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Things Are Looking Up

December 20th, 2013 at 07:49 pm

Whew! Yesterday was great on the financial side of things.

First the bank called me and told me they had a calculation error and that I only owe $241 for escrow, and that my house payment would be dropping $15 a month.

Well again that did not sound right because my taxes dropped nearly $500 this year, so I was figuring on my payment going down at least $40. So I mentioned it, and apparently they had missed that somehow, and not plugged those numbers!

So now I'm waiting again, to hear back on an exact number. But my payment should drop around another $30, and I won't owe any extra escrow! In fact, they may have to return some to me!! Whoot!

It does kind of worry me, that they just somehow missed that... again. If I was not on top of my finances who knows what I would be paying.

My dad won some money yesterday, and gave me $100! And someone at DH's work gave him a scratch off ticket and we won $30!

So I deposited all that and paid down my credit card to $50. (My last $30 hasn't shown up online yet)

Monday is payday, and I will be able to pay off the rest on the credit card, and put some in the EF too!


Short Term Goals

December 18th, 2013 at 05:25 pm

The bank talked to me briefly.

They said their system has been having issues so they still can not give me an exact amount I will owe for escrow, nor can they tell me what my payment for next year will be yet.

But they apologized for the communication error about the escrow and they are going to let me just make payments as I can over the next few months. So that is a relief. I will just pay as I can, no rush.

With Christmas rapidly coming to a close, I am trying to reassess my goals.

I have about $180 on my credit card at this moment. But I will have to add gas this week so probably around $210.

I always pay it in full every month. I don't think it is due until Feb. 6th or so, but it is a little higher than usual because of Christmas, so first I will knock that out.

I want to get my checking account cushion back up to $500.

Then I will start making payments towards escrow.

I added $300 of husband's bonus into my EF. So our total is at $1,200.

He also has $350 in his checking account for a cushion, so I could count that (technically it is for EF) but I'll hold off on counting it for now.

Short Term Goals
1. Pay off $210 on credit card
2. Raise cushion by $200
3. Make payments towards escrow

Sucessful Shopping Trip

December 16th, 2013 at 03:28 pm

I had a GREAT weekend date night/shopping trip with husband.

I finished all my Christmas shopping!!

Favor seemed to be on us. We got a ton of great deals.

First we went to Toys R Us. Legos were on sale for 50% off. So we bought a big set we've been eying for a long time. Yes! We are grown adults who have a western lego town set up on our living room coffee table right now! Haha.

We also saw these super cute little Nerf guns on sale. So we got two for niece, and sister. The Nerf was on sale for 25% off, but the guns were buy one get one 40%. So we go to check out, and when they gave us the receipt it was higher than expected. They forgot to put the sale on there. So we talked to a manager, and instead of giving us either 25% off on both or 40% off on one he gave us 65% off BOTH of them! We got over $20 worth of guns for like $7.

Then we went to Kohls and I had a $10 off coupon. I got 2 shirts that were 35% off. One was $18 which is way more than I like to spend on one shirt, but I really loved it, and if you count my coupon I really only paid $8. We also found a candle holder for another sister that was 50% off.

Hobby Lobby we found a perfect candle for above candle holder and it was in the 66% clearance aisle, but it didn't have a sticker on it, so someone must have just sat it there. We talked to the cashier and they gave it to us anyway for clearance. So we got a $13 candle for less than $5!

We ate at Longhorn Steak House, which I had a gift card for from Swag Bucks. We ordered a starter, and our meals, and they accidentally dropped my steak on the floor. The manager came out and apologized repeatedly, and they gave us another free side dish and a free dessert.

We had so much food we couldn't eat it all, so we took home half our starter, 2 halves of a steak, a sweet potato, and our dessert! We got an another entire meal out of it.

Overall it was a great trip, we had a lot of fun, and we saved more than we spent.

