November 6th, 2019 at 03:54 pm
Found out unexpectedly last week that I lost a very large client that I have been working with 6+ months. Bummer. I haven't been taking on anything else because it took up so much time. So I literally have no web design to currently work on. I do have a small project starting in December, and possibly another one before then. I have also been trying to get a mid sized job which I was hoping was going to be extra but now it looks like I really need it for next month's debt payments. Sigh. How frustrating. Just a reminder how fluid contract work is. Sometimes I'm slammed and sometimes I have nothing...
Oh well. Thankful I have my steady office job to meet most of my needs, and the side income is just for debt repayment.
Hopefully I will get my check from last month soon to pay towards the construction loan.
Posted in
November 1st, 2019 at 03:59 pm
Well despite last month's hardships I am happy to announce that today I am able to strike/complete one of my 2019 goals.
Today was payday, and I received a small design check, so I was able to send $350 to the credit card, and $109.65 to the medical bill. Which brings my debt payoff amount to approximately $7,775 this year.
Reducing those two debts to $3,665 & $2,000.
Happy to see the CC hit below the next thousand mark. Once my side income check comes in I should be able to add quite a bit more to debt. Although I am considering using some to fill my buffer back up as well.
Besides that husband has been told he likely has to work the next 19 days straight... Bad for him, but the overtime will help us get some of the baby items we need, and maybe pay down more debt. We will have to wait and see.
Posted in
2019 Goals
October 29th, 2019 at 01:52 pm
Mortgage -$113,197.37 (-$154.32)
0% CC -$4,015 (-$120)
Helitech Loan -$4562.50 ($)
Medical Loan -$2,109.65 ($)
Roth IRAs +$15,326 (+$337)
401Ks +$24,255 (+$762)
Emergency Fund +$3,359 (-$501)
Animal Fund +$104 (-$740)
Truck Fund +$1,725 (+$90)
HSA +$350 (+$103)
Overall: -$6,346.83
A terrible month for our net gain. Not only did we take on a lot more debt, but I had to pay out the rest of my animal money for hay, and I had to dip into my buffer to pay for even more animal food. The reason debt did not go down was because my side income check is late. I'm guessing they will probably wait and add it to next month's check at this point. I put in a lot of hours this month thankfully. So here is to hoping November is better...
Posted in
Monthly Check In
October 21st, 2019 at 03:19 pm
Now for some good news! I got a $3 an hour raise at my main job! (Effective 2020)
They did cut my vacation from 60 hours to 40 hours a year but with the raise it isn't much of a loss. Honestly I never took that much vacation anyway and always just cashed it in.
Not only that but they are going to give me 6 weeks of paid maternity leave as well! That will take a lot of the strain off because we won't have to save for my time off work. I secretly think it is because they are worried I will quit after the baby is born and by giving me a raise and maternity leave it will be harder for me to leave.
Don't plan on quitting, but I know things do change. Honestly for now though we need both of my incomes, so until our debt is paid I'm stuck. Perhaps 2021 I can think about going down to one job again if I'd like.
Husband also got a raise, around $.60 I believe. But he took a pay cut $.30 when he switched to days. So not much impact overall. We have all but $80 of the doula money saved now. Should be able to finish that off this week.
We are going on a weekend getaway this month. Just to a nearly hotel with an indoor pool. Husband finally gets a weekend off, and our anniversary is coming up so we decided to take a breather and just relax away from home. We have enough credit card rewards and date money saved to pay for the hotel and a fancy dinner so shouldn't cost us much out of pocket. It will be nice to getaway one last time before the baby comes.
Posted in
October 21st, 2019 at 03:03 pm
I finally have the total for the two new 0% interest loans I had to open.
$4,562.50 & $2,109.65
I need to make payments of $438 a month in order to pay them off before the 0% interest periods are up.
I also have to continue paying $376 a month on the CC to pay it before the promo period expires.
That is a total of $814 and my average paid on the CC this year has been $800 a month. So if I can keep going at the same rate I should be fine. But unfortunately I am working less than the beginning of the year, and with the baby on the way I know it is going to continue to decrease. So we will have to start using some of husband's overtime money towards it in addition to my side income in order to keep on track.
