May 21st, 2020 at 03:32 pm
Still here, still moseying along. I am getting quite adjusted to this more laid back life. I've always been a busy bee who rushes to multiple things every single day. I won't lie. It's been nice not having to set an alarm (the baby wakes me by 7 anyway, lol) not have to rush to get ready to work, visit a bunch of people, etc. I work from home, enjoy my baby, piddle around the house and clean, watch some tv finally, spend time with my animals, etc.
After essentially maternity leave since January it is going to be really hard to go back to work soon. Part of me is excited to get back out of the house again, the other part is thinking this is the lowest stressed I have been in a while.
It is not only work. Going to church multiple times a week, visiting family every week, seeing friends, going shopping, on and on. Some stuff I enjoyed and miss of course, but at the same time I realize that I was running around nearly every single day.
After my original maternity leave was up I was ready to go back to the office, now I think I am used to staying home. I hope I can adjust back okay. I still don't have a return date yet, but their original plan was to pay me until June. So I'll have to wait and see what they decide.
Debt repayment has been slower because after husband worked 6 or 7 days a week nearly every week for a year and a half he has had a couple months of weekends off. His overtime typically doubled his salary and we could put it all towards debt or savings. Without it only minimums. It has been so nice having him home, and although I miss the money I'm not ready for him to work so much again and for me to be at home alone with the baby every day.
Our house is getting appraised for the refinance sooner than expected. They wanted to do it today already but only gave me heads up yesterday. I talked them into Tuesday so I would have the weekend with husband to clean and maybe do some small projects before they come.
Also my current bank finally called me back after 3 weeks and I told them I was switching lenders. They offered me a lower rate to stay, but I am going to continue on with the new bank. My current bank has not been very reliable at all, and often breaks their word.
Posted in
May 12th, 2020 at 04:05 pm
I had hoped/planned on paying off the first medical debt in June. There is no way. So far this month I have made only minimum payments. I have another $150 set aside but I feel like I need to hang onto that until I make sure I have enough for next month's minimum payment.
With husband working no overtime and my hours minimal at my second job we have no extra to go around.
Hopefully Covid will get better and the overtime will pick back up in time for us to save for vacation and pay off our debts by the end of the year. Thankfully the debts don't have to be paid by then, but it would certainly be nice.
I have submitted all the documents to refinance our house. Currently we are quoted a rate of 2.875% but it could go up or down a bit before we are locked in. With our current rate being 4.75% this is a significant savings and should drop our payment by about $100. We will probably continue paying the same on the loan to knock some years off once we are debt free.
We are also going to try to get about $5,000 extra out to regrade the yard. Everything is still messed up from our new basement/addition and we need to bury our gutter lines to run the water away from the house. There are some trees about to fall that need cut out as well. After that is done we can reseed the yard, plant new trees, and put in some landscaping finally. Right now we have lots of standing water (we have cattails growing in our yard it is that wet! lol) and a several dirt piles. This is a project that is long overdue but we had to complete and pay off the waterproofing first.
The final puppy I need to get rid of has a leg problem that we can't figure out and I don't feel right selling him until he gets better. Spent about $300 yesterday at the vet and he is on 6 pills a day currently for 6 weeks, trying a little bit of everything to see if it helps.
Also have 3 cats and a dog due for their 3 year shots. Ew. That will be several hundred dollars.
Baby goats are due any day which is good and I have a few of the adults sold next month so I will save that money back for winter feed.
I did save up and do some significant renovations on the barn the last couple weeks. It was a project I've been wanting to do for several years, so having it finally complete is nice. Still have several other outdoor projects on the list. But they will have to wait until I get more money put back.
Posted in
April 29th, 2020 at 06:11 pm
Mortgage -$112,258.56 (-$158.02)
Helitech Loan -$0 (-$2,550)
Medical Loan #1 -$1,500 (-$100)
Medical Loan #2 -$6,720 (+$6,720)
Roth IRAs +$14,124 (+$922)
401K +$25,040 (+$1,901)
Emergency Fund +$3,411 (+$401)
Animal Fund +$506 (+$0)
Truck Fund +$2,035 (+$90)
HSA +$1,428 (+$250)
Overall: -$347.98
Markets recovered a bit. Savings also went up and we paid off a large chunk of debt but unfortunately we also took on almost $7k of new debt for the rest of the baby bills. Overall not as bad was expected. We should be back in the green next month.