Husband and I have a good agreement for his bonus. He is keeping $500 for cushion, $100 for gun savings, and $200 for a new window. He also paid for our date, and is paying off this month's credit card statement. The rest is going to our EF, probably about $300.

We still have to come up with $700 for escrow, but the bank still hasn't contacted me yet. We could use his bonus, but we both feel that we shouldn't use every single cent we own, so we are going to go ahead and get a very short term, borrow from my parents.

Big Bonus!!

December 13th, 2013 at 03:17 pm

I have not heard anything back from the bank even though I talked to them Monday and they dropped the bomb that I owe $700 by next week. They told me they would call me and let me know the exact total and how we could work it out.

I have not called them yet. I figure it is buying me time, and no way and I going to pursue people who want my money. lol

But I have some great news!!! We got husbands bonus yesterday. We had heard rumors of $700, we were hoping for $500. Well the check arrived and he got $1,600!!! Minus taxes of course comes down to $1,200. But still! Neither of us has even gotten a bonus before, so we are pretty excited.

He is being quite entitled and selfish with it though. He refuses to put any into our savings account, or give me some to help cover the Christmas presents for his family.

I am sure he will come around.

He plans on replacing his broken car windshield, paying for the Christmas presents that he bought, putting $100 back for a gun, and putting the rest into his checking account for a cushion.

So I guess he will still be saving it. It just won't be gaining any interest.

I was not going to be able to meet my goals this year. But if you count the $500+ that will be in his checking account for an emergency. We are already there! Hurray!

I wish I got a bonus. My checking account cushion is at an all time low, and all my savings right now are going to rebuild it. I am still hoping to persuade him to put $200 in my cushion as well. But we shall see.

From Bad to Worse

December 10th, 2013 at 03:57 pm

I am SO SICK of my bank. When we go to refinance I will be shopping around. They have messed up so many times I am about to go in there and start screaming!

I stopped into the bank yesterday as I made my December payment to ask what my payment for 2014 will be. My taxes and insurance dropped and by my calculations it should lower about $50.

Well they informed me that they could not give me an answer right away, but in the computer it shows a shortage in my escrow account! Of $700.... that has to be paid within a week! Say what!?

We got the loan back in August of 2012. When we got it they said all the taxes and insurance had to be put through escrow, and they assured me that they would take care of everything and make all the payments, and yadda yadda. We did not have to lift a finger.

Well fast forward 4 months, and I stopped by the insurance place to see about getting my rate lowered. They could not find my account. Turns out the bank thought I was going to open the policy (even though they said it was their job and I was paying them the escrow) and we were without insurance for 4 MONTHS even though we were paying escrow.

They apologized and we got insurance without burning the house down.

Then in Sept of this year I got my little card that said my taxes were due. I remember the insurance incident, so just to double check I called the court house to make sure it was paid....

Well no, they hadn't paid it and now it was 2 weeks late and I owed a fee! GAH! I called the bank and argued and they had to call the courthouse and apologize and they got them to waive the fee.

Their reason this time was that the courthouse never sent them a parcel number after my land was divided when we bought it... Did they not notice that they had not paid taxes for the year. Geez!

This escrow crap is NOT panning out.

Now they are telling me that we were suppose to pay the first year of insurance out of pocket and since they paid it with escrow that we have to pay it now. I have NEVER gotten a single notice or no one ever told me that I would have to make it up later. And it seems as if they knew this entire year. I could have been putting back money! If I had not stopped in and asked, I probably would have not even known until the day it was due!

The whole thing is stupid though. There is still plenty of money in the escrow account, and the taxes and insurance was just paid last month. By the time a year goes by and they are due again there will be more than enough money in there.

Not only that but it looks like my payment is only dropping $30 instead of $50.

They could not give me a straight answer on anything, but they said they will print up a sheet tomorrow and go over it with me.