Posted in
October 4th, 2019 at 03:40 pm
Well I'm back from vacation and was sad to find that the website was hacked and everything since April was lost. I was able to go back through google and get my monthly check ins which were the most important. I have no idea what else I talked about between then and now... So aggravating. I will be looking into backing up my important posts and possibly switching to a new blogging area. This already happened once at getrichslowly and it is sad to loose all the years of data.
Vacation was good. We did go over budget but was able to cash flow the extras.
Husband got a $500 bonus (more like $300 after tax) and should get another $250 bonus soon + a raise. So we will be putting that towards the doula. We still owe $850 by January/February.
We have lots of large expenses coming up. I just started a payment plan with the hospital for the $2,160 I couldn't cash flow with the HSA. It's 0% for two years. That will give us some wiggle room in the short term and once the baby is born and cash is less tight we can just pay it off early.
Also signed for a 0% one year loan of $4,600ish for some necessary waterproofing on the house. I am also looking into refinancing our mortgage and adding on $5k for some dirt work. Been to two different banks and have to make a decision but either one should save us a few thousand a year in interest since the rate has dropped so much. I dread getting a new appraisal since our house still has lots of unfinished projects going on and I don't feel like working on them.
I am a little worried about taking on several new loans and still continuing to pay down my 0% CC before the deadline in 11 months. This next year is going to be really tight with the baby, but if we can get through we should be debt free again.
Posted in
October 4th, 2019 at 03:24 pm
Mortgage -$113,351.69 (-$153.71)
0% CC -$4,135 (-$711)
Roth IRAs +$14,948 (+$258)
401Ks +$23,493 (+$642)
Emergency Fund +$3,860 (-$394)
Animal Fund +$844 (-$390)
Truck Fund +$1,635 (+$115)
HSA +$247 (-$490)
Overall: +$605.71
Retirement gains. Debt pay down. Car insurance was due and pulled from escrow/EF. Also had to pay about $1,000 in medical bills from the HSA. October month is going to hurt because we are taking on a significant amount of more debt, and I will be buying the last portion of hay.
Posted in
Monthly Check In
October 4th, 2019 at 03:11 pm
Mortgage -$113,505.40 (-$153.10)
0% CC -$4,846 (-$1,022)
Roth IRAs +$14,690 (-$495)
401K +$22,851 (-$528)
Emergency Fund +$4,254 (+$378)
Animal Fund +$1,234 (+$651)
Truck Fund +$1,520 (+$120)
HSA +$737 (+$106)
Overall: +$1,407.10
Progress on savings and debt pay down. Retirement loss in in the market.
Posted in
Monthly Check In
October 4th, 2019 at 03:10 pm
Mortgage -$113,658.50 (-$152.50)
0% CC -$5,868 (-$975)
Roth IRAs +$15,185 (+$308)
401K +$23,379 (+$2,424)
Emergency Fund +$3,876 (+$301)
Animal Fund +$583 (-$40)
Truck Fund +$1,400 (-$215)
HSA +$631 (-$149)
Overall: +$3,756.50
Steady progress on CC, EF, and retirement. A large chunk was from an unexpected/late contribution from husband's old employer. HSA was contributed to, but was overthrown by baby medical expenses.
Posted in
Monthly Check In
October 4th, 2019 at 03:09 pm
Mortgage -$113,811 (-$151.09)
0% CC -$6,843 (-$580)
Roth IRAs +$14,877 (+$653)
401K +$20,955 (+$1,129)
Emergency Fund +$3,575 (+$481)
Animal Fund +$623 (-$819)
Truck Fund +$1,615 (+$105)
HSA +$780 (+$240)
Overall: +$2,520.09
Markets recovered this month and everything moved up slowly but surely except for the animal fund which was wiped pretty low after the purchase of hay and a new goat.
Credit card progress is slowing down as expected since my hours are significantly slower.
Posted in
Monthly Check In
October 4th, 2019 at 03:09 pm
Mortgage -$113,962.90 (-$151.30)
0% CC -$7,423 (-$1,061)
Roth IRAs +$14,224 (-$641)
401K +$19,826 (-$665)
Emergency Fund +$3,094 (+$446)
Animal Fund +$1,442 (+$1,242)
Truck Fund +$1,510 (+$250)
HSA +$540 (+$301)
Overall: +$2,145.30
Made bigger progress this month but it was offset in the market drop of our retirement funds.