Posted in
Monthly Check In
April 15th, 2020 at 03:40 pm
The stimulus check hit my account this morning! Allowing me pay off the full balance of my construction loan! 6 months before the 0% interest expires!
The small medical loan is up next. Hopefully by June it will be gone and we will be down to just one debt.
In other news I bought a new dryer. Ours was given to us well used when we got married 8 years ago. It has been on it's last leg for two+ months now. The bearing is going out and it makes a horrible screeching, so loud you have to cover your ears while in the same room. Every time I use it I cross my fingers that it will work. Also recently clothes keep getting stuck in it and tearing them up. With a new baby and our laundry needs going up I figured it was time.
Our old washer went out a year or two ago and I purchased a new one. So I have been watching the matching dryer price for about a month. It has been on sale this week for 40% off and last night was the last day. With our stimulus coming in, I went ahead and purchased it. They said it could take up to a couple weeks to arrive with free delivery. I didn't want to chance mine going out and being stuck without for weeks. That uses up the last $500 of the stimulus, which I was hoping to save for animal money but oh well.
We are not getting the $500 for our 2020 baby since they are basing it off our 2019 taxes. From what I understand that $500 will probably get added our tax return next year.
I also ordered a new crockpot. Mine has been broken for a while and I was given money at Christmas to purchase a new one but I couldn't decide which one. I've been holding onto the money this whole time because I am sooo picky. I always read reviews and check out all options before purchasing pretty much anything. Well I finally bit the bullet and picked one out. Super excited to use my new appliances soon.
Posted in
2020 Goals
April 14th, 2020 at 04:01 pm
My job has decided to pay me a minimum of my average hours. Which is great! They even back dated it to the stay at home order. I think I will use these unexpected checks to save money for my animals.
Unfortunately with the pregnancy and everything I did not breed my goats last fall. Which means little to no kids now, which means no goat income this year. If I hurry I could still breed for fall kids, but I will need money over the summer to purchase hay for the winter. So I need to start putting back money to pay for it ASAP. This is the first year I haven't had spring kids. Major bummer, but I needed a break with my busy life. It actually probably worked out okay, since the quarantine would make animal sales harder I imagine.
I am getting so close to paying off the construction loan! I was able to scrape together $650 so far this month so I only owe $1,900 now. Once the stimulus gets here I will be able to pay it off!
Posted in
April 8th, 2020 at 03:47 pm
In addition to the stimulus check, I have heard that my secretary job is most likely going to to pay me my average hours for April and May!
That would be great, especially since husband's overtime is drying up and without it we can't really make extra payments on anything.
I look forward to the day when our debt is gone and we can live comfortably without overtime or 3 jobs.
If the stimulus and my check from work pan out I am hoping I will be able to pay off the construction loan this month. Then we will be down to just medical debt which is interest free and smallish payments. Of course we will continue to pay it down with vigor but at least if an emergency comes up will have more wiggle room.
The smallest medical loan will only take another two months to pay, but the big one will take all year, even we can even finish it by then. Fingers crossed!
Posted in
March 27th, 2020 at 02:45 pm
Mortgage -$112,416.58 (-$157.39)
Helitech Loan -$2,550 (-$600)
Medical Loan -$1,600 (-$100)
Roth IRAs +$13,202 (-$2,366)
401K +$23,139 (-$2,509)
Emergency Fund +$3,010 (-$396)
Animal Fund +$506 (+$1)
Truck Fund +$1,945 (+$100)
HSA +$1,178 (+$250)
Overall: -$4,062.61
Ouch! Markets really crashed this month. In addition I paid my 6 month car insurance. Medical bills are still sorting out but I will add them to my net worth next month, so there will be another $7k+ decline in April.
We also saved and spent $600 towards vacation this month.
Posted in
Monthly Check In
March 26th, 2020 at 03:19 pm
If you live in the US, when/if we actually get checks from the government, what will you spend it on?
It sounds like they are basing it off our 2018/2019 taxes so I'm not sure if my new baby will count or not...
But I will probably save $500 for animal expenses, and the rest I will use to pay down debt. If we get the amount I've heard then it would be enough to pay my construction loan completely and we will be down to just medical debt.
