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Is It Worth It?

December 20th, 2016 at 02:40 pm

I have really been trying to lose some weight. The problem is, I love to eat. So I can't just eat salad daily like my husband does. My best friend has moved back to the area, and she goes to the gym daily. So I've been tagging along with her for a couple weeks. I am only able to go 2 - 3 times a week, on my work from home days, and on the weekends. Since I have to go at the same time as her so she can let me in, and she goes during the day when I am working.

I am actually really enjoying it! I feel stronger, and not so lazy. But I am beginning to feel guilty sneaking in the gym without paying, especially since I know the owner. I wanted to try it out for a couple weeks to make sure I would even stick with it though before spending a bunch of money.

Anyway, I feel like I need to purchase a membership or quit going. But a membership is $25 a month. :/ I don't know if I can justify the cost, on what I see as a non essential expense...

My mom is also wanting to work out, so she said she would get a membership too so we could go together. Since I know the owner I am going to see if there is any discount he would give me. Occasionally they run specials.

What do you guys think? Is $25 worth better health? Or would I be better off saving that money?

Christmas Bonus & IRA Savings

December 12th, 2016 at 03:14 pm

Husband got his bonus. $750 which is down from $800 last year. Bummer since the company made 20 MILLION more this year. Oh well, we are thankful for any extra money!

I sent $350 to the Roth IRA. First time I've been able to add to that in a long time. The other $400 husband wants to save for vacation. We will be going to Disney world in in the spring, and are estimating needing $1,500. I'm really hoping to get some taxes back this year and we can use part of our return for this. The rest will most likely go towards the IRAs.

Still working on paying off Christmas and other miscellaneous expenses. With the Christmas season and lots of sales, I've done really bad at splurging on multiple smaller expenses. Oh $20 here, $15 there, $20 here... It adds up!

Mortgage Payment & Contract Signed

December 5th, 2016 at 03:05 pm

Mortgage is down to $46,010.56! Every little bit that comes off is less we will owe when we refinance.

Remodel contract has been signed and $2,500 deposit has been paid!! This is really happening, guys!! We are expecting to start in two months, so that will give us a little time to work on saving/paying down debt.

I need to come up with $200 more to finish off the animal expenses until spring. First kids will arrive in a week. I'm so excited.

Husband should be getting his yearly bonus soon. We haven't decided what we are going to use it for yet, but most likely will put some in the IRA and the car fund. Husband's car is still chugging along right now, but we'd like to have enough money put back that he could purchase a decent car without needing to take out a loan in the future.

All At Once

November 28th, 2016 at 02:07 pm

Everything is hitting me all at once.

My credit card has a lot of pending charges on it. Ugh. Nearly $1,000 on there once everything posts.

This includes recent vet bills, Christmas shopping, some utility bills, and necessary home/clothing items. Such as a new pair of coveralls since mine's zipper broke, and a new bathroom vent light since ours went out and we are getting too much condensation in there without it.

My Christmas shopping is all complete except for one small item. So I'm glad that it's all done, and now I can just work on paying everything off.

We are signing the remodel contract this week sometime. Scary and exciting.

My goats will start kidding in two weeks! I am so looking forward to that money coming in. Fingers crossed for lots of babies.

Revisiting My Budget

November 15th, 2016 at 03:01 pm

I would like to have some input on our budget after considering my raise in January and our new house payment. Just want to make sure we can afford this.

Note: For the first 3 years our house payment will only be $730 and then go up to around $850. (tax exemption) But I would like to figure on the full amount.

2017 Budget

$1,940 His Wage
$740 My Wage
$320 My Wage #2

$3,000 Total Income

Bills & Utilities
$850 Mortgage/Taxes/Insurance
$50 LOC (might be gone)
$75 Internet
$50 Water
$20 Trash
$150 Electric
$50 Propane
$350 Groceries
$150 Car Fuel
$300 Tithes
$40 Date Night
$80 Lunches
$50 Phone
$75 Car Insurance
$75 Pets
$100 Spending

$2,465 Bill Total

Savings & Debt
$120 Car Savings

$415 Remaining
Retirement, Vacation, House

This is our minimum income budget. Usually I work more at job #2, or a get money from other odd jobs. This also doesn't consider Christmas bonuses, tax refunds, etc. All that extra money is used to fund retirement, or vacations.