I thought it would take until August for our net worth to hit zero but I am at $-600 right now and will be positive as soon as I get my web design check this week!!
Posted in
Monthly Check In
October 4th, 2019 at 03:08 pm
Here are the April Numbers:
Mortgage -$114,114.20 (-$150.70)
0% CC -$8,484 (-$414)
Roth IRAs +$14,865 (+$485)
401K +$20,491 (+1,013)
Emergency Fund +$2,648 (+$530)
Animal Fund +$200 (-$300)
Truck Fund +$1,260 (-$160)
HSA +$239 (+$239)
Overall: +$2,371.70
Not huge progress from last month but still in the right direction. May is already looking like it will be a much better month.
Posted in
Monthly Check In
April 5th, 2019 at 02:58 pm
Well both the bonus and the health insurance came through. We decided to put back the $500 bonus for our vacation. Since it's already past time to buy plane tickets and such. The dirt pile can wait.
We have already deposited $60 into the HSA, but I have no idea where it is, or how to access it. So we will have to find that information out.
Paid my mortgage today, new balance is $114,114.20.
Had to buy more hay and pay for a vet bill so my animal fund is dwindling again. I can't wait to sell some goats and fully bulk that fund up so I don't have to keep pulling from my regular income.
We went wild crazy and spent over $600 this weekend of husband's overtime money. We got lots of stuff for the house including our remaining doors, door knobs, some decor, and we even printed and hung some pictures of us for the first time since we have been married... (Nearly 7 years. ) I guess it just goes to show that we are finally settling in. It is SO FUN to actually get to decorate and style things, rather than make do with hand me downs and unfinished spaces. We are pushing hard to finish most of our in-progress projects because we are having several guests this month. We've been working every night on something.
We are about to completely finish the hallway and is it weird if I say it might be my favorite room in the house? I built a bookshelf that fits perfectly, and hanging above it is our personalized map with pins to all the places we have traveled. We both love travel and outdoors, so the room is adventure themed and we are going to cover it in pictures of us on all our vacations, and it has some mementos we have picked up along the way. Such as a bottle of sand from the desert, and a yellow rock from Yellowstone. Husband is an amateur photographer so we are printing his favorite landscapes to hang as well. It's nice to walk to our bedroom and remember all the good trips and fun we have had together.
Posted in
March 29th, 2019 at 01:28 pm
Husband got a couple of good surprises.
His job deposited 2% of his 2018 salary into his 401K as an additional annual contribution. It wasn't a ton since he only worked a few months last year and he was at the lower trainee rate, but it was still about $300 dollars extra. I am wondering (hoping) if this is a yearly thing. That would be sweet.
Also they are supposed to be receiving a bonus for a year of being accident free. Word on the street it is $500, but not 100% on that yet.
Unfortunately he also found out he has to work all weekend. Which is a bummer, but good for our finances. Between that and the bonus we should have enough money to grade our yard. Except a neighbor stopped by yesterday and offered to help us do it for free... But it would probably take several months since it would be in his free time. So now we have to decide if delaying it would be worth saving around $1,000. Or if we would rather get it done ASAP so we can plant grass, and start landscaping. I'm fine waiting, but I'll let my husband decide.
Our driveway finally got rocked yesterday, so that is big progress. It looks so much better. It is exciting to have enough money to be able to finish some projects. I'm picking up a door today for our basement. We are rushing to tie up some loose ends because we are having quite a bit of company next month and would love to have the house "done."
Posted in
Home Remodel
March 28th, 2019 at 05:22 pm
I'd like to start doing a monthly check in at the end of each month with numbers so I can keep track of my progress.
Here is where I stand for March:
Mortgage -$114,264.90
0% CC -$8,898
Roth IRAs +$14,380
401K +$19,478
Emergency Fund +$2,118
Animal Fund +$500
Truck Fund +$1,420
I think we broke about even this month as far as net worth. Had a lot of expenses and not as much income. I still managed to get my CC under the next thousand but I didn't meet my monthly goal.
HSA should start automatically withdrawing next week, so there will be steady progress on that goal.