I am seriously fuming over this! How can they expect me to pay up $700 with NO WARNING in one week. And why do they need it if there is already enough in escrow. I am going to have to take out a personal loan to cover the amount, just so it can sit and waste in my escrow account.

This is all after they charged me $45 dollars for checks. Which surprising came out of my account last night, without even telling me. Good thing I have a cushion...

Sigh. Good news is my washer magically started working again.

Spending Today Saving Tomorrow

December 9th, 2013 at 03:57 pm

It has been a hard couple weeks.

We got 14 inches of snow this weekend! Our town had the highest amount in all of our tri-state region!

Oh course that meant I was snowed in but silly me still felt I needed to get to work, since I have taken off so much in the past couple weeks.

Got 2 cars stuck and didn't make it to work...

Ended up missing 4 days of work, and I did not even get to enjoy my long weekend because I was too busy stressing about how I was going to get to work, because I need money!

Not only am I getting another low pay check this week, and next. My washer has broken. Frown I am hoping father in law can fix it, but I am not holding my breath. I can NOT afford to buy a new washer. Right now I am taking clothes to wash at our parents house when we go to visit... yay.

I have been falling behind on my saving goals, and I even had to steal some out of the EF to make ends meet. Sadness.

Now for the good news!

My Christmas shopping is almost done. I think I have about $40 - $50 more to spend and I am done. Praise the Lord.

I was contacted about doing a Web Site finally! Whoot! I am really hoping the deal goes through because that extra money would help me so much right now. I am still waiting to hear back from them with my fingers crossed!

Despite the roads being icy, I pushed ahead and still went to the BackStreet Boys concert yesterday that I have been waiting my entire life for. It was great! And we did not wreck, so that is a good thing.

Found out husband may be getting a Christmas bonus from work! As much as $750!! We are not for sure, but I certainly hope the rumors are true.

Husband is going to use the money to replace his broken car windshield, and he would like to buy a gun. I doubt he will let me save any of the money, but maybe I can talk him into it.

I hope next week is better! Can't wait to start saving money again, and get out of the hole I am in!

New Windows, New Account & Expensive Checks

December 4th, 2013 at 04:07 pm

My new windows were finally installed!

They look great, except there is a gap under one where it looks like he forgot to put a piece of metal. So I will have to call and ask what the heck.

Already I ca not feel a draft anymore! I am so excited.

The problem now is that seeing these beautiful new windows has really made me itch to put in more. It looks funny to have some old and some new. 1 more on the front, and 2 more on one side would help it look a lot more balanced. My parents are going to give me one for Christmas, but I can't come up with another $700+ to put two more in. I don't want to take money that should be going to my EF. Maybe if I get some freelance work...

My Ally account finally went through as well. I went ahead and transferred $100 from my checking. Which is not really adding anything to my EF since I count my checking too, but I was just so excited and wanted to see some money in there.

In sad news. I finally got my checking account information updated with my new name and address. I ordered a new free debit card, and new checks were going to cost $45 at the bank!

I had to bring back a signature card before they could order them, so I went online and ordered checks for $20 from walmart instead. Whoot! Savings.

Well I went and dropped off the card the lady was out to lunch so I left her a message not to order the checks from the bank.

She called me a few hours later to say she didn't get my message until she had already ordered them, and she was sorry but it was too late to cancel.

GRRRR. So I had to call walmart and luckily they could cancel that order. But now I wasted an extra $25 on checks.

Oh well I guess. They will last me for years.

Black Friday & Spending Woes

December 3rd, 2013 at 03:24 pm

Last week was crazy, and this week is even worse.

Money has been running out like water, and will continue to do so until next week.

To make a back story, I bought a pretty nice camera several years ago. I had it about a week when I was taking pictures and asked my mother to hold it for a second. Well she dropped it on a concrete block, and since then I have been struggling to keep it working. I have to duct tape the battery door down, and hold it tightly with my fingers. Then a month ago it stops turning on, and said memory card error.

