought maybe he was just cranky at me.
Wednesday morning he wouldn't jump down from the bed. So I went to pick him up and sit him down. As soon as I put him down he fell over. Then he instantly started going in circles. Over and over and over. Around and around. I couldn't get him to stop, and he would fall over every couple loops.
I panicked. I was thinking stroke or something wrong with his brain. I called the vet, and thankfully I got the last appointment of the day. Over the phone they agreed that it sounded like a neurological problem.
Even on the way, in the pet carrier he was still going in tiny little circles. Of course he went potty in there, and then got it all over him.
It was so pitiful. The only way to keep him from spinning was to hold him against your body. So his neck couldn't turn. It was very scary. After cleaning him and looking at him, the vet decided he has an inner ear infection which was causing his balance to be off. Praise the Lord! She was so impressed by him and said he was the sweetest cat she has ever seen. He was very calm, and was even purring as she did all his check up. When she was cleaning between his toes he would spread them apart and she thought it was hilarious. He loves his toes rubbed.
They gave him a steroid shot and an antibiotic shot. And I have oral medicine to give him twice a day. I can't believe how fast the steroid worked. Within only an hour or two he was almost completely walking straight again, and back to his normal happy self.
I am SO happy he is okay. This is my baby. He literately stays with me the entire time I am home. While I working at the couch he will sit with me, he sleeps in bed with me, when I eat dinner he sits under the table or lays on my lap. Even when I shower he sleeps on the bath mat waiting for me, and it has been like this for over a decade. He is the smartest and loveliest cat I have ever seen. He even does tricks like a dog does! He is one in a million. I've had many cats over the years, but none can compare.
The oral medicine isn't going so well. It's cherry flavored and bright red. What the heck. He hates it, and spits it everywhere, staining everything with red sticky syrup.
Just so glad to have my snuggle buddy back.
Posted in
December 22nd, 2014 at 03:13 pm
Well husband and I kept getting Chase Freedom credit card offers in the mail. And last night I finally decided to apply. It's 5% cash back in specific categories, and also there is $100 bonus if you spent $500 in 3 months. So why not... Free money.
I applied and got accepted! $2,500 credit line. Which doesn't really matter since I will never use that much, but oh well. The extra available credit will help raise our credit score.
Since I got accepted, husband went ahead and applied as well. And he was also accepted for a $4,500 credit line! (He makes more than I do)
Whoot whoot. I will change our automatic bills such as propane and internet over to the new card ASAP and that will nearly get to the bonus money by its self.
Today when I logged into Capital One, I realized they also raised my credit limit from $1,500 to $2,500. Funny that it should happen on the same day.
So in one day we just increased our credit limit by $8,000. Haha. Not bad.
Working hard to train the person for my current job. Only a few days left, until I am FREE! Can't wait to move into the next chapter of my life. Figures that as soon as I am less busy, all our friends will be gone, and I will be alone again. Oh well.
Posted in
December 22nd, 2014 at 03:05 pm
Back from vacation and my feet are hitting the ground running. So busy!
Vacation was fun, but I'm certainly paying for it now. (With time not money)
I spent $15 there, and I also had to pay family $50 to feed animals while I was gone. But hey, $65 for a 5 day vacation, isn't bad!
Today I came in early and am going to skip lunch so I can get off early at 3. Then I have to do our grocery shopping, feed animals, and go to best friend's house. She got married Saturday, and I had to miss her wedding. So I'm stopping by to meet her new mother and father in law. Then at 5.30 we are going to bake cookies with different friends that we haven't seen for a very long time.
Then tomorrow it's work again and then go to the movies until late. Then Wednesday it's work, and spend evening with parents in law. (They celebrate their Christmas on Christmas Eve.)
Then Christmas of course, and next day I will visit with best friend one last time before she moves to another country.
The next week we will visit with friends as much as possible before they go back home for another year, and we are also having a New Year's party. So very very busy.