We also did an "adult thing." We went ahead and signed up for life insurance through husband's job. It was only a couple bucks a check and now we will both be covered if anything happens.
April will be spent paying myself back and saving for my mini vacation in May.
Posted in
March 20th, 2019 at 02:04 pm
Well we finally got signed up for health insurance. It's not accepted yet, but it should kick in on April 1st as long as all the paperwork goes through. Final amount was $360 a month minus his $160 raise. So $200 a month out of pocket, or $50 a check. (weekly)
This includes putting $1,000 into an HSA this year. His employer will also put in $1,250 I think. In the future I would like to up this number, but it will work for now until we pay off our debt.
Our driveway was finally bladed and it looks great. Now I just need to get the new rock delivered. Been busy working on the house.
On the financial front, not much progress. Paid a couple hundred on the CC, and have been paying myself back after all the expenses. Thankful that this is an extra paycheck month for us.
Posted in
2019 Goals
March 6th, 2019 at 02:58 pm
Ugh after a great January and February, March is already kicking my tail a week in, even worse than expected. So many holes I am trying to plug but I can't stop the bleeding.
So many big expenses popped up this week, just when I was feeling on top of everything.
1. I FINALLY got my car titled in my name ($315)
2. Had to buy hay ($315)
3. Husband's birthday present ($200)
4. Car insurance went up more than expected ($670)
5. Propane tank ran out and had to refill in addition to my normal budget billing ($400)
6. Received a bill from the vet I'd been waiting on ($60)
On top of this my mom decided she wants to go on a short vacation with me for her birthday so I need to come up with around $500 in the next two months.
Ehhhh. Thankfully I had money put back for the present, hay, and car insurance. But I still need to come up with over $700 for the propane and car title fees. That plus my smaller web design month, my debt payoff is going to be really down. Booo.
This month my husband and I have to start paying our own health insurance which will suck $300 a month out of our the budget. But he will get a $160 raise next week, so really only need to come up with $140ish extra.
Oh well. It shall pass. Lots of year left.
Home remodel is at least going well. We got some more trim up, and we are hopefully getting the driveway graded this weekend. Then we can finally purchase new rock.
Posted in
March 1st, 2019 at 03:52 pm
Paid my mortgage today, new balance is $114,264.90!
I reviewed my net worth since starting YNAB again 6 months ago. In the last six months my net worth (if I exclude my mortgage and retirement accounts) has increased by 70%!! I've increased savings and decreased debt by over $8,000 in 6 months. Which means we have been saving/paying debt with over 30% of our monthly income.
If I include our mortgage debt and retirement accounts we have increased out net worth by 12%.
We are still about $4,500 negative in our net worth (excluding mortgage and retirement) but I am positive we will be in the positive by the year end and most likely sooner. Then it will be a longer marathon to be positive in our entire net worth.
If we count our house value as an asset we are already there, but I prefer not to include it since we have no plans on selling. I dream of a day of more money in the bank than I have in debt.
Onward and upwards.
Posted in
February 27th, 2019 at 02:28 pm
Well I went to the DMV with the new originals they said I needed, and now they are saying I need something else!? I started crying in the DMV and left.
Now my relative is driving the 3 hours to me this weekend with all the papers again. I am beyond frustrated. Ugh.
I got half of my payment for a website I am doing and added $500 to the animal fund. The other $400 I left in my checking account to pay for the next couple months of animal expenses. I need to sell a minimum of 11 goats this year to pay for all their expenses.
I am unsure if I will be able to pay my goal of $1,000 worth of debt in March. It's husband's birthday month and also I will have to pay to transfer the new car to my name (plates, taxes, etc) which will be over $300. I'm receiving a smaller web design check this month as well. So we'll see how it goes.
Posted in
2019 Goals
February 20th, 2019 at 04:45 pm
First the good car news. My father in law was kind enough to wash and clean out my old car, and park it in his driveway for sale yesterday. Well we already have someone seriously interested. It is at the mechanic today getting inspected and if it looks good it will be sold. That is the fastest I've ever seen a car sold! Unfortunately I will be getting about $200 less than I wanted for it. Father in law offered a lower price than I wanted to start with, but at least it will be off my hands and I will be able to cancel the insurance which is due to renew for the year in the next two weeks.