Bye Bye Medical Bills

November 15th, 2016 at 02:24 pm

I paid off my credit card with the medical bill on it today! My checking account is lower than I like, but I have a pending deposit so I went ahead and pulled the trigger.

Got the goat testing results back, all clear. I've paid most of that. Looking at having $150 in vet bills soon, also I need to get my kitten neutered, and I need to go to the doctor for my yearly physical. Yuck! So still lots of little expenses coming up.

Remodel is a go. Just need to sign the contract and hand over the $2,500 deposit. We will be taking the money from the truck fund and the LOC. We will get our new HELOC in a month or two when the work actually starts, at which time we will pay back the truck fund and pay off our current LOC.

So in the next two months we have a mad push to save/pay down debt, and finish some of the remaining home projects before the appraisal. Thankfully it's mostly small stuff and cheap like patching a hole in the drywall, painting the bathroom, finishing the trim, etc.

The remodel is really going to push our financial limits. But we are going to try our best to cash flow as much as we can. No way we cash flow weekly labor. But we are hoping to pay for some of the materials as we go, and pay cash for the finishes such as light fixtures. Any thing we can do to keep the financing only for the big ticket items.

Once the remodel starts we are on a time limit. The bank says we can't refinance into a 30 yr fixed until everything is complete. That includes finishing our upstairs which currently is only insulation and rough in electricity.

So while the crew is working on the addition, we will be working on the upstairs. We are probably also going to do most of the finish work on the addition. But we will just have to wait and see how our budget is going once we get there. Fingers crossed for no major unexpected expenses.

Exciting and scary!

Where Should My Money Go?

November 8th, 2016 at 02:04 pm

Okay guys! I'm finally to the point where I am caught up and my checks can now but put towards bigger items. But I am unsure on what order I should fund things. So if I list out all the things that need saved for or paid maybe you guys can give me an order to work towards.

I need $640 for winter animal food / testing. This would be spread out over the next several months.

The LOC still has $4,000 on it. Any amount we pay towards it is less debt for when we do the construction loan.

I would like to contribute $1,500 more towards my Roth IRA before tax season.

We need to come up with a $2,500 deposit for our contractor. (We can either save cash to delay getting the construction loan a little while longer, or we can just go ahead and get the loan.)

I'm thinking maybe get the animal stuff out of the way first since it's the smallest amount. But then what?

Obviously we can't finish all of this in the short term, so I'm just wondering where my money is better spent before we get the construction loan. I want to get us as well off as I can before we take on more debt.

Finally an Estimate

November 7th, 2016 at 02:26 pm

We finally got a revised estimate back from the contractor after he accidentally gave us an estimate for double the square footage before.

We were expecting the number to drop by at least 30-40%... Well it only went down like $10k. What the heck?

For example, concrete for the 940sf was like $13k and his new number for the 470sf was $11.5k. Gr. It is half the materials and labor. I realize some costs aren't going to go down, but I feel it should be less than that.

Anyway we had gotten another bid from a different contractor who we really liked as well, and were having trouble deciding who to go with. So now it made the decision easy.

They are going to start siding and windows in the next two months. Then we will have until spring to decide if we are really ready to take the big leap and get the addition.

Mortgage is down to $46,179.70

Our LOC expires in a couple days. I stopped into the bank 2 weeks ago to get renewal papers which they said they would mail to us. Well no papers. So now I am going to have to stop in again and bug them. I hate it when people don't follow through with what they say. The story of my life.

My paycheck has apparently got lost in the mail. It was mailed 2 weeks ago and still hasn't arrived. So they are going to have to resend. Arg.

Sponsoring an Immigrant

November 6th, 2016 at 09:10 pm

So I'm in a sticky situation and I need advice.