Money update post coming up!
Posted in
December 15th, 2014 at 04:43 pm
Well my smaller goal.
Hoping to get my EF to $4,500 but it just wasn't possible this year.
I did get past $2,500, so I'm still happy. I think I'll be able to get my EF where I want it by the end of February at the latest. So that's really only 2 months past my original deadline. Not bad.
Until the end of the year, I'm going to just try to pay down debt as much as possible, to make the job transition as smooth as it can be. Focusing on credit card and paying a few things I owe myself. If that gets accomplished I will move onto the LOC.
Leaving on vacation on Wednesday. Should be a fun, and hopefully cheap trip.
Posted in
December 12th, 2014 at 07:20 pm
Well husband got his Christmas bonus today. It was $500 smaller than we expected. 
Kind of a bummer, but trying to just be thankful that he gets one at all. I sure don't get a bonus.
But of course that means, that a lot less will be going to savings. We haven't hashed it out yet, but I'm guessing only a couple hundred.
Tomorrow we are going on a dinner date, husband is finishing his Christmas shopping, and we are getting a few much needed articles of clothing.
Also have a baby shower, and am helping my best friend finish her wedding planning. (It's next week!)
Posted in
December 8th, 2014 at 03:20 pm
Mortgage payment hit bring my balance down to $49,489.34.
I also sent $75 to my EF, leaving only $275 to complete my short term goal.
While I know I can come up with that, I'm also trying to pay off my credit card completely before the end of the year, since I will be switching jobs and don't know how fast I will get the first pay check. So I'm not sure I will be able to do both. I have about $375 on the credit card, but I add about $50 a week to it for gas.
I have anywhere from $100 - $150 left over a week to put to work. So as you can see, the money isn't there to do both. Crossing my fingers that money comes in, in other ways.
The 2 goats got picked up yesterday. That money is set back for the next load of hay.
Posted in
December 2nd, 2014 at 03:29 pm
Only 5 more hours of internship work and a presentation on Monday and I am officially completed with my Web Design Degree!
So excited to be nearing the finish line with school. It's been a long time coming, and I am looking forward to getting my life back.
Posted in
December 1st, 2014 at 02:30 pm
Last week snafu posted a comment asking a bunch of questions, and I just didn't get time to reply. So I thought it would be easier to just create a new post. My answers are in bold.
What was the outcome of the laboratory bill that was rejected by your insurer?
Haven't heard anything more yet, or received a bill. Just crossing my fingers I don't get one.
What expenses do you anticipate for your home based goat business?
Hay, grain, testing, shots, medicines, wormer, etc. I have all the numbers written down, but don't have it in front of me. No big expenses this year unless I decide to finish fencing the pasture.
What is the deadline for ROTH contributions for the year ending 2014?
April 15th I believe
$ 300. gross, $ ? net. What deductions do you anticipate? Medical?
$300 is NET.. No insurance, yet. He said if we do well, it will be something we can get in the future. Which doesn't bother me. I am still on my parents'.
Do you actually get paid every week or will they pay bi weekly, 15th & last business day of ea. month?
Will you get holiday pay or any other tangible benefit from your current employer in your final pay?
Paid every other week. No holiday pay, or other benefits at this time. But again, if we do well, they are options in the future.
If you possibly can eke out time, I suggest you open a separate [free of charges] bank account for your business. You need to know how much you gain in 'receivables, how much you expend in expenses and how much you have personally 'loaned' the business since you started or can figure out at least for 2014. There are so many tax deductions available to you for your home based business.
I have a separate bank account for the goats already. I have not counted it as a business, or put it on my taxes at all. My previous years all the profit has been put straight back into buying more fencing, etc.