Then the bad news. I am having a terrible time trying to get my new van changed over to my name. It belonged to a relative who passed away and left it to her daughter. Who is selling it to me. I live right on a state line and the daughter lives in a different state than the deceased relative and I do.
Well we drove the 3 hours to her house and went with her to the DMV with all the multiple papers in hand. After waiting we were told sorry but we had to go the other states DMV. So we hop in the car and drive the 45 minutes and wait all over again. Only to be told no, we need to go back to the old one. By then it was already closed for the day...
So then she goes back alone another day and they tell her, NO they were right the first time we have to go back to the other state...
So then she mails me the title and all the necessary paperwork (will, trust, affidavit, death certificate, etc) Well I went again yesterday and FINALLY they say I have everything I need, except she had mailed me a copied death certificate and I need the original. ARRRRG.
So now she is mailing me the original and hopefully I will be able to go back in next week and get it taken care of. I'm not kidding we have been to 3 different DMVs, 4 times, with over 10 hours of driving and waiting. I can't believe it is this complicated. Ugh. Every person we talked to gave us a different answer. I just think they don't know what they are doing since it involves 3 parties and 2 states.
Posted in
February 13th, 2019 at 02:59 pm
Things are still going pretty well. We got our tax refund back so I went ahead and sent it to the IRA for 2018. With that and the market gains we are up to $32,489 in our retirement accounts.
I'm about to sign a new web design contract and will get $1,000 this week or next to put towards the animal fund.
I paid another $230 on the credit card. New balance is $9,592.36.
Posted in
2019 Goals
February 6th, 2019 at 02:35 pm
I received one of my web design checks and sent the amount to the credit card. It is now down to five digits!! $9,822!
It's hard to believe that in a little over a month I have already hit over 1/3 of my debt paying goal for the year. I'm knocking it out of the park, I hope it keeps up!
We went through our closets and dressers and managed to pull out 2 trash bags full of clothes to sell, donate, or trash. Then we went shopping and I got 3 pairs of pants and 5 shirts for less than $75.
I had a coupon and a gift card for Lowes so we purchased two lamps for our bedroom nightstands. It is so nice to finally have lights close to the bed. Still need to find shades.
We did a couple small fun projects around the house this week. We built an awesome clock out of a large metal plate and hung a bird feeder outside our bathroom window. I also went through all my paperwork and organized/de-cluttered my desk. Trying to organize the house a bit at a time.
It's really time to start cracking on the house again so we can tie up some loose ends. It's hard to always have everything half finished and in disarray.
Posted in
2019 Goals
January 31st, 2019 at 04:01 pm
I can't believe it. I was surprised to received a $1,000 gift yesterday!
We decided we are going to put $500 into our EF, I am giving $100 as a gift to someone else needy I know, and the other $400 I will pay on the credit card. It's going down way faster than I imagined!
Husband gets paid tomorrow for the first time and we should be back on a normal budget. He has about 20 hours of overtime this week, so we are going to both go through our entire wardrobes and donate/trash all the clothes that we don't wear. Then figure out what items we badly need.
I finally got all the forms I needed so I submitted my taxes this morning. After paying the state and for the tax software I will net about $750. Which will be sent to the IRA. Glad it's over!
Posted in
January 30th, 2019 at 02:33 pm
The balance transfer to the new 0% credit card is finalized so I paid my first payment of $526. Bringing the total debt remaining to $10,803.
I can not wait to see that number fall to 4 digits!
Posted in
2019 Goals
January 29th, 2019 at 03:48 pm
I have decided to put $1,000 into my Roth IRA for the 2018 year. Which actually completes one of my 2018 goals!
I went ahead and put $250 in today, and the other $750 will be from our tax refund. (the entire amount)
I think I have pretty much decided to keep the van. I've been driving it every day and I really like it. Hoping it lasts a while and is a reliable vehicle.
My credit card balance transfer is now finally showing as pending. I already have $500 to pay on the new card as soon as it goes through!
Posted in
2019 Goals
January 22nd, 2019 at 07:50 pm
We got the first check from husband's disability and I paid $849 on the two credit cards! I can't pay anymore until the balance transfer goes through. Hopefully soon.