I am out of work right now, except some minimal web design. I have to say it is pretty nice to stay home and do what I want all day. Although I am beginning to get a little stir crazy. It's hard to do much outside with the baby with no one else to watch her. Husband is still working 7 days a week.
Posted in
March 20th, 2020 at 03:19 pm
So much craziness going on. It is ridiculous how many people aren't taking this seriously. But who can blame them if the states aren't testing and people don't believe it is in their area.
I live in a small town and my mom is in the medical profession. She says there have been many people that have all the symptoms but the DRs refuse to test. First they were short on tests, now they have some but they still won't. They will only test if you have been out of the country in the last two weeks or in contact with someone who has, which is silly. Also the Dr has to agree, then they have to call and get permission from the health department, which has to call and get permission from the state. It's all a big pain, so they just aren't testing... This sucks because in her hospital's case (and probably others) these sick patients are with the general population, and the nurses are not wearing proper protective gear or treating them like a quarantine case. Also our hospital is already almost at full capacity and running out of supplies. This pandemic has barely even started in the US.
Just because they aren't testing and so there are no "official cases" does NOT mean they aren't in your town. A friend of mine was soo sick I thought she was dying from an "upper respiratory problem". She was tested for like 15 things and they all came back negative, but they wouldn't test her for Corona. They told her it was just bronchitis or something. Now her husband is sick, and her elderly father. This person has been out in the community since she has been sick!
I am high risk due to lung disease so I am going out as little as possible. I had a Dr appointment yesterday (at a hospital with verified cases) and today I have to go pick up my medicines. I hope they haven't run out of the daily inhaler I take! Also my husband works in food manufacturing so he is continuing to work, and I am also still working but I work alone so not much risk. I'm doing my best to stay safe, but we aren't completely isolated unfortunately.
Since my mom knew how bad this was before the general public she gave us some warning and thankfully we stocked up a couple weeks of supplies ahead of time. It's a mad house here, shelves are bare. Any staples are usually sold out within hours of stocking. Since I have to go to Walmart and pick up my prescriptions I will see if they have any food left and get some more to replenish what we have eaten while I am there.
Stay safe guys! And take this seriously! It's way way worse than it appears because they are testing only a very small percentage of the people that are actually sick. Just assume it's in your town, and stay home!
Posted in
March 12th, 2020 at 06:11 pm
Well despite all the Coronavirus scares my vacation planning has continued as normal. I will be going to Glacier and Yellowstone this fall.
I have my three different lodging places booked and my airplane tickets. The only thing left to reserve is the rental car.
I am sharing lodging and the car with family. So I have been able to keep prices fairly low.
So far our costs for us three are:
Lodging - $946
Plane Tickets - $670
Rental car is estimated at $460. Then the rest of the costs will just be gas, food, souvenirs, etc. Not bad for a 9 day trip. Can't wait!
Posted in
February 27th, 2020 at 05:41 pm
Mortgage -$112,573.97 (-$156.77)
0% CC $0 (-$2,700)
Helitech Loan -$3,150 (-$400)
Medical Loan -$1,700 (-$100)
Roth IRAs +$15,568 (-$464)
401K +$25,648 (-$615)
Emergency Fund +$3,406 (+$302)
Animal Fund +$505 (+$0)
Truck Fund +$1,845 (+$120)
HSA +$928 (+$204)
Overall: +$2,903.77
I paid off my credit card! Next goal is to pay off the Helitech loan by June, but hopefully even sooner than that. Retirement is down from the Coronavirus scare. Next month will see the addition of at least $7,000 in medical bills plus I have to pay our 6 month car insurance.
Posted in
Net Worth
February 26th, 2020 at 06:53 pm
The bills are no longer pending and we are currently on the hook to pay the extra $3,000 for out of network bills in addition to my normal $7,000 OOP max. Yuck! I called the hospital and insurance and they are going to re-review the charges. If that doesn't change anything they said I can appeal... I'm not sure how successful that is.
I'm also not sure all the bills have been submitted yet, more may pop up.
Super bummer than I made such good progress on debt this month and then next month our debt is going to go back up by at least $7,000 again. That same thing happened back in October. We had positive net worth and then we had to take out $7,000 in loans. Oh well. One day we will get ahead.
Plan is still to pay off the construction loan asap and then we will be down to just medical debt. I already have some money put back for March payments.