My memory card is now corrupt and I have lost most of my pet pictures including my beloved Goatie, who was my best friend, and died last year.

I am still working on finding a person to try to recover them. My attempts have failed.

I have a goat herd, and babies have started arriving, and of course I need a camera to update our website, and get pictures to buyers.

I was planning on asking for gift cards for Christmas, and saving up to buy a new camera.

On thanksgiving I was flipping through the sale ads and the EXACT camera that I wanted was on sale for 60% off, a savings of over $90.

I could not pass it up, so I went and stood in line for 2 hours, and they ended up only having a couple so I went home empty handed.

I was so upset, then my brother-in-law called me on Saturday and asked if I still needed a camera because they had a whole stack left over at the walmart he was at! Whoot! So I got my camera!

I bought a new memory card on Cyber Monday. It was $35.99 on sale for $7.00!

Then I had some emergency vet bills, had to buy a coupon to get my cat fixed which was only $35 instead of the normal cost of $100, I went black Friday shopping and spent $100 on gifts and some needed clothes.

So while everything I bought was at a huge discount, I have been bleeding money.

Thursday is my planned shopping trip with my mother. So I bet I will spend another $100. Sunday I am going to a concert which I have already paid for, but there will be gas, and possibly food.

My husband has not gotten to go shopping yet, so I may have to go with him on Saturday as well. Yikes!

This week I got only a half of a check, so that has not helped.

Everything just fell in two weeks and I am scrambling for the money.

As of now I have spent about $300. With at least another $100+ expected by the end of the week.

Sigh. I hope I can still need my savings goals this year. It is not looking too good at this time.

Running Around Like Turkey Without a Head

November 26th, 2013 at 08:27 pm

I feel like I am over stressed and overloaded!

I an at work now. I get off in 2 hours. Then I have 1.5 hours to go to the store, pick up everything for Thanksgiving, and get home and cook dinner before I have to go to school.

I have not even done my homework for school tonight yet!

I won't get home until 11pm. Then it is up again at 7 and back to work until 4pm again. Then at 5pm we go to my grandparents to eat dinner.

Our friends all are home for the holidays, and husband told me yesterday he invited his friends over to visit tomorrow night at 6pm!

So I'll have 1 hour tomorrow after work to drive home and clean the entire house before we have guests!

Then Thursday we are eating with his family at 11am, then I'm going home for a couple hours to cook for my family. Then we have to go back to his parents to put up their Christmas tree. Won't be back until late.

Friday I am going shopping, then it's my families dinner and thanksgiving.

Not to mention it is also FINALS week for one of my classes at school! Ahhhhh.

I am also super busy at work, and I have no idea how I am ever going to get it all done. I am freaking out a little!

Whew. This week is going to be the death of me.

I also have not bought one single Christmas present yet, or have any ideas. I have no idea when we are going to get time to decorate our house or put up our tree.

I love the holidays. But they also bring a huge amount of stress.

Pray that I can make it thought. *gulp*

Progress on 2013 Saving Goals

November 25th, 2013 at 03:32 pm

I was able to add $350 to our EF this week.

Now I'm just waiting for my new SS card to I can finish opening my Ally account and transfer it in.

So that brings my EF goal to $1,150 / $1,500 or [77% Complete]

Wait for Ally Account?

November 22nd, 2013 at 03:13 pm

So I just tried to set up an account with Ally Bank.

When I completed the application it said that more assistance was needed and gave me a number to call.

I just called them and they said my account information was in review, and that they would be calling me within 3-5 business days to deny or accept me.

When she first told me this I could have sworn she said 35 days. But I certainly hope it was 3-5. lol.

I wonder what the hold up is. I just got my last name changed, so I wonder if it's because of that. Sigh.

Hopefully it will go through and all will be well.

Propane Fireplace

November 18th, 2013 at 04:37 pm

We are really trying to figure out all our options for heating our house as cheaply as possible.

