Health/Life Update & Big Windfall
May 21st, 2024 at 02:55 pmSo I've had a lot of large life changes happen over the last few months.
I did get a job at the library one day a week and I love it! Gives me a little spending money and I get a break from my kids and some peace and quiet. The job is super easy and I have a lot of downtime to read or play on my phone or whatever.
I GOT accepted into the experimental lung procedure for my rare disease! I'm still trying not to get my hopes up, and I don't have a date yet but I'm told likely July. It will require traveling across the country and a two-week (on average) hospital stay. So it's going to be rough. Mentally and healing wise. A couple weeks after I get home I will get the heart stent placed. I was also told last week that I will still need a lobectomy to remove the dead lung lobe. Bummer. I am hoping to fly for an appointment at the experimental procedure hospital and beg they do it at the same time as the other procedures since they will already be in there. That is what my pulmonologist recommends. Otherwise, it will be another surgery at a later date and I'm told more risky.
A family friend did a fundraiser for me to help with costs of travel and all the medical bills I've had and will have. The outpouring of generosity from my friends and family was SO HUGE. I am still in shock and awe. Money is still trickling in but I think the total is somewhere around $26k!! That is nearly half of our income for the whole year!
So far I have paid off our last couple medical loans and refilled our buffers which we drained to pay for medical bills this year. The rest will just sit in a high yield savings account until after my surgery. I am hoping to be wise and frugal with the money and really use it to make a difference in our lives. But with medical costs unknown I don't want to touch it until that is all squared away.