As to goals...how do you plan to allocate payments from the buyer of the Cobalt? I have always made it a point to pay off CC two days before due date. ROTH has a deadline so I see that as a priority. I don't recall the interest rate on LOC. I'd loan the goat fund a set sum each pay until reaching the # 1K limit. You can snatch that back as soon as you have goat profit and slide it to you EF to $ 5K or whatever you've set as your target for 2015.
I'm planning to send the Cobalt payments straight towards the LOC. May send them to ROTH if I am running close to the deadline. CC is always paid weeks in advance, so no issues there.
Did you get that long list of winter ready tasks done?
Getting close with that. Just a few little things left.
Posted in
December 1st, 2014 at 02:04 pm
This week has been crazy busy!
Thursday we spent all day with husband's family for thanksgiving. Friday I got up extra early, worked a few hours, went shopping, worked a few more hours, then cooked for my family's thanksgiving.
Saturday we got up and built a new dog pen for Juno, cleaned the goat house out, went grocery shopping, put up our tree, went through and sorted over 10 boxes of Christmas stuff, cooked my families thanksgiving, and ate with my family!
Sunday church, then husband's parents for lunch, my best friends bridal shower, back to work, ice cream with dad, and then visiting with a friend from out of town.
Whew. I'm exhausted. But it was fun. Lots of time with family and good friends.
I spent more money than I would have liked, but my Christmas shopping is DONE! Whoot whoot! This is the earliest I have ever finished.
The bad news is that Juno escaped from her new pen last night, and got in with the goats. Luckily she didn't hurt anyone, but now she is back in her tiny pen. That dog.
Also it's very icy here, so trying to decide if I should go into work, or call in. I HATE missing work. But last year I wrecked my car trying to go in when I shouldn't have. So I'm torn.
I'm hoping husband gets his Christmas bonus soon. That chunk of cash would be most welcomed.
Posted in
November 21st, 2014 at 03:09 pm
Well no medical bills yet.
Paid all my monthly bills (including my water this time lol) and even paid $20 towards to LOC. Credit card is down to $150.
Sold two goats, which will be picked up in 2 weeks. That will cover the rest of my hay for the year.
We have a fun weekend planned. 2 our of favorite video games came out today. So tomorrow we are going to pick them up and have a game weekend with friends and family. Money is already set back for them, so no worries.
After working extra all week I'm happy to have some time to relax and have a good time.
Posted in
November 19th, 2014 at 03:32 pm
Yesterday I received a statement from the insurance company saying that we will be getting a bill shortly for some recent lab work, to the tune of $500!!!!
I am so furious. I was told it would be free! Our insurance is suppose to give free lab work, and our doctor personally suggested that place because it was supposed to be covered.
Before we had the tests I even asked the receptionist if we were in network and she said yes. She took our credit card, and said, "well it looks like your insurance covers everything but $35."
I thought that was odd, considering it was supposedly free, but I thought maybe we would just get reimbursed or something. Or it was a co-pay.
Well it turns out... yeah they take our insurance, but they are counted as "out-of-network", which is basically the same thing as not being covered!
Sure enough, I did some digging online. And it lists our healthcare as covered. Then at the very bottom is tiny fine print, it says, "will be counted as out-of-network."
What a bowl full of poo. Apparently this is a common problem with the company, and there is a lot of lawsuits against them.
What do I do? When I receive the actual bill I will be calling the company and giving them a piece of my mind. But how in the heck am I supposed to prove that they told me it was covered? Should I just pay it?
Posted in
November 18th, 2014 at 09:03 pm
I played around with Excel today and entered all my mortgage payments so I could see a line graph of my mortgage principal. It's real simple, but I thought it was kind of neat.

Obviously my mortgage isn't going down too fast. But it will be neat keeping track and watching it drop a little faster each year.
Posted in
November 17th, 2014 at 04:02 pm
Wanted to be accountable on what project goals I had done. So here is where I am currently standing.