Lately I have been most interested in propane fireplaces.

I have always liked the looks of them, but I have never heard of anyone using them for a main heat source.

I looked up on google, and people do use them. But not a lot of information was to be found.

I think the cost of running one would be cheaper than our furnace. It's so inefficient, the air it does blow is barely even warm. I really only need to heat 3 rooms which are all open to each other. Around 650 square feet. We have a big open foyer with no furniture, so I think this would be a great place for a fireplace, especially since that is exactly where the propane line comes into the house.

The model I'm looking at is $400 to $500. Which seems like a lot, but if it could save us $1,000 this year, I'd say it's worth it.

Does anyone have experience with a propane fireplace?

Outrageous Heating Bills

November 15th, 2013 at 05:40 pm

I HATE winter!

We spent over $1,500 last year buying propane.

Our furnace is old. And while I am glad this year it started up fine without having to call someone to come fix it like last year, it wastes so much propane.

We thought maybe our house was just leaking a lot last year because we were remodeling and just had insulation up, no drywall. But it does not seem any better this year.

We turned the heat on a chilly 55 degrees only 2 days ago, and we have already went down 4% of propane. Which is 60 dollars!!!

And another problem is that I think the duct to the bathroom is disconnected because no air is coming out of it. And there is NO WAY to get to the crawl space under the kitchen/bathroom addition because it is separate from the rest of the house and there is no door. The previous owners had cut a hole through the kitchen floor. Well we just fixed that and installed a brand new floor. *face palm* So it appears we will just have to continue heating under our house. On the side of the house there is a place without siding where there is just some plywood. I’m seriously considering ripping it off and seeing if we can squeeze under and fix the duct.

If the % drop continues at this rate we will spend over $2,000 dollars this winter to keep the house only 55 degrees. I can not stand it!

We also have a oil space heater running in the bathroom and the bedroom, which raises are electric bill another $80 - $100 dollars a month.

No one believes how much we spend on heat, we have had them come out and test for leaks TWICE and nothing.

We have all new insulation. There is no reason to be wasting this much.

It has to be the furnace. And while I would love to replace it and get an outdoor wood burner I just do not have the money now. It is so frustrating.

More bad news is that our new windows have not been put in yet. Over 6 weeks later... gr. I just called him again and he is leaving on vacation and wont be able to get to it at least for 2 more weeks. Mean while, cold air is leaking through our old windows.

It is weird. In the summer our house stayed cool with no air conditioning. We had a window unit in our room for sleeping. But the rest of the house never got above 80 on the very hottest days. Most of the time staying in the low 70s. If it is insulated enough to stay cool, why wont it stay hot! Gr.

Tough Job Decisions

November 13th, 2013 at 03:23 pm

My job is something that I have gone back and forth on for so long. I'm so indecisive.

I have one class and my internship left and I will graduate with a Degree in Website Design. My passion.

But, in order to really make a living off Website Design I wll have to devote a lot of effort and time into getting a steady following built up before I would be able to call it a reasonable job. That could take years.

So for now I work as a secretary, because it's a relevant job in my area.

The problem is, I currently only work 30 hours a week. But they are split shifts. I work an average 5 days a week, and 2 evenings. I put a lot of time in, but somehow don't come out with many hours. My job is stressful, I have no benefits, they can call me any time, day or night and need for me to do something. I have a lot of trouble getting off, especially for more than one day because I am the only secretary. If our organization has any events, I have to be here, so that might mean I have to work over my days off, or come back in the evening. Such as last week when I worked 10 days straight, and it's not an option.

My job entails so many little details and jobs, and I do not enjoy it. I have trouble keeping track of everything.

I have been here 2.5 years nearly. I only make $1.25 over minimum wage and that is after the $.50 raise I am getting next month.

While it is a stable job, I seriously feel over worked and underpaid, especially for my experience and skills. Because my schedule is so eccentric, I really do not have any time to put into developing my web design base, or getting any clients, so I feel like it is a catch 22. I can't quit until I build a business, but I can't build a business until I quit.