I'm going back to work next week. Little sad/worried but also ready to have money again and get out of the house.
Posted in
February 15th, 2020 at 02:43 am
Well I spoke too soon... Now there are several thousand out-of-network bills pending on my insurance for the NICU bill. Grr. Will just have to wait a bit longer and see if insurance decides to pay or not. If not I will be calling and seeing what I can do about it. Why is medical billing always so shady?
Taxes were deposited and with the gifts we received I was able to go ahead and pay off the credit card completely! Woo hoo! This completes my first 2020 goal, and it's only February!
Next up to go will be the construction loan. With husband working almost 60 hours of overtime this week (poor guy) I am hoping we will be able to drop it fast.
Posted in
2020 Goals
February 12th, 2020 at 04:21 am
Got my taxes filed and our refund is supposed to be deposited tomorrow. We are getting back about $2,150 but I had to pay in over $200 to the state and it cost around $100 this year for me to file. So $1,800ish.
We will use part of the refund for vacation savings and the rest will go towards debt. We also received several more monetary gifts for the baby. So I have $500 extra to throw at the credit card.
Husband is working 7 days of 12 hours this week. Major bummer with a new baby but that may give us enough extra money to pay off the credit card this month! That would be awesome.
It looks like the baby's medical claims have hit insurance. Thankfully they ended up counting her bills as in-network. So we owe "only" $7,000. Which is still a lot, but much better than $14,000! We will be getting a 0% 60 month loan from the hospital, this will keep our minimum payment pretty low. I am still making payments on my pregnancy bills as well. But once our construction loan and credit card is paid we will focus on the medical debt, in addition to the weekly HSA deposits we do. Still hopeful we can pay everything off this year. Fingers crossed!
My permanent retainer broke randomly after 10 years and so I had to go to the dentist today and get it fixed. The metal wire was sharp and poking me, and I could already feel my teeth moving in two days. $30 well spent.
Posted in
February 3rd, 2020 at 06:33 pm
I was quiet this month because the baby is here!
It was a bit of a whirlwind, and although we are settling in nicely now we had a rocky start. They thought she swallowed meconium which she actually didn't. This resulted in a frustrating 5 day NICU stay with a perfectly healthy baby. Lot of tears and upset. What a long story and a disaster. Bottom line is that there was/is nothing wrong with her, and we will making a complaint about the hospital.
We are happy to home now!
The next problem is that I received a letter stating that although the hospital is in network (and my delivery) the dr (whom I never met) who wrote the NICU order is not in network. Which would raise our OOP max from $7k to $14k!!!!
I'm freaking out a bit. I will have to wait and see what the actual bills say. So help me I will not be paying $14,000 for a NICU stay which was unnecessary and I felt we were held against our will.
Posted in
February 3rd, 2020 at 06:24 pm
Mortgage -$112,730.74 (-$156.16)
0% CC -$2,700 (-$400)
Helitech Loan -$3,550 (-$400)
Medical Loan -$1,800 (-$100)
Roth IRAs +$16,032 (-$185)
401K +$26,143 (-$65)
Emergency Fund +$3,104 (+$875)
Animal Fund +$505 (+$400)
Truck Fund +$1,725 (+$60)
HSA +$724 (+$218)
Overall: +$2,359.16
Retirement markets where down, but I was able to pay down debt and replace my emergency fund this month.
Posted in
Monthly Check In
January 14th, 2020 at 02:25 pm
Finally making a dent instead of falling behind.
3 puppies went to their new homes saving me approximately $30 a week in food, plus a lot of stress. 5 goats also left.
I used the money to save enough for my load of hay next month, to buffer my animal money a bit for when I'm out on maternity leave, and I also paid my cushion back. I am almost out of the hole and have refilled my EF. Less than $100 to go. That makes me feel a lot more comfortable.
Since this month is actually an extra paycheck month for my husband I am hoping to put a couple hundred towards next months bills.
Our nursery carpet is getting installed today! We finally took down the Christmas decorations and tree, and I'm trying to pack my hospital bag. Our house is still a wreck but hopefully we will be able to get the nursery sorted this week, and get everything cleaned before this baby comes.