My best friend married a foreigner, and they can't settle anywhere. He can't work here, she can't work there. They are constantly kicked out of each others countries and keep having a move every few months. She is having a baby, so this isn't a good life style.

They are trying to apply for her husband's green card so he can go to work and school in America and they can settle down. But by US law they need a financial sponsor.

Basically the sponsor agrees that if they can't pay their bills, etc, you take full responsibly for them. You would also be required to pay back any government services they get such as food stamps, medicaid, etc.

While I love my friend she is one of the most irresponsible people I have ever met. I do NOT want to be legally bound to her financial situation. She is at her wits end because literally no one in her family makes the income requirements, or they have been in trouble in the past for tax fraud. So she is reaching out to friends.

She is what I would call a gypsy and has never worked or lived any where more than 4 months. All her friends are the same, and as such none of them have made real wages, or they don't pay taxes.

So that leaves me. The boring person who stayed home and works. I barely make enough to meet the income requirements. When she asked me I agreed to sign for her because I thought I was just vouching that her husband is a good person, and not a bum. But my husband made me back out when we found out about all the financial legalities as well.

Has anyone ever done this? Is it a serious manner, that I am right to not want to do? I don't ever want to ruin my credit, or owe the government for something they do or didn't pay. But if it's mostly just a good faith voucher, I would be fine with that...

I just don't know much about it.


Medical & USPS

November 2nd, 2016 at 03:04 pm

I still owe $750 on the credit card for my medical bills. Not due for another 5 weeks, and I should have checks in the mail coming any time that will cover it! I'll be so glad to have that out of my hair!!

I am so angry at the USPS. They LOST my package containing all my goat lab samples. I had insurance and tracking, and it's just gone. They can't find it. They are saying that priority mail isn't guaranteed so they won't even refund shipping.

They may pay for the cost of the syringes and vials that were in the package if I can come up with a receipt to prove cost. But that does nothing to make up for the 5 hours it took 5 people to catch and draw that many samples.

They have been nothing but rude and snotty to me, And basically said that since the box contains "biohazard" material that from now on when they see us shipping something similar they are purposely going to put it in the slow mail so my package doesn't accidentally contaminate the other mail. The slow mail takes a week, and the samples can only stand being in transport for a couple days. Ugh. I've been shipping these for years and never had a problem with 1 or 2 day mail. I've even double checked with the lab and they said that shipping in the 2 day mail is allowed, and that the post office workers are just being jerks. (I've had problems with this particular post master with other things in the past, and I think she just hates me.)

So now when I ship again I'm going to have to drive to a different post office, so my package isn't automatically marked for slow travel. Seriously I've been shipping these boxes at least once a year for 8 years, and never once has "biohazard" been mentioned, nor has my package taken longer than 2 days to get to the lab. I just shipped a box last month for pete's sake! They have known what was in the boxes the entire time.

Anyway I'm fuming. Mostly over the time lost with having to redo everything again, and the post office's lack of caring or apology at all. They are just like "oops, too bad." How can they just lose a package, and do nothing?

A Sad Week

November 1st, 2016 at 03:22 pm

I don't want to go into too many details for privacy's sake. But a very close friend of ours was involved in an accident and indirectly caused the death of one of his co-workers. Our entire community is very shaken up. My mother was also involved and the only witness and although both her and my friend are unharmed they are both pretty upset and traumatized. My friend is feeling a lot of guilt even though it wasn't really his fault. I would appreciate any prayers or good thoughts for him.

It's going to be a hard road of recovery for him. We are doing everything we can, and have been inviting him to our house daily to hang out so he isn't alone while he is temporarily on leave from work. I pray that this doesn't affect his career choice that he loves and has worked so hard for.

I am so thankful that neither my mother or my friend was hurt. It could have been a lot worse than it was. A man lost his life by avoiding hurting them, and he has been honored as a hero. Hold your loved ones close, life is short.

Home Addition Update

October 24th, 2016 at 02:06 pm

We got all the goat's drawn for testing yesterday, now just have to pack and ship. I'm glad that job is over and done with. I'm trying to sell a goat to try and help pay for the cost. Which is around $400.