Ideally I would like to work somewhere 2 or 3 days a week at an active job such as waitressing, so I have a little steady cash flow, and then devote the rest of my time into web design.

I would like to be able to get web design business before we begin having children, so I can stay home and care for them, and still make money.

My mother who has a masters in nursing is currently taking an internship at a local Mental Institution. She absolutely loves it, and they are begging her to quit her current job and come work for them. She is considering it. But she told me they are also looking to hire a secretary. My aunt works there as a secretary. This isn’t just some job. This is a career. Complete with pensions, and benefits, and retirement, and all that jazz. Besides working straight week days, paid holidays off, vacations, the pay is more than twice what I am making. People fight for these jobs, but due to an expansion they are in the process of hiring over 100 people, which is usually hard to get into.

I know in less than 5 years I will be wanting to quit and become a mother. So I am trying to decide if it is worth it to disrupt my job where I am comfortable at, and try something new. Especially since being a secretary isn’t my desire. But heck. At 2 or even 3 times the pay, it might be worth it to work there 5 years. I could save up quite a tidy sum. Maybe even a thousand a month, which would really help us out.
I’m just not sure what to do. Is a job change worth it for only a few years? I would love to get out of my current job, I think about it every day. But I’m not sure if I am ready to jump into being another secretary. Mom tells me the work there is a lot better though, and I think I could put up with anything for that much money.

I am going to ask if they would let me come shadow there a couple times. To see what I would be doing. But I am not sure what their security protocols are, so that may not happen.

Even if I put my application in it might be months or a year before they call you back. I am thinking about just putting my resume in and seeing what happens.
What would you do?

The Scoop on the Refinance

November 12th, 2013 at 07:33 pm

So today I went and had a talk with our lender.

When we got the loan we had such non-existent credit (always paid cash) that we couldn't get into the low interest rates. So we got the loan at a 6% rate, and we were told we had to refinance in 2 years.

Well after today I learned some new information.

We don't have to refinance within 2 years. He said he can extend it as long as we like, nothing happens. So we don't have a strict timeline anymore, except for worrying about if rates are going to increase.

Current 30 year fixed are at 4.5% at my bank. Which is already higher than I was hoping, when we first got our mortgage they were like 3.75%.

The big things holding us back from refinancing now is the loan fees. They charge more the lower your credit score is.

Credit Score | Refinance Fee

700 | 1.25%
720 | .75%
740 | .50%

Any less than that your talking 2% or 3% fees

Well since it's been over a year since our mortgage I told him to go ahead and pull our credit score to see how we were doing.

Mine is about 680 and husbands is about 670.


Not much progress in a year. He said there is nothing bad on there, the low score is just from "length of history."

So now it's a waiting game for our scores to go up to get in the lower bracket.

In all honesty with the amount we are going to refinance at the lowest our fee will be $300 and at the high end $750. So it's not all that much of a difference.

But we will just keep making payments and let our score grow.

Now the main question is, do we do as planned and refinance in the summer, or do we wait another year or two until we are actually ready for our remodel with the chance that interest rates will rise more?

New Lower Taxes

November 12th, 2013 at 02:59 pm

When we bought out house it was rented out. So we didn't get the owner occupied tax credit last year. Our taxes were nearly double what we should be paying on a old farmhouse. Today I went and got our new tax estimate because the bank is re figuring our escrow amount for the coming year.

I'm happy to report that the taxes will be even lower than I expected. Saving us nearly $50 a month starting in January.

I think I will continue paying the mortgage at the same rate. That will curb my itch to prepay a little, and I'm not missing that money now so I see no reason to take it and spend it. Plus I'd really love to get our mortgage down to $50,000 before we refinance and with an extra $50 that might just happen!

Today I also paid back my small loan to my mother. So now all my money can focus on our Emergency Fund.