Things completed
Repair goat house latch
Build new ramp
Clean out barn
Make buck pen
Fill propane tank
Put in storm windows
Put middle on horse shed
Get hay cut and put away
Find solution for leaky front door
Clean and check space heaters
Move Kuzco in with goats
Finish living room/dining room archway (Living room done, won't be able to finish dining room because of cold)
Has to be done
Side front of horse shed (90% done)
Close in goat house windows (One done, can't decide on other)
Insulate buck house
Warm solution for Juno
Get straw and put around outside of house
Make kitty bed
Would be nice
Paint sunroom windows (Not going to happen)
Repair & paint sunroom door (Winter project)
Finish kitchen archway (Not going to happen)
Indoor goat manger
Posted in
November 17th, 2014 at 03:05 pm
Deposited $150 for my first savings in a good long while!!
I know there is no way I will make my goals this year. But that's okay. A lot of things came up, and I'm just pleased that I was able to save any.
Until the end of the year I just plan on saving as much as I can, and also trying to beat down that LOC. We will be putting husband's Christmas bonus to it, and tax return, etc.
I don't foresee any more big expenses this year, except $500 for hay. I have enough goats to sell and pay for it, it's just a matter of going through the waiting list and calling them up, taking pictures, etc. Which I just don't have time for. Hopefully next week.
I did NOT receive the first car payment. She was in an accident, and couldn't meet me. I'm trying to give her the benefit of a doubt, but if she keeps putting me off I'm going to have to tell her sorry but I've decided to sell the car elsewhere.
I'm on day 4 of my 6, 12 hour days straight. Feeling tired, but I finally got a good night's rest last night, so I feel a bit better than I have.
We had our first snow that stayed, here. It's weird seeing snow on the ground in early November. I hope it's not a sign of another long winter to come. Last year nearly killed me.
Posted in
November 14th, 2014 at 03:39 pm
Sold two goats yesterday. Paid off the tires, saved $50 for grain, and have $90 to send to the credit card. Plus less goats I have to feed over winter. Just have 5 more to be picked up.
Also getting paid the first car payment today. Not sure how much I'm getting, but I hope to send it all to the LOC.
Something scary happened this morning! The biggest coyote I've ever seen walked right up in broad daylight. It was sticking it's nose through my fence, while the goats and I were standing only 20 - 30 feet away. Kuzco the dog was on the other side of a building eating.
I started screaming and flapping my arms to chase it away. But it just stood there and looked at me. I yelled for Kuzco and he came running. He went after it immediately, but it was the strangest thing. The coyote thought he was playing? It bowed down, wagged it's tail and jumped around a few times like a puppy does. Eventually it got the message and ran off.
Juno the younger puppy is much scarier. She was in a different pen, but she was barking, and snarling. Her voice is much deeper than his.
I hope it doesn't come back. The does will be fine with Kuzco, but the bucks are on the other side of the farm alone and out in the open. So I moved them to the pen next to Juno. If it got in there with them they wouldn't be protected, but I'm hoping Juno barking would scare it off.
Juno has been very bad lately. She is very unpredictable, and will hurt the goats if given the chance. I really hope she matures and calms down, and we can break her of that. Kuzco chased them as a puppy, but he never actually attacked them like she does. Only time will tell.
Posted in
November 10th, 2014 at 03:01 pm
Well the mortgage payment hit, bringing my total down to $49,634.94
I told my friend I wouldn't be attending her wedding. I surprisingly WAS able to return the $150 dress. So that will help knock my credit card down.
I put back $200 for tires this week. I may just go ahead and take the other $100 out of my savings and pay them off, so it's done with. I could rebuild savings next week.
Work found a replacement for me! Praise the Lord. Only one person showed any interest, so they told her she got the job before she could change her mind. lol. I will start training her full time in 2 weeks.
Filled out my W-4 for the new job. It's beginning to feel real! We are going office space shopping on Thursday, that will be fun!
I should receive my first car payment next week. Can't wait to see my debt start dropping.
