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Archive for May, 2020

May Check In

May 28th, 2020 at 01:30 pm

Mortgage -$112,099.92 (-$158.64)
Medical Loan #1 -$1,400 (-$100)
Medical Loan #2 -$6,400 (-$320)

Roth IRAs +$14,918 (+$794)
401K +$26,684 (+$1,644)
Emergency Fund +$3,787 (+$376)
Animal Fund +$416 (-$90)
Truck Fund +$2,045 (+$10)
HSA +$1,678 (+$250)

Overall: +$3,562.64

Markets recovering. Only paid minimums on debt and our automatic savings this month. Hanging onto money with the refinance and Covid-19.

Already have the minimums saved for next month so hoping to make an extra payment in June.

Waiting on the appraisal report to come in so we can close on the refinance. Last pup sold and goat kids are being born.

Our water heater is going out after only 8 years and we had planned to replace with a tankless when it died. Looks like it will be around $2,000+-. Will probably get a 0% payment for this just to keep the cash on hand for now. It is always something...

Still Here Moseying

May 21st, 2020 at 02:32 pm

Still here, still moseying along. I am getting quite adjusted to this more laid back life. I've always been a busy bee who rushes to multiple things every single day. I won't lie. It's been nice not having to set an alarm (the baby wakes me by 7 anyway, lol) not have to rush to get ready to work, visit a bunch of people, etc. I work from home, enjoy my baby, piddle around the house and clean, watch some tv finally, spend time with my animals, etc.

After essentially maternity leave since January it is going to be really hard to go back to work soon. Frown Part of me is excited to get back out of the house again, the other part is thinking this is the lowest stressed I have been in a while.

It is not only work. Going to church multiple times a week, visiting family every week, seeing friends, going shopping, on and on. Some stuff I enjoyed and miss of course, but at the same time I realize that I was running around nearly every single day.

After my original maternity leave was up I was ready to go back to the office, now I think I am used to staying home. I hope I can adjust back okay. I still don't have a return date yet, but their original plan was to pay me until June. So I'll have to wait and see what they decide.

Debt repayment has been slower because after husband worked 6 or 7 days a week nearly every week for a year and a half he has had a couple months of weekends off. His overtime typically doubled his salary and we could put it all towards debt or savings. Without it only minimums. It has been so nice having him home, and although I miss the money I'm not ready for him to work so much again and for me to be at home alone with the baby every day.

Our house is getting appraised for the refinance sooner than expected. They wanted to do it today already but only gave me heads up yesterday. I talked them into Tuesday so I would have the weekend with husband to clean and maybe do some small projects before they come.

Also my current bank finally called me back after 3 weeks and I told them I was switching lenders. They offered me a lower rate to stay, but I am going to continue on with the new bank. My current bank has not been very reliable at all, and often breaks their word.

No Way & Refinance

May 12th, 2020 at 03:05 pm

I had hoped/planned on paying off the first medical debt in June. There is no way. So far this month I have made only minimum payments. I have another $150 set aside but I feel like I need to hang onto that until I make sure I have enough for next month's minimum payment.

With husband working no overtime and my hours minimal at my second job we have no extra to go around.

Hopefully Covid will get better and the overtime will pick back up in time for us to save for vacation and pay off our debts by the end of the year. Thankfully the debts don't have to be paid by then, but it would certainly be nice.

I have submitted all the documents to refinance our house. Currently we are quoted a rate of 2.875% but it could go up or down a bit before we are locked in. With our current rate being 4.75% this is a significant savings and should drop our payment by about $100. We will probably continue paying the same on the loan to knock some years off once we are debt free.

We are also going to try to get about $5,000 extra out to regrade the yard. Everything is still messed up from our new basement/addition and we need to bury our gutter lines to run the water away from the house. There are some trees about to fall that need cut out as well. After that is done we can reseed the yard, plant new trees, and put in some landscaping finally. Right now we have lots of standing water (we have cattails growing in our yard it is that wet! lol) and a several dirt piles. This is a project that is long overdue but we had to complete and pay off the waterproofing first.

The final puppy I need to get rid of has a leg problem that we can't figure out and I don't feel right selling him until he gets better. Spent about $300 yesterday at the vet and he is on 6 pills a day currently for 6 weeks, trying a little bit of everything to see if it helps.

Also have 3 cats and a dog due for their 3 year shots. Ew. That will be several hundred dollars.

Baby goats are due any day which is good and I have a few of the adults sold next month so I will save that money back for winter feed.

I did save up and do some significant renovations on the barn the last couple weeks. It was a project I've been wanting to do for several years, so having it finally complete is nice. Still have several other outdoor projects on the list. But they will have to wait until I get more money put back.