At a recommendation I called another construction company. They came out and looked the very next day, and then gave me an estimate the following day. I was shocked. I am so used to getting the run around for months and never hearing anything back. So now we are just deciding if we are really ready to do this. Our mortgage/taxes/insurance will go up about $300 a month. Whew. Which is still within most people's mortgages, but we've been used to paying such a small amount it's going to be hard to stomach. So we need to revisit our budget, and think hard about it.

If we are okay, then the bank needs to come out and give our house an appraisal, and after that clears we will be able to get started on building. I am so excited and also nervous. I hope we are not making a huge mistake. We will be more than doubling our home debt. Which sounds scary.

Medical Bill

October 11th, 2016 at 04:11 pm

I went and put my medical bill on my credit card yesterday. I had to argue a bit because the lady that had previously offered me 10% off if I paid in full within 30 days wasn't there. The new person said it was only if I had paid that first day. Then she only wanted to give me 10% off what I paid yesterday, instead of off the entire bill. Arg.

Anyway I held strong, and did end up getting the $186 off I was promised. So in the last month I've paid from $1,860 to $1,000. Not bad. I have until Dec. 6th to finish the rest, which is when the credit card will be due.

My animal fund is quickly dwindling from the purchase of winter hay. I'll need to come up with $450 for goat testing within the next 2 weeks, ugh. But I'm expecting to have around 20 kids between December and March. I'm also raising my prices again by $50, so I'm hoping for a nice profit this year. Definitely hope to put more of a buffer in the animal fund so wintertime isn't such a burden.

Medical Bill

October 11th, 2016 at 04:10 pm

I went and put my medical bill on my credit card yesterday. I had to argue a bit because the lady that had previously offered me 10% off if I paid in full within 30 days wasn't there. The new person said it was only if I had paid that first day. Then she only wanted to give me 10% off what I paid yesterday, instead of off the entire bill. Arg.

Anyway I held strong, and did end up getting the $186 off I was promised. So in the last month I've paid from $1,860 to $1,000. Not bad. I have until Dec. 6th to finish the rest, which is when the credit card will be due.

My animal fund is quickly dwindling from the purchase of winter hay. I'll need to come up with $450 for goat testing within the next 2 weeks, ugh. But I'm expecting to have around 20 kids between December and March. I'm also raising my prices again by $50, so I'm hoping for a nice profit this year. Definitely hope to put more of a buffer in the animal fund so wintertime isn't such a burden.

Late Payment

October 8th, 2016 at 04:13 pm

Oh my goodness I made a mistake. My mortgage is due on the 10th, and I meant to pay it last night but forgot. When I logged in this morning to pay it, it said my payment was past due... Then I realized Monday is a holiday so my payment won't post until the 11th now. ARG!

I called the bank right away, and they said I was fine. My bank has a 10 day grace period, thank goodness. But I feel so dumb. I'm going to have to be more careful with Holidays in the future. I don't usually wait this close until the payment, but it's just the way paychecks fell. Yikes!

Mortgage is down to $46,355.72

Relaxing Weekend & Taxes

October 6th, 2016 at 02:53 pm

My husband is going camping this weekend with some friends and I'll have the whole house to myself. I'm kind of excited to be able to lay around, clean, catch up on some chores, etc.

I'm sending $500 for estimated taxes today. I am so lost when it comes to being self employed and paying taxes. But since I have my part time job, I think I'm actually withholding as much or more than I did last year. And I believe if you pay at least 90% of your previous years taxes that you don't have to pay estimated taxes? So actually I don't think I need to send any in, but I'd rather be on the safe side. After this year I'll have a better idea about how much I will owe in the future. For now I've been putting back 25% of all my freelance money. I'll hang onto it until tax time and I know if I owe more or not. Would be lovely to get to keep all that though. Wink

My bank account changed their online portal, and I haven't figured it all out yet. When I tried to submit an extra payment to the LOC I accidentally sent it to the mortgage. Arg. Oh well. It's not worth calling and getting it corrected, it's still paying down debt. Just not the one I was hoping for.

