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October 3rd, 2014 at 07:26 pm
I forgot that my Mortgage payment hit a few days ago. It was early because of the way paychecks fell. Bringing my balance down to:
Spent all of yesterday cleaning, and working on a freelance project, which will hopefully be bringing in a steady cash flow in the following year.
Tonight we are having a get together with friends. Tomorrow we are going to a wedding.
The next two weeks will be crazy! I have a mock interview, 2 doctors appointments, and 1 dentist appointment.
Really beginning to weigh my job options.
Posted in
October 1st, 2014 at 04:03 pm
Picked up some side income, and also someone is finally sending me a check for work that was completed at the beginning of the year. I had just counted it as a loss, but I'm glad to be receiving, even if it's late.
Totals about $400, once the money arrives I will be putting it towards paying off the car! *crosses fingers*
Keep Kuzco in your prayers. Still limping. Trying to decide if he needs to go to the vet tomorrow, or if I should wait until Monday and see if there is any improvement.
Posted in
September 30th, 2014 at 05:37 pm
Did get a good amount done on the horse shed. We also put in all our storm windows, and cleaned out our sun room which was way overdue. We still had unopened wedding gifts from 2 years ago in there!
Kuzco is doing great with the goats now. I was scared at first, but I think he is a permanent addition. Sadly he has been limping for a few days and I have no clue way. I felt him over and couldn't find anything wrong. He probably just pulled a muscle. I will keep an eye on him and if he doesn't get better soon he will be going to the vet.
Money is a slow process. Have about $150 put back for the car, and have been working on paying some of our recent expenses off. October will be better!
Going to try to work on our trim this week, and we are attending a wedding this weekend. Lots going on.
Posted in
September 22nd, 2014 at 03:55 pm
Started working on the horse shed yesterday. I'm buying the first set of materials today, and hopefully will get a good amount accomplished this evening on it. Has some lumber at home for it, so that will save me some money.
Not much progress on the money front. Went shopping this weekend for some much needed clothes, and a couple unneeded ones. Didn't spend too much, but still. It did feel good after our month long spending freeze.
Set internet payment up on a automatic credit card payment.
The Jeep is fixed and running again! Only cost $75 in parts, and many hours in free labor.
Kuzco is officially moved in with the goats full time. For 2 weeks every single day he would dig under their pen and get into it while I was at work. We kept blocking the holes but it was futile. So we decided to just leave him in there. He hasn't dug out since. I'm still nervous, but so far he hasn't hurt anyone. He does chase them a bit, and they hate him and are very scared. But I think they are slowly getting used to each other. *fingers crossed* Goats can be very dramatic.
Juno is still a spitfire, and will hopefully be moving in with the horse over the winter, so she will have more room and warmth.IF we can keep her from digging or climbing out. She is CRAZY. But she is learning.... very very slowly. It takes a couple years with these dogs, as I have found. Kuzco has came a long way with time.
Posted in
September 15th, 2014 at 03:26 pm
Well a super stressful weekend turned into a pretty fun and productive one!
We did lots of community volunteer work, we got the entire barn cleaned out(which took over a week last time), stacked 100 bales of hay in the barn, got my new buck pen put up, sold a goat, got the yard cleaned up, and finished putting poly on the living room archway trim.
Husband, uncle, and father-in-law worked on the Jeep for about 4 hours yesterday too. They replaced the broken part, and now the jeep can start, but it seems something is wrong with the ignition switch too. So they are going to explore that and hope it's a cheap and easy fix.
Got my first tank of propane order. Money came out of our budget billing which I've been paying all year, so no scrambling for cash. Got propane at a steal, for only $1.79 a gallon! Whoot, Whoot!
Feeling accomplished, and glad we we got a lot of necessary work out of the way that needed to be done before winter. Next big project is finishing the horse barn.
I have $275 in cash put back for internet/car payment. I might have to steal some of the money to buy the first set of materials for the horse barn though. Cold weather is setting in quick! It's been in the low 40's the last few nights. So it needs done ASAP.
