I've mostly decided on my new goals for 2017.
1.) Stay Below $105k Home Budget
2.) $1,500 for May Vacation
3.) $3,000 in Animal Fund
4.) $9,000 in Roth
5.) $3,000 in Truck Fund
My main goal for 2017 is completing a home addition, and substantial work on the existing house. We are going to cash flow as much as we can as we go along. This is so variable, but in the end I don't want more than $105k in total debt. With our current mortgage and LOC we owe $51,000. So that means we can only add up to $54,000. The rest will have to be delayed or paid for with cash.
I am going on vacation/business trip in May. I'm estimating to need around $1,500 for this. I already have $400. So it's a start.
The other 3 goals are recurring from previous years. I want to continue to add to our IRAs, animal fund, and truck fund. With the animal fund being the only need.
Goals for 2017
December 28th, 2016 at 08:46 pm