Car Done & Remodeling Questions

September 30th, 2016 at 02:51 pm

I had written up a long post days ago and it got deleted and I didn't feel like retyping it all again, so here is the short version.

Car maintenance is done. $552 later. Ouch. Thankfully I have $375 put back for this, and I should have the rest when I get paid on Tuesday. So I'm glad it's over and taken care of.

HVAC guy came out to discuss plans for the addition. After some thought he is urging us to purchase a NEW upflow furnace that we can place in the basement rather than move our new downflow furnace to the addition and have to put it in the master closet. What a bummer to have to replace a furnace that is less than a year old. We knew this was going to cause problems when we bought it but we didn't have another choice at the time. Thankfully he has agreed to buy it back (not at full price) or we can try to sell the old "new" one ourselves. We might loose a thousand or two but we will save in labor costs and also gain more square footage in the addition. So I think it's worth it. He is going to run the numbers and see what the price difference is and then we will decide. Honestly the furnace saved us $1,500 in propane bills last year. So it has already paid for half of it's self. lol.

We are having a hard time deciding what we should prioritize with the addition. I REALLY want to replace all the siding. It's going to look funny to only have one side of the house redone and half of the front, and I worry about leaks where the old and new meet. But to redo all of it is going to be nearly $12,000 more. Which we do not have. Might have to think about this some more, and see if there is something we can cut instead. Might be worth it to wait on finishing the interior, to get all of the exterior done. Thoughts?

FINALLY an Estimate... Sort of...

September 23rd, 2016 at 04:36 pm

So the nice contractor got back with me, with an estimate! Big Grin

It's way over our budget. Frown But then I noticed a number that looked weird and I asked about it, and he realized he had accidentally figured the numbers on a 28' x 30' addition rather than the planned 14' x 30'!

So now I have numbers, but they aren't the right ones... lol. But at least this gives us a starting place. Poor guy, I feel really bad that he has to re-figure everything. The total is not going to drop in half because some costs won't change, but I am hoping the estimate will go down by at least 1/3.

But for now, I will share what numbers he gave me. Keep in mind this is for double the size we are actually wanting.

Concrete - $13,600
Excavation - $900
Framing - $13,879
Roofing - $2,874
Electric - $3,256
Lights/Fans - $600
Plumbing - $2,972
Shower - $4,768
Tub - $1,000
Faucets - $600
Vanity - $450
Insulation - $1,222
Sheetrock - $3424
Taping & Painting - $4,650
Doors & Trim - $2,188
Flooring - $4,800
Closet Shelving - $350
Addition Siding - $6,275
Existing House Siding - $11,528
Stairwell Drywall - $1,250
Repair Sill Plate - $500
New Flat Roofing - $2,010
Waterline- $350

Total $83, 446

This is not counting windows or HVAC which I am guessing to be around $10,000 but I haven't gotten recent estimates yet.

$93,500 ish

This includes doing some other projects on the house such as reroofing our flat roof, running a new water line to the barn, residing the entire house, replacing all the windows, new duct work for entire house, drywalling stairwell, etc.

Obviously we can't afford that, but if we can get it down by 1/3, and not do the siding we are getting pretty close to our target range of $40k-$45k. We can whittle down by doing some of the work ourselves such as the painting, electric, trim, etc and choosing cheaper finishes. (He aimed high)

We are getting excited that this may actually be a reality!

My List

September 20th, 2016 at 07:23 pm

Okay, I'm late but here is my list anyway.

