September Check In
September 29th, 2020 at 12:40 pmDebts
Mortgage -$122,540.51 (-$230.02)
Medical Loan #2 -$5,200 (-$300)
Roth IRAs +$16,112 932 (-$820)
401K +$29,582 (-$1,298)
Emergency Fund +$8,072 7,767 (+$305)
Animal Fund +$938 (-$179)
Truck Fund +$2,025 (+$20)
HSA +$2,274 (+$251)
Overall: +$1,190.98
Still waiting on insurance reimbursement for baby's surgery. Claim was processed wrong and had to be resubmitted. Lost net worth this month because of the bad market. Hoping next month is better as far as savings and debt payments.