Posted in
January 8th, 2020 at 04:06 pm
Another good thing that happened this week. I finally took pictures and re-posted my puppies and was able to sell several of them. A couple are waiting to be picked up, and I am still in contact with more possible buyers. Hopefully in the next week or so I will be down to just a couple. Which is much more manageable and cheaper.
I am also selling some goats tomorrow. The little bit of money will be a welcome help.
Am I the only one bugging about taxes already? I am checking the mail everyday hoping for all the documents to come in. I want to submit now! lol. Unfortunately since I am a sub-contractor, have several savings and retirement accounts, and we have two W2 jobs we have to wait on a lot of different companies to send us stuff. I hate waiting. I would love to be able to complete our taxes before the baby comes but I doubt that is going to happen. We'll see how punctual everyone is. I am cautiously optimistic we may get a good sum back this year and will be able to either pay down debt or save for retirement.
Posted in
January 8th, 2020 at 03:51 pm
We met our goal and got the nursery construction DONE! Well mostly...
We finished the wall rebuilding, drywalling, mudding and taping, priming, painting, new ceiling fan, fixed the electric, built a closet, and handmade all our own trim. Husband took off last weekend and we were able to knock it all out.
We cleaned and cleaned the original 100+ yr old hardwood floors but no matter what we did they are in terrible shape. They are very splintery, parts of the floor is completely missing stain so it's hideous and dirty, and there are large cracks which let drafts in. We had planned on getting a large rug, but it wouldn't cover everything. We have this beautiful new room with disgusting floors. Last minute my mom graciously offered to purchase carpet for us. Sooo now we are waiting on that rush order to get installed before we can "move in" the furniture and stuff. We are hoping by early next week.
Although I am not really a fan of carpet it seemed to make the most sense to make the nursery warmer, safer, and more comfortable for the time being. In a few years we plan on replacing all the hardwood floors, but until then this will be a good alternative. I just hope we picked a good color!
Anxiously awaiting being able to start decorating and organizing all the things. We still have a couple small projects to do like repainting the dresser, hanging a decorative wall panel, and caulking the closet but they are just wants.
Tonight we are installing the drawers and shelves in the closet, which we have decided to leave without doors for now. We are going for a more decorative built in bookcase look since we have a wardrobe for the actual hanging clothes.
Posted in
January 3rd, 2020 at 03:48 pm
January is starting out well. Paid our mortgage bringing the balance to $112,730.75. I paid $100 towards the medical loan bringing the balance to $1,800. With husband's overtime from last week we have enough to pay $400 towards the construction loan bringing the balance to $3,550. Once the rest of my web income comes in I will have $400 to put towards the CC bringing the balance to $2,700!
Not bad for the first week of the month. Husband is taking off this weekend so we can hopefully finish construction on the nursery and start moving in. Good thing because I am technically "full term" now and could go any time. (Yikes!) Not sure how much more overtime he will get before the baby comes, but any extra income this month will be saved for February bills.
Posted in
January 3rd, 2020 at 03:32 pm
Cash/Liquid Savings:
$105 Animal Fund ($590)
$1,129 Escrow Fund ($690)
$1,100 EF ($1,000)
$1,665 Car Fund ($1,205)
$506 HSA
$4,505 Total Liquid Savings ($3,486)
$26,208 DH's 401K ($16,930)
$4,256 DH's IRA ($3,400)
$11,961 My IRA ($8,630)
$42,425 Total Retirement ($28,960)
-$112,887 Mortgage (-$114,713)
-$3,100 Home CC (-$12,360)
-$3,950 Helitech Loan
-$1,900 Medical Loan
-$121,837 Total Liabilities (-$127,073) / -$8,950 Non-Mortgage Debt (-$12,360)
2019 Total Net Worth: -$74,907
2019 Net Worth without Mortgage: $37,980
Numbers in () are last year's figures for comparison.
Our retirement accounts went up quite a bit.
Liquid savings did not increase very much due to pregnancy and large medical bills.
We added 2 new debts this year but total unsecured debt is still less than last year so that's a win! Hopefully 2020 will be the year we are debt free again.
Posted in
Net Worth
December 27th, 2019 at 04:04 pm
1.) Save $1,000 in HSA
We exceeded this number by double and paid a lot of medical bills out of pocket.
2.) Pay off $7,500 in Debt
We paid off over $10,000 in debt this year! Sadly we added more debt as well, but we are still below what we started with at the beginning of the year.