1. I'm younger than 25.
2. I've been married for 4 years next month, started dating nearly 9 years ago.
3. My husband is the only person I dated and vice versa. Regardless of common stereotypes we have a very happy marriage, and do everything together. (Honestly in 9 years we have rarely/if ever fought about anything, and never raised voices.)
4. I have had 5 heart surgeries and 2 lung surgeries.
5. I have a pacemaker.
6. I have a rare lung disease called Plastic Bronchitis, which has a nearly 50% mortality rate.
7. I'm a web designer.
8. I love animals a LOT.
9. I always ask for power tools for holidays.
10. I love to build things.
11. I play a lot of video games.
12. I have a ridiculous attachment to my pets.
13. I really don't have any close friends.
14. I never clean my car.
15. I'm the world's cheapest traveler.
16. I don't own any makeup or jewelry except my wedding ring.
17. I don't really like kids.
18. I'm a worrier and a busybee.
19. I've never got anything but A's throughout school including college.
20. I was homeschooled 6th - 12th grade.

Here are some very random facts for you. Big Grin

Sick Again

September 20th, 2016 at 03:22 pm

Well I have pneumonia yet again. I was gradually declining for a past month or so. But then it just dropped, I felt so sick for several days including during sister in laws shower. Ugh. But thankfully I can read the signs and started on antibiotics as soon as I felt it turning for the worse. It's always a struggle to take antibiotics. I'm getting resistant to them, so I really try to not take them if I can. But when I'm running a high fever, very weak, and have severe chest pain it's not safe it go without anymore. Thankfully my doctor is a family friend who I can talk to, and she can call in medicine for me on the weekends if she thinks it's important.

Slowly starting to feel better. So glad I didn't have to go to the hospital again.

Hoping to set up the appointment for my car next week. Want to get it done.

I seen everyone's list. How fun! I think it's too late for mine though. But I enjoyed reading everyone else's. Smile

Back to the Bottom

September 13th, 2016 at 03:59 pm

Well I got the washer all paid off, and 6 months worth of car insurance. All caught up! Whew.

And then I went to the hospital to inquire about the bill I received 9 months after my hospital visit. They told me there was some mixups with the insurance company that just now got ironed out so that is why the bill was so late. Yes I do owe it, and no I do not quality for a bill reduction or assistance. Frown

Sooo now I have a $1,860 debt. Hiss. They only do payment plans up to 6 months, so that is $300 a month. I went ahead and put $300 on my credit card for the first payment.

BUT, if I pay the bill in full within 30 days they will take off 10%. So if I can scrounge up $1,374 this month that will save me $186. Hmm.

I will probably just put back as much cash as I can, then before the 30 days is up I will charge it all to my credit card. Then I will have until the statement balance is due to pay. No way I will be able to come up with the full amount, so I will just take from our savings and pay it off, and then I'll have to spend the next several months paying myself back. I hate that. That is all money that could be paying off the LOC instead. Oh well. I wouldn't have went if it wasn't life or death, and you can't put a price on that.

Also, I've got an estimate for changing the timing belt on my car. $514. Ouch. That also needs done this month. It's going to be a super tight budget for a while.

I've requested to go home early today from my office job. I worked a very hard and long week, and I have so much work with my design job to catch up on it's unreal.

Productive Weekend

September 6th, 2016 at 03:53 pm

The second guy came out to look at the house. He was very rude! He talked down to me because I was a woman, and only wanted to speak/listen to husband. He also set up an appointment which husband and I asked off work for, and then he didn't show up. When he finally called me back 1.5 hours later he said he had stopped by earlier in the day and we weren't home. Uh yeah. Because we work, and we had set a specific time when he was coming. He ended up coming out after some huffing and puffing, and then every thing we told him we would like done he whined about. He is a contractor, isn't he supposed to do the work we want, and then we pay him? It was very odd. I doubt we will ever hear from him again. At least I hope not. No way would I let him work on my house. Oh well. We really liked the other guy and can't wait to hear his estimate.

We did end up buying a washer. The heavy duty, basic Whirlpool model. It had 4.5 star reviews out of close to 7,000 so it seems like a good choice. We specifically looked for one with knobs rather than buttons. So far I am REALLY happy with it. It cleans so much better, wastes less water, and no stinky smell. Only had to come up with $200 after my bonus, so it seems like a steal. Especially if we can sell our old one in the yard sale this weekend. .