Car payoff may be pushed back until Oct. But have to think about priorities.
Posted in
September 12th, 2014 at 03:24 pm
With the goat money, and husband's paycheck I have put back all my cushion, paid all our bills, and have $130 left over.
It's nice for husband to finally get a paycheck again! But we lived through the gap without just fine. Yay for thriftiness and budgeting.
I still have not received a bill for our internet, and have no idea when it will get here or how much it will be. So I am just going to hang onto the extra money for now.
This weekend is going to be very stressful, so keep my family in your thoughts and prayers, please.
Posted in
September 8th, 2014 at 03:23 pm
Making some good progress.
Was able to put $150 towards car. Leaving only $275 left!!
There is a $200 check in the mail for me right now, for goats. So I think I will go ahead and pay grandpa the balance on the car Wednesday!
Mortgage payment hit. It only dropped about $20, since last month they didn't take out escrow, they had to take double. Boo. But it's still under $50k. So I'm pleased.
Still have a couple payments to me pending for freelance work.
October is an extra pay check month, and also I have goats being sold then. So I am really hoping to dig myself out of this mess by November, and get my savings back on track.
Posted in
September 5th, 2014 at 03:13 pm
Things are starting to slowly look up. Somewhat anyway.
The Jeep is still deader than a door nail. It may end up that we will have to sell it and keep both the cars for now. Very stinky since I was hoping to use the sale of one of the cars to help pay down the $5k we owe from fixing them up and the fence. We will have to wait and see. We just can't believe the Jeep is broken. It has never given us problems, and had no warning signs.
Went ahead and put new license sticker on Cobalt so I can drive it around legally.
Internship is going well. He gave me a $200 check yesterday to cover his share of internet for the year. He also buys me dinner every time I meet with him, and he gives me $10 to cover gas for my trip. It's almost too good to be true!
He is also going to help me with a project I've been wanting to do for a long time now. It will take a while, but once it's up and going it should produce a small steady income.
Internet is hooked up, and oh my goodness we are like kids in a candy store. It is amazing how much we missed it.
I decided to put the $200 to use and will just have to come up with internet money when bill arrives monthly. I couldn't stand just having the $200 sitting there doing nothing for months, so I went ahead and made my house payment today. I also paid off the credit card completely, and put back $75 for a car payment. It feels great not to have anything on the card, but on Tuesday it will go back up when I put the $465 for insurance on it. Boo.
Sold a goat, and money should be arriving sometime next week. Will use that for paying off car. *happy happy dance*
"Real" job is stinky as ever. Just trying to get through each day.
Posted in
September 2nd, 2014 at 04:13 pm
I send $157 to the credit card today. That's about all the debt reduction that is happening around here right now. Sadness.
Staying pretty close to budget. Only have $40 something left to groceries for the next two weeks, but have everything I need for this week. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed we can make it. Everything else is on budget.
Internet is getting hooked up today.
Jeep is still broken, and I'm driving the Cobalt. And it's license plates are expired. Sigh. Hoping the jeep gets fixed soon, and I don't get a ticket until then. I forgot how much I love that car. Driving it is bad for me, I'm getting reattached to it.
Couldn't stain our archway trim because of the rain. Darn. That was our weekend project. But we did clean up the house, and had a party. So that was fun.
Paying grandpa for Neon tomorrow, and then I am going to kick it into high gear to pay the last $500 by the end of September.
I also need to start winterizing the goat house, and finish the horse shed, so we don't have nosy neighbors calling animal control again this year.
Posted in
August 27th, 2014 at 03:33 pm
Yesterday husband had a flat tire. It had a huge piece of metal in it. Like a bolt, but more than 1/2 inch in diameter. I think the tire is a complete loss. A shame since those were fairly new. 
Today his Jeep wouldn't start. It acts like it is fine, and it turns over, but never quite catches. He had to take my car at the last minute. Then I had to scramble to find a ride.