3.) Add $1,000 in Car Fund
We did not complete this. Well sort of. We did save over $1,000 in the car fund. But we had to raid it several times for car and/or home fixes. So we are finishing the year with only $665 saved this year.
4.) Save $1,500 for Vacation
Completed and exceeded this goal. We ended up having to change plans and we went to Utah/Arizona/Colorado/Nevada to see all the famous canyons. Went a bit over budget but paid cash.
5.) Save $4,500 in Animal Fund
Did not complete again this year. Was about $1,600 short. Then I had a litter of puppies which I have been unable to sell and I am currently paying over $100 a WEEK to feed them. So animal money is currently killing me.
Overall not a bad year considering my pregnancy and the thousands in medical bills we accrued.
Posted in
2019 Goals
December 27th, 2019 at 03:51 pm
1.) Pay off $3,100 Credit Card
This is the last remaining debt from our home remodel. It is 0% interest until August so it needs to be paid in full by then.
2.) Pay off $3,950 Construction Loan
0% interest debt from waterproofing our addition. Expires in October so it needs to be paid in full by then.
3.) Pay off $1,900 Medical Bill
Not really a huge deal since it is 0% interest for two more years. But it would be nice to be debt free again.
4.) Save $2,000 for Vacation
We are hopefully going to Yellowstone in September.
5.) Pay all Baby Medical Debt
No idea how much this will come out to but expecting around $6k+. This is our stretch goal. We can/will get a 0% interest payment plan for this, but I would prefer to pay it off by the end of the year.
The total amount (if medical debt is $6k) is $16,950! Our HSA will cover $3,000 so we need to come up with $13,950 or $ 1,162.50 a month. Whew. Quite a stretch but we will try our best.
Posted in
2020 Goals
December 27th, 2019 at 03:34 pm
Mortgage -$112,886.90 (-$155.54)
0% CC -$3,100 (-$400)
Helitech Loan -$3,950 (-$50)
Medical Loan -$1,900 (-$100)
Roth IRAs +$16,217 (+$496)
401K +$26,208 (+$1,005)
Emergency Fund +$2,229 (-$199)
Animal Fund +$105 (+$0)
Truck Fund +$1,665 (-$190)
HSA +$506 (-$45)
Overall: +$1,772.54
Average month, but I'm actually surprised it is not worse with all the Christmas shopping! I did not make my goal of paying $400 on the Helitech loan this month. Fingers crossed for next month.
We are getting into crunch time to save for the baby. I have already put back some money (not included above) for debt payments next month. I would like to get everything paid ahead before husband has to take off work.
**Some deposits haven't went through yet, and I may have to update figures.
Posted in
Monthly Check In
December 11th, 2019 at 05:37 pm
Well unfortunately a few other things popped up and I owe myself $500+ and I'm $350 short on the construction loan payment to stay on schedule. Ugh. I hate eating into my buffer. Especially since maternity leave is coming up and I really need to be getting ahead not behind...
My computer has been such a pain. I had to run it back to the store twice because I couldn't get the part in myself, and then when I got home the first time it wouldn't turn on. Some how my power button happened to go out, so I had to pay another $50 to fix that and drive 2 hour round trips. But whew, it is working again now. Thank goodness!
We also found out that husband will NOT be getting any paid paternity leave. So that is a bummer. He will use his one week of vacation and take a week unpaid. That is all we can really afford.
He is still working a lot of overtime, which is good because we need to dig out of the hole we are in and save as much as possible before the baby gets here. It is going to be tight. Thankfully Christmas shopping is completely done.
Pumping the septic did not fix the plumbing problem, so now we are trying other things before we call a plumber.
Here's to hoping life and finances settle down in January!
Posted in
December 6th, 2019 at 04:55 pm
Well the good news is that I believe my computer can be fixed! I found a local shop to repair it, and I'm waiting for the right parts to come in.
It was $135 for the diagnosis and to fix one part. Plus another $450 for the main part that I need. Thankfully my family is buying me that part for my Christmas present! Seems like a pricey fix but still much much cheaper than the few thousand a new computer would cost. Hoping I get a few more good years out of this one! Whew.