I bought the last of the boards for our downstairs window trim. We cut, sanded, painted, and installed the kitchen window last night. It was a lot of work, but it looks great and every project I do I wonder why it took me years to do it. Only have the bathroom window left and we will be done with windows!

Bathroom has a LOT of projects left. Patch the drywall, re-paint, fix the broken vent, re-caulk tub, paint door and install hardware, and trim window and door.

We cleaned for hours upstairs. We threw away at least a dozen black trash bags worth of stuff! It feels great. Everything we kept was put in tubs and stacked. One room left upstairs to clean.

Everything we get done it one step closer to a finished house.


August 30th, 2016 at 02:35 pm

Had a really nice guy come out to take a look at our house Saturday. He is suppose to give us an estimate within the week. Had pretty good feelings about him. Super nice, and he is working on a friend's house with good reviews.

I also have another company coming out this evening to take a look. I couldn't get a hold of anyone all year, and suddenly they finally started agreeing to come. Both companies would not be able to start on the project until November. So that would give us some time to put things in order, figure out a budget, etc.

Trying not to get my hopes up until we get a real figure. Who knows, it might be way out of our league.

Paid a small amount on the LOC and saved for the truck. This weekend we are going to just go window shop for a washer. If we see a deal we can't pass up we will get one, otherwise we will wait a while longer.

Besides that I've been trying to get my house in order. Cleaning, organizing, etc. I am not materialistic, and I hate junk and clutter.Most of my belongings are:
1. Animal medicine/items
2. Tools
3. Paperwork for work

Of course I can't get rid of any of that, so I'm trying to find ways to make things tidier. Our tools are nice and organized thanks to the Christmas toolbox and the workbench I built. But everything else is a disaster. I am a messy worker so my beautiful desk is in a constant state a disarray. Been looking for a paper organizer for a while but I am picky and have not found one I like yet. Might have to be a new building project...

A Much Better Week

August 24th, 2016 at 06:49 pm

Work is busy and I'm tired but so far this week is going much better!

We FINALLY have a construction company coming out to give us an estimate about the addition. We are so excited. Wish we luck that it stays within our budget!

Now that the goat craziness is over I can focus more on continuing home projects, and hopefully relax and spend more time with family and friends.

I sent a test in for the sick goat and am awaiting results. Fingers crossed that it is nothing serious or I will be devastated. Vet was optimistic, but don't want to count on anything until the test comes back clean. May not have results until next Friday unfortunately.

The Long Weekend

August 23rd, 2016 at 07:22 pm

Whew! What a whirlwind weekend.

Thursday - Goats to the vet for health check
Friday - Work a half day then drive all evening to goat show
Saturday & Sunday - At goat show, arrived home after 11.30pm on Sunday
Monday - Drive goat I borrowed 9 hours back home
Tuesday - Wake up and take different goat to the vet

Now I'm back at work, and I'm tired. Have a ton of work from both jobs to do. We did very well at the show.

While I was gone our plumbing backed up, but husband managed to take it all apart and get it going again. Thank goodness.

He also took apart the washer, and worked on his car. And both are working again, for now. What good news!

We will still probably keep saving and purchase a washer or stove soon. Just because I know they are going to go out sooner rather than later. But at least we don't have to rush quite as much. I'll be keeping my eye on the Labor Day sale ads and see if we can get a bargain.

Good Surprise

August 17th, 2016 at 02:44 pm

In a turn of events yesterday, when I opened the mail I received a $200 random bonus from my boss. Smile

So now we have $200 to put towards a new washer. Things always have a way of working out.

Here Comes the Boom

August 16th, 2016 at 03:38 pm

So after the shocking hospital bill yesterday. (Which I think is actually more of receipt and we don't actually owe, thank goodness) Not 100% sure yet.

The washer broke, dead, gone.

The stove has been dying for several months now, but I think it's finally about to the end. I had to wiggle and beat it for several minutes to turn on the oven yesterday. (Stove still works.)