Oh happy day!

As a side note... Brrrr. It's cold here. It was in the sixties last night before bed. This morning it's a chilly 25 degrees, and super windy. Good ol' Midwestern weather.

Extra Payday!

November 8th, 2013 at 03:39 pm

I am so excited. I was looking at the calendar and I realized somehow husband will have an extra payday in two weeks that falls in between bills and such. So I should be able to put the $300 that usually goes to bills straight into our EF!!

I am super excited, because that means we should be able to meet our goals no problem. I also have an extra payday in December. Whoot!

Battle of the Mortgage

November 5th, 2013 at 03:26 pm

Guys I have a problem.

It might just be me, but EVERY single time I make a mortgage payment I argue with myself for at least 30 minutes.

I have a little voice on one shoulder going, "Why dont you put an extra $30 on that payment... or an extra $100. It would pay it off so much faster."

Then another voice is going, "Oh no. Don't pay extra, your trying to build up a savings fund. It would be silly to put more on a mortgage when you have so many other things to save for."

And I go back and forth and back and forth. Im serious! I have trouble writing out the amount every time, and Im sooo tempted to add a little extra.

How do you guys fight this? Is it okay to pay a little extra every once in a while to get some satisfaction? Or am I just crazy for even considering this when I haven't completed my Emergency Fund?

What do you guys do? Do you ever add a little extra payment just to feel like your getting somewhere?

In other news, my Mortgage is now $51,241.45

2013 Saving Goals

November 4th, 2013 at 03:52 pm

I just wanted to post what we goals were for the rest of this year.

I would LOVE to have $1,500 in my Emergency Fund. I have $800 right now.

I also owe my mother $200, and I have $100 of that now.
So I have $900/$1700 or [53% progress]

Due to some unexpected expenses Im not sure if Ill make the goals or not, but it will be close. So Im hoping I can scrap it together.

Surprise Savings

October 31st, 2013 at 05:58 pm

I signed up today for online banking for my savings account so I can begin keeping better track and once again start depositing in it.

I haven't touched or looked at the thing for an entire year and I was pleasantly surprised to find I have acquired $23.12 in interest. Bringing the current total to $495.82.

It isn't much, but it's a start. And I'm happy that I will be able to begin contributing to it again. It will hold my Emergency Fund / Remodel Fund.

More About Us

October 29th, 2013 at 04:09 pm

So much to say! I typed this post out and it somehow got deleted, so hopefully I can remember all that I said.

I am 4 years into a degree for Website Design. I have this semester, and one class left in the spring, plus my internship. Right now Ive worked as a Secretary for going on 3 years. Its a very stressful and time consuming job, which I dont really enjoy.

Husband works at a sporting goods warehouse and gets to play with guns all day and drive machinery that lucky punk. Smile

What Id love to do it work a couple days a week somewhere to stay busy, and mainly do freelance web design from home. So I can raise a family, and take care of the farm.

Ive always been into setting goals and saving. I opened my first checking account at age 12. When was a kid I saved every dollar I got from every holiday, I mowed lawns and did odd and end things for money. When I was 12 I bought two horses, fenced our property, bought a horse trailer, and bought all the gear to go along with them. Thousands of dollars worth of stuff before I even had a real job.

I didnt stop there. I was always an entrepreneur. At 13 I began buying and raising fancy breeds of chickens and goats. I shipped them from all over the country to get the best I could find. While other kids bought toys I bought livestock and paid for their food. The day I was legal to get a real job I started working as much as I could. Everyone thought I was crazy, but it paid off. I paid cash for a truck at 16, and completely paid my way through college without debt from the profits from my animals.

Years later I still have my goats and I believe its a viable business. There has been some setbacks, but Im always improving. My goats have been sold across the country. From New Mexico, to Michigan, to Pennsylvania. The Saint Louis Zoo has even sought after my herd, and now they use my goats in their petting zoo and their trick shows. How cool is that!