Starting to get anxious about the job switch, and having debt, and little savings. Really going to use my remaining paychecks wisely to pay down my debt and try to save as much as I can.
Posted in
November 7th, 2014 at 03:30 pm
I paid the house payment today. This is the first time EVER that I didn't send any extra to the principle. The credit card is just too high, so I felt the money was better spent sending it to that.
Still have $450 to pay down by December. Tire price finally came back $316. So I'll have to figure that out too. Should get $200 for a goat in the next couple weeks, so that will help. Trying to sell 2 more, and also might sell the 2 that I'm suppose to hold until Feb.
Did do a little website work last night, so will have $20 coming. Ever little bit helps.
My goats are getting bred, so I will have babies coming in the spring.
Horse shelter is almost finished. Down to the tricky part now. Have most of the materials, it's just figuring out how to do it.
Posted in
November 5th, 2014 at 08:52 pm
My boss has tried everything in his power to get me to stay.
He cried during the meeting we had yesterday to discuss finding a replacement.
Today he was wanting to know if my new employer was legit, and if they would treat me fairly, etc. Telling me to be careful.
I'm touched that I'm so appreciated. But at the same time. Give it a rest man. Be happy for me.
Our church had a bad breakup about a year or two ago and it was really rough. Lots of people turned on the Pastor, many hurt feelings, half the church left, etc. We have recovered, but I think he is still raw.
I think he feels like I am personally abandoning him. (The last Secretary had a big involvement with the upset.) So I've been reassuring him that I'm not leaving because of something he did, or because I'm upset. I've just found a good opportunity, and I want to move into the next step of my life. It's nothing personal.
I've stayed strong. But it's hard. He is like a father figure to me. Very personal relationship. Heck, I used to babysit his kids, the oldest of whom is now in highschool. He was my references for all my previous jobs.
I'm still also stressed about the friend's wedding. But I am trying to relax. I think I've made my decision to go on the vacation as planned. I can't move mountains because of her whims. She has got to have some consequences. I'm still brewing though. I don't need to decide 100% today.
Posted in
November 4th, 2014 at 05:56 pm
Gah! I'm about to strangle my best friend.
She is getting married in less than 8 weeks. She is in another country right now, and can never make up her mind on anything and it is making me crazy. She hasn't gotten anything planned out yet!
She told me last Friday that she wanted me to make the invitations and send them out by the following Monday. She also finally picked the wedding colors, so I needed to go order my bridesmaid dress. Well I go to the store and there is only 1 dress that will come in, in time for the wedding. (They are suppose to be ordered at least 4 months in advance) So I had to get that one. It was $150. I purchase the invitations. Then the next day she says, never-mind I don't need you to make the invitations. Oh and by the way, we might end up getting married here instead, (other country) AKA you don't need your dress. Well they don't accept returns, so I thought I was out nearly $200 after the dress and invitations.
Well now she moved it back to the states. They had the date set for December 13th. Then last week they changed it to Jan 3rd, whatever that is fine. Well now she has changed it again to Dec. 20th. The ONE SATURDAY in the entire year that I told her I couldn't be there!
My family has had a vacation planned for that date for over a year now. The entire family is meeting together, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, for the first time in years. The week can't be changed. Flights are booked, etc.
So now basically I either have to skip her wedding, or cancel our vacation. My husband and my parents have really been looking forward to it. They are all mad at me, and want me to skip her wedding.
I tried to get them to go on vacation Tues - Fri instead of the originally planned Thus - Sun (Rest of the family will be there all week.) But then husband has to take off 2 additional days, which he doesn't have enough vacation time for, and that leaves him with no vacation hours until they roll over in July. Plus then I will have to take off more days.
Everyone is upset at ME, and I don't know what to do. I don't need this stress. I don't want to miss my best friend's wedding, but I also don't want to skip my family vacation, and also make my husband and parents miss out. 