But besides that I am feeling frustrated. I have had to raid some of my buffer to pay for things like dog food, fixing my computer, a few baby items we needed, medicine for me and the pets, etc. Also I am working very minimum hours at my side job so I will barely be able to put anything towards debt this month. I just feel like I can never get ahead. It seems like my money is spent way before I ever even get it, and I am always playing catch up. I save for one thing, and then something else goes wrong.
For example: Our new plumbing is messing up and so I need to come up with $200 to pump the septic and then fingers crossed that is actually the issue and not something terrible and more expensive.
I'm starting to stress about maternity leave. Thankfully I will be paid. But my husband is also hoping to take off for a month at 70% of income. (Which is a blessing) but we need to put back money to cover the difference, and also we won't have any overtime that month to put towards debt so we need to pay that ahead of time too. Seems like we are quickly running out of time and paychecks!
Posted in
December 2nd, 2019 at 04:47 pm
Mortgage -$113,042.44 (-$154.93)
0% CC -$3,500 (-$515)
Helitech Loan -$4,000 (-$562.50)
Medical Loan -$2,000 (-$109.65)
Roth IRAs +$15,721 (+$395)
401Ks +$25,203 (+$948)
Emergency Fund +$2,428(-$931)
Animal Fund +$105 (+$1)
Truck Fund +$1,855 (+$130)
HSA +$551 (+$201)
Overall: +$2,086.08
A solid month. Lots of gain which was offset from having to pay my annual yearly home insurance.
Not figured in this is the $1,500+ we spent on nursery furniture and Christmas presents on Black Friday. We had the cash for this. My Christmas shopping is mostly done. I only have two more people to buy for and my husband's stocking. The only big thing we have left to purchase for the nursery is a rug. We bought a crib, recliner, and a used dresser that I am going to paint.
Posted in
Monthly Check In
December 2nd, 2019 at 04:39 pm
And just like that my computer is toast. :/ The computer I scrimped and saved for and then paid off early.
I knew this day was coming. It has been making some noises for a month or two now. (Of course about a month after my extended warranty wore off...) The computer is 4.5 years old and I use it for hours daily and have lots of programs and games.
Fortunately I can still get in it in safe mode so I was able to save my bookmarks, and documents. I had almost everything backed up anyway since this computer has died multiple times in the last year or two (under warranty) and I had to recover things over and over. I'm kind of used to it to be honest.
Thankfully my husband has a computer so I think I am going to download the bare minimum to his computer so I can work somewhat and wait a bit to purchase. Today is Cyber Monday but the computer I want is only $450 off which isn't much. I think I got my last one $1,000 off plus a free tv.
I can get 12 months free financing but I am leery to take on anymore payments. So I'm going to wait for now if possible. A major pain, but doable I think. Since I am getting close to my due date I have cut back my hours and projects a lot anyway. I think I can finish up my commitments on my husband's computer. But eventually, probably sooner rather than later I am going to have to buy a new one and it is looking like around $2,500. Yikes!
A necessary expense for someone who makes a living on computers, but definitely not what I wanted to spend my money on right now.
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November 19th, 2019 at 02:56 pm
It's been a busy couple weeks.
Took care of some financial things. Got the property taxes all paid, got the mystery 401K contribution from husband's old employer rolled over into his new 401K. Finished the yearly open enrollment for insurance, and I had my baby shower.
I got a ton of stuff. Now I need to sort through all of it and see what I actually need to keep and what I still need. The nursery is not finished so the presents are currently stacked and taking up my entire living room, along with the other stuff I already had which is taking up my entire foyer. lol.
We are hoping to go get some paint samples tonight for nursery. The mudding is like 99% done, just need to check it all over one last time. Then it will be primer, paint, new ceiling fan, a decorative panel we are adding, trim, polishing the floors, and finally furniture. Whew. Lots to do in the last 10 weeks before baby is due.
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November 11th, 2019 at 02:35 pm
I'm back from a goat show with my mom. We won $800 but after expenses and splitting the net profit I made $100. It is mostly for fun and also promoting/improving our herd so any profit is just a bonus.
My web design income from last month came in. I paid $562.50 on the construction loan so it's down to $4,000 and I paid $165 on the CC so it's down to $3,500. That surpasses my minimum monthly goal, so that is good news. I love seeing those round numbers!
Husband has in fact been working 3 weeks straight, some days 12 hours. I'm sure that will give us a tidy sum to put towards debt next month even with my side income decrease.
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