I think it goes to show that with a dream and a desire you can accomplish anything, even if your young.

While I might have missed out on some of the teenage experience I feel like I put a good effort into improving my future, and the hard work was worth it.

My husband and I were able to buy and remodel a house even when he was out of work for 6 months, while even now our friends are still renting.

The hard truth is, goals can take a long time. After our bills are paid we only have about $300 left a month to save. So we are slow going. We dont have tv, we watch movies, we dont have internet, we dont drive new cars or go to the gym. But we are happy with our lifestyle, because we are looking towards the long haul.

More About Us

October 29th, 2013 at 04:09 pm

So much to say! I typed this post out and it somehow got deleted, so hopefully I can remember all that I said.

I am 4 years into a degree for Website Design. I have this semester, and one class left in the spring, plus my internship. Right now I’ve worked as a Secretary for going on 3 years. It’s a very stressful and time consuming job, which I don’t really enjoy.

Husband works at a sporting goods warehouse and gets to play with guns all day and drive machinery that lucky punk. Smile

What I’d love to do it work a couple days a week somewhere to stay busy, and mainly do freelance web design from home. So I can raise a family, and take care of the farm.

I’ve always been into setting goals and saving. I opened my first checking account at age 12. When was a kid I saved every dollar I got from every holiday, I mowed lawns and did odd and end things for money. When I was 12 I bought two horses, fenced our property, bought a horse trailer, and bought all the gear to go along with them. Thousands of dollars worth of stuff before I even had a real job.

I didn’t stop there. I was always an entrepreneur. At 13 I began buying and raising fancy breeds of chickens and goats. I shipped them from all over the country to get the best I could find. While other kids bought toys I bought livestock and paid for their food. The day I was legal to get a real job I started working as much as I could. Everyone thought I was crazy, but it paid off. I paid cash for a truck at 16, and completely paid my way through college without debt from the profits from my animals.

Years later I still have my goats and I believe it’s a viable business. There has been some setbacks, but I’m always improving. My goats have been sold across the country. From New Mexico, to Michigan, to Pennsylvania. The Saint Louis Zoo has even sought after my herd, and now they use my goats in their petting zoo and their trick shows. How cool is that!

I think it goes to show that with a dream and a desire you can accomplish anything, even if your young.

While I might have missed out on some of the “teenage experience” I feel like I put a good effort into improving my future, and the hard work was worth it.

My husband and I were able to buy and remodel a house even when he was out of work for 6 months, while even now our friends are still renting.

The hard truth is, goals can take a long time. After our bills are paid we only have about $300 left a month to save. So we are slow going. We don’t have tv, we watch movies, we don’t have internet, we don’t drive new cars or go to the gym. But we are happy with our lifestyle, because we are looking towards the long haul.

Hi! Im New Here

October 29th, 2013 at 03:15 pm

Hello. I'm going to use this blog to keep a record of my finances and savings as I go along.

I make substantially less than most of the people on SavingAdvice, so I thought it would be good for other people to see that not everyone lives off of a big salary and has a lot to work with.

Combined my husband and I make about $27,000 a year after taxes.

A year ago we got married and bought a 100 year old farmhouse sitting on 4.5 acres. We got it for a steal because the owner was a farmer who only wanted the land and was going to bulldoze the house. But upon inspection we found it had very good potential.

We've spent the last 17 months completely gutting and remodeling the house, and have done so debt free by saving and doing things slowly.

Everything was replaced including plumbing, electric, insulation, roof, drywall, and some of the floors. We are slowly overtime replacing the 26 over sized windows, and one day will replace the siding.

Here is what the house looked like 1.5 years ago the day we bought it. Whew it's ugly. I don't have any more recent pictures. Sorry.

Our big financial goals right now are to begin saving for retirement, save at least $30,000 for an addition to the house, and pay down our mortgage.

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