Still trying to work out how to get our dates changed. But I'm not sure if it is going to happen. I may have to choose.
Posted in
November 3rd, 2014 at 04:04 pm
I told the boss yesterday.
He was a bit shocked and upset. He cried. 
He also announced it in front of everyone.
Overall I think it went pretty well though. At least he wasn't angry with me. Just sad. Already this morning he has called me and asked if there was any way I could work both jobs. I said no.
They are all struggling with who they are going to find to replace me. Good luck. No one is going to do what I do and put up with it. I know they are in a hard spot, but I just keep telling myself that it's not my problem.
Posted in
November 2nd, 2014 at 11:56 pm
I am SO excited. I am officially a real life professional web designer! I start full time on January 1st. I'm working for them now on my days off and in the evenings, but due to it being an "internship" I can't get paid. Once I hit 160 hours then my internship will be fulfilled and he can begin paying me for part time. I think I'm at around 100 hours now.
It is going to be weird to work from home mostly, and have enough time to enjoy life, and be a lot less stressed.
I absolutely love working at the internship, and I love the people. I love to be able to crack nerd jokes, and that everyone is interested in the same things as me!
I'm a little nervous because I'm telling my current boss tonight that I am quitting. Wish me luck!
Posted in
October 28th, 2014 at 02:40 pm
I'm so embarrassed. 
I got so stressed and so busy, that I completely forgot to send the check for my water bill. I have NEVER been late on a bill. I sent the check today along with the 10% late fee. Boo. Luckily it wont show up on my credit report or anything.
The anniversary trip went well. Only spent about $50 in food, and $20 in gas. (Husband paid for it all)
But our shopping trip did use some money. I bought a pair of much needed used jeans, and 2 shirts for a total of $25.
I also bought a shelf for the house and some decor for $75.
But the biggest expense was a bridesmaid dress for my best friends upcoming wedding. $150. Ouch.
Unfortunately I also have to go bridesmaid dress shopping on Saturday for Sister-in-law's upcoming wedding which I am also in. Hopefully I can just pick it out and delay purchasing it for a month or two.
I just want these big ticket expenses over!
Posted in
October 24th, 2014 at 03:16 pm
Well unfortunately I didn't put a dime of our extra paycheck for savings. 
All the recent unexpected expenses were more important at this point. So I just used it to pay down the credit card.
The good news is that I was able to knock out most of the things I listed earlier in the week.
1.) Payment to neighbor for baling my hay. Free
2.) 4 new tires ($300ish)Bought
3.) Repair our furnace which isn't working. (??)
4.) Finish horse shed Most materials purchased
5.) VERY LAST school bill is due Paid
Grandpa who I bought the Neon from felt bad that the tires went bad so quickly. So he purchased my new tires for me, and he says to pay him back whenever. Hoping to pay him in 2 weeks or so.
So in total I have $200 on the credit card not due until December. I will owe $300 to grandpa. I need about $100 to completely finish the horse shed. And I'm hoping the furnace repair is under $100.
$700 will take care of all of it. Sigh. That seems like a lot. One of the goat buyers who was suppose to pick up their goats this month called and wants to wait until Feb now. Gah. Haven't decided if I will cancel their order and resell the goats (I have a very very long waiting list.) Or just charge them extra to feed the goats over the winter. I was really hoping for that extra $500 this month, which would have nearly knocked out my debts.
Posted in
October 23rd, 2014 at 10:50 pm
Well the neighbor cut my hay and baled it yesterday. I was expecting 2 bales... I got six!
I was able to talk him into accepting half of it for payment, so I still got 3 bales, and didn't have to pay a thing. 
He also took my 2 year old round bale that has been stuck in the back of the barn and is too old to feed, and he took the remaining 20 moldy square bales that I have been burning slowly over time, which were just piled in the yard for the last few months. Score!