Husband and I had been "arguing" over which to purchase first. A new stove or a new washer. He wanted a new washer because this one had been staining clothes and ruining them. I would have to run it several times to get something clean, and there was always a smell even after cleaning it several times. Well it looks like it is decided for us.

In addition, husband's power steering in his 21 year old vehicle has gone out while driving 3 times in the last two days. Super scary and unsafe. Frown I think it is really time to call it quits and get a new jeep.

So that means we are looking for a new car, a new washer, and a new stove. (I'm hoping I can go without an oven for a bit to delay that purchase.)

Also my timing belt is due to be changed in the next 2,000 miles on my car. Which will be over $500. Yikes!

Really. Yesterday I finally get caught up for the first time in months, and all this happens in one day. It's almost funny... But not quite.

This is on top of my very favorite pet being really sick. So I am stressed and worried to the max. I'm trying to keep calm, but I'm not good at it. I didn't get more than an hour or two of sleep last night.

Ugh. I know it will be okay though. We can cash flow a washer, and will take out a temporary loan for a car. Thankfully we are not living check to check. So while this is an inconvenience, it's not the end of the world.

Finally! And bad news.

August 15th, 2016 at 03:25 pm

Today I managed to pay all my bills and completely pay off the balances on my credit cards. No more playing catch up! It's been months since I was able to see the entire balance at $0 and not just the statement balance.

I have an extra $26.23 left over which I sent to the LOC. Smile

Sadly I'm having some animal issues which I expect will cost around $150 on the safe side, in the next couple weeks.

Horrible weather we are having here. Nonstop rain for days, with the entire 10 day forecast 100% rain. This stinks since I am going to a goat show this weekend, and this weather will really put my poor goaties in bad condition. They eat a lot less when it's raining. My yard is a flood. I stepped in a water filled hole up to my knee yesterday. Oh well. It's out of my control.

Now for the really bad news.

I received a bill from the hospital yesterday. 10 pages of itemized costs. It says I owe $2,000 more for my hospital stay back in early January. Frown Frown How is this even legal? My family already paid $2,000 and I hadn't heard anything in months so I assumed that it was the end of it. How can they just send a huge bill 8 months later!? I swear I've already paid for most of the stuff on the itemized receipt. Are they double dipping? Going to talk with them today or tomorrow and try to find out what the heck is going on. I can't afford $2,000. I HATE the entire medical system. How can they take advantage of sick dying people? They charged me $7 for one Tylenol...

Really furious and upset. This is like the 4th bill from the hospital. Why was it not all at once?

Not Much to Report

August 12th, 2016 at 07:55 pm

Thanks guys for all the encouragement about my burnout!

I just never seem to find time to be able to do the things I want to do or need to do, like clean the house and spend time with my animals. Working gets overwhelming and I feel like I will never be able to get caught up on everything else.

Financial things have been at a stand still. :/ No progress in a month. But it's okay because we didn't lose progress either. Just had to cash flow a lot of expenses like the last of the vet bills, the vacation, another bridal dress, etc. I know it happens. We've got that all weeded through now, so I'm hoping that means we can start moving forward on the big goals.

I'm still torn between if I should finish the Roth first or if I should pay down the LOC. I may just do a little of both. I had planned on doing the Roth first just to make sure it is finished by tax season since we get the savers credit. But that LOC is really starting to bug me and I want it gone.

Burnout Blues

August 3rd, 2016 at 02:12 pm

Still feeling the burnout blues. The more I think about how it will be years before I am able to work less the more depressing it gets. :/

Husband is having a hard time at his job too. In the past week or so nearly everyone he is friends with quit for various reasons. He's suddenly lonely and also feeling like it's a dead end job. It pays pretty good, but it's not fulfilling work. Jobs are so limited where we live though, he can't seem to find anything he is interested in. He says he wants his job to make a difference, or help people.

I know everyone gets tired of working occasionally, but It's hard right now. Especially since it is hitting both of us at the same time. Ugh.

Mortgage payment hit, bringing the total down to $46,593.39.

That seems like a huge amount that will never be paid and I'll be a slave to the work force forever.

How do you guys get through burnout?

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