I may be getting a new car. A relative passed away and my family is offering their car to me. I am test driving it around to see if I like it. It's a much nicer car, that is newer, with fewer miles. But it's a lot bigger and gets bad gas mileage. So I have to decide if the space/luxury is worth paying more for gas.
I only drive to work 2 days a week. But my car is the main driver when we go on trips, or errands.
Basically I have a cheapo old Dodge Neon. The new car is a Buick Terraza. So a minivan/cross over. It would be nice for driving around future kiddos and for our road trips. (We usually borrow my mom's van) It is also AWD which is nice for the snow. I haven't been able to get my car out of the driveway since Friday...
So we'll see. Still mulling it over.
Posted in
January 16th, 2019 at 02:23 pm
Well we got some good news today.
#1 I was able to pay $510 on the credit cards.
#2 I applied for a new 0% interest credit card for 18 months. And was approved for enough to cover the ENTIRE remaining amount we have on two cards now. So woo hoo. We'll be down to one card and have a good long while to pay it off. Still hoping for the end of the year. I will update my balances once the transfer goes through.
#3 We got a letter in the mail that says we were approved for short term disability for husband's month off work! It looks like they have already mailed the check. Although there is a mistake. Originally we had him going back after 3 weeks, but we just got the release for 4 weeks. So the payment is missing a week. We have already submitted the forms with the correct date on them, so if they haven't fixed it in a couple days I will give them a call.
Very thankful for this. It will still be 2 1/2 weeks until he receives his normal paychecks again. But since I've put money back we should be able to pay most of the STD on the credit cards.
Posted in
January 9th, 2019 at 02:29 pm
My husband saw his surgeon this week and was told he could go back to work in two weeks... So we turned in his work release at his job.
And then his primary doctor said no way, that's not enough time. She wants to extend it another two weeks. Eek. The doctors are meeting today to decide, but fingers crossed he doesn't have to wait another month. Ugh.
We don't want to go back to his boss and tell him that his leave has to extend. Also the disability company is such a major pain. They won't even approved our claim until we have a work release date.
If his time off does get extended that will be 6 weeks off. Yikes. We were originally told 2 weeks, then it was 3, then 4, now possibly 6. This is because his job is so physical. If he had a desk job or could go on light duty he could go back now. Thankfully our church gave us a gift this week which covers a week of bills.
Hoping the doctors agree 4 weeks off is enough, and that the disability comes through.
Posted in
January 4th, 2019 at 02:37 pm
Paid my mortgage today bringing the balance to $114,564.53.
Escrow/EF savings is still automatic so our weekly $75 was deposited. I am thankful that even during tough times I can still continue to save something. Once we are back on track it would be nice to up that weekly deposit to $100. If this ordeal has shown me anything it is that we need a bigger emergency fund.
I found out that I did in fact get the large web design job I was hoping for. I will be paid $2,000 and I was planning on putting that towards animal savings but I'll wait and see how this month goes.
This is the month that I need apply for new 0% credit cards to transfer our balances to. I'll do that as soon as the statement balance hits next week. It would be really nice if I got one card with a high enough limit to put the entire amount on, but I'm guessing it will probably be two cards again. The current cards' promotional rate don't actually expire until March. So I may leave some on there that I am reasonably able pay off before March to avoid the balance transfer fee on as much as possible.
Posted in
January 2nd, 2019 at 02:45 pm
A couple days late, but I wanted to write out all our year end financial numbers.
Cash/Liquid Savings:
$590 Animal Fund
$690 Escrow Fund
$1,000 EF
$1,205 Car Fund
$3,486 Total Liquid Savings
$16,930 DH's 401K
$3,400 DH's IRA
$8,630 My IRA
$28,960 Total Retirement
-$114,713 Mortgage
-$6,818 Home CC #1
-$5,542 Home CC #2
-$127,073 Total Liabilities / -$12,360 Non-Mortgage Debt
Our retirement accounts actually went down this year despite contributions, due to the bad market.
Our mortgage and debt went way up because of the home remodel.
Goal is to be back to no non-mortgage debt by April 2020. But it would be REALLY amazing to pay off the credits cards by the end of the year... We'll see. It would be tough, especially since we are missing the entire month of January pay from husband.
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2018 Goals