Cleaned up the yard, put in the front goat house window, started cleaning out the barn, and I have been working on the horse shelter every day. Trying to get it all done before winter, and making pretty good progress!
Furnace repair guy is coming out tomorrow to look and find out why it won't start up. Prayers that it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg.
New Neon tires are ordered. Cost is right around $250 and they come with a 80k mile guarantee. No bad considering we were looking at used tired for $200.
Can't wait for this weekend, and our anniversary trip.
Posted in
October 20th, 2014 at 03:13 pm
My spending has been out of control!
I ate out almost every day last week, just because I haven't been home. I'm also scrambling to finish winter projects, and am having to buy materials that I have been putting off.
I'm really hoping the expenses are coming to a close, but I can foresee quite a bit more in the next few weeks.
1.) Payment to neighbor for baling my hay. (No idea $$)
2.) 4 new tires ($350ish)
3.) Repair our furnace which isn't working. (??)
4.) Finish horse shed ($300ish)
5.) VERY LAST school bill is due ($100)
On top of this, our Anniversary is this weekend, and we are going to a bed and breakfast for one night, and going hiking. Husband has already covered the cost of the stay, but I'm sure we will eat out at least once. And also my favorite home store is opening in a location near us, on my anniversary, so instead of presents we are going to go and buy something nice for our house. We are also both in desperate need of some new clothes, mainly jeans. We shop at a used clothing store, but still.
Thankfully our "extra" paycheck is this week. I was planning on sending it all to savings, but it looks like it will be going to cover some of our crazy spending.
Oh well. It's all necessary expenses, except the anniversary, and I could really use the relaxation. Running my self to death with job and school and internship. Which I will update about soon.
Posted in
October 13th, 2014 at 03:04 pm
I had a pleasant surprise today.
On my electric bill there was about 3 different prices and I wasn't sure which one I was suppose to pay. So I called them this morning, and apparently a couple years ago when we bought the house we had to give them a deposit to establish credit. Well I guess our trial period was over, and they just applied the credit to our bill. I had completely forgotten all about the deposit! So I don't have to pay anything this month, and there is still $65 remaining to apply towards next month's bill! Yay.
So that means, I was able to use my found income, to pay my credit card almost completely off, and I also put $250 towards our EF. In two weeks we get an "extra" paycheck, and that will really boost things.
I also have 3 goats sold this month, totaling $700. October is going very well so far!
Posted in
October 10th, 2014 at 04:02 pm
I discussed salary with the Internship employer yesterday. I wanted to make sure I will be able to quit my current job, and still make enough to live, for a couple months until the business takes off.
He has offered to match my current salary! This would only be a guaranteed base pay. (In the case of not getting enough projects for a month, etc) And all the projects would be "extra" money for me.
Whoot whoot! That takes such a huge weight off my shoulders, knowing I will be able to depend on at least making what I am now. With lots of opportunity for growth.
I was planning on picking up a part time job, for a steady source of income, but I think I will hold off on that for now. I don't want to over burden myself.
I still can't put my quit notice in yet. He is giving me a project hopefully next week, and we are going to see how that goes before we make the entire leap.
But things are looking good! I'm anxious to get started.
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October 7th, 2014 at 05:58 pm
So with the car being paid off tomorrow. I'm trying to figure out what my next plan of attack is.
I had planned on starting to really push to get the EF finished but is that still the wisest thing?
I'm going to be switching from my regular employment into freelance before the new year.
Would it be wiser to stick with the plan and just save, save, save? Or should I divert some funds towards bringing down the LOC, so we have less debt?
If I pay down the LOC, it could be drawn from in an emergency. It's maxed out right now.
If I keep saving for my EF, I will receive the Saver's Credit on my tax refund, because I will be putting it into my Roth IRA. So that still seems like the best choice to me.
Maybe a little bit of both? Put mostly towards EF but maybe allot $50 a week towards paying down the debt?
Just wanting to get in the best position possible before the job change.
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