Sigh. Will it ever end. On a side note after spending $150 on mistakes from the mechanic who put the engine in, now the Cobalt is running great. Waiting on mom to fix the windshield so I can sell it. She has been driving it, and may end up buying it herself.
The Wordpress meetup went well. It was fun to eat a fancy dinner, and chat about computers. Employer has high hopes of me being able to work full time for him this winter. Sounds good to me!
Posted in
August 26th, 2014 at 04:38 pm
Tonight I am meeting my employer. We are going to a restaurant for a Wordpress meetup.
How cool is that! He is buying my dinner, and I get to go chit chat with another people interested in the same things as me, while eating a scrumptious meal. And it counts as work, and towards my internship! Score!
Networking is a BIG part of computer related jobs. Learning is also a big part. Reading books, articles, and practicing skills is all in a days work. You constantly have to be changing, evolving, learning. I love it. It is so much more fun than doing the boring same old thing day after day.
I am super excited. I've been wanting to go to a Wordpress meetup for some time now. But I didn't feel comfortable going alone, and my husband was never interested in going with me and sitting through "boring computer talk."
Regular job is becoming increasingly stressful. Having trouble sleeping, and keeping up with the housework.
I am REALLY hoping this internship pans out and I can commit to it full time next year. I'm having a good old time so far.
If it doesn't work out, I already had another employment place I am interested in. Which I will apply for in a couple months if the internship is heading downhill. Either way I'd really love to be in a new job by January.
In the mean time, I am just trying to hold on, and pay down some debt. I want to be in a good place financially before making a career change.
The changes in my life are a little scary, but also so exciting. Wish me luck!
Posted in
August 22nd, 2014 at 03:14 pm
Posted in
August 19th, 2014 at 09:04 pm
I started the free trial of YNAB today. I'm a college student so I should be able to activate it for free.
It is interesting although I'm still getting the hang of it. It's too hard to try to back track and fill in all the information from August, so I will just start from today I guess and hopefully it will smooth out by September. I'm curious to see how close it is to my mental budget.
Posted in
August 18th, 2014 at 03:20 pm
Well after the initial shock of having to go 3 weeks without pay, then being short half a pay check I think we are going to be okay.
Husband had an excess of $100 on this check from thrifty budgeting to put towards the gap, and we have vowed to cut our grocery bill and eat cheap for the next month. Whoo hoo ramen noodles. *gag*
Really going to try to find meals out of our limited pantry and refrigerator. Tonight I have rustled up BBQ chicken, shells n cheese, and fresh corn on the cob.
I also put back an extra $50 out of my paycheck and set it aside for our house payment. We really only need to scrape up another $50 or so over the next couple weeks and we will be fine as long as we keep extra spending in check.
Husband can also put gas on his credit card and it won't be due until Oct.
Besides that, financial hasn't made much progress. I paid all our bills today. Sent $150 to the credit card, and put $50 back for the car. I only need to come up with $200 more for the credit card before Aug. 9th.
I am going to halt payments towards the car. I have $500 now to give to him when he gets back from vacation in a couple weeks. After I give it to him I will start saving for the last payment again. But until then I will put all extra funds towards the credit card, and floating our missing paycheck.
Posted in
August 15th, 2014 at 07:19 pm
Sorry for the 3rd post today!
Well after my earlier discussion about the EF, it turns out I may have to use it after all... But for different reasons. Gr.
Husband's work has recently started a new pay roll. Yesterday they told him that the system is a little messed up and in order to smooth it out everyone will be getting a check 2 weeks in a row, then no check for 3 weeks, then it will go back to normal. Whatever. That is annoying, but no big deal. We would just have to shift money a little.
Well today they came back and decided that instead of paying the total of the 3 weeks, they are just going to pay the normal 2 weeks, and the other week's worth of pay they will give the workers when they quit!?
What the heck. That means he will work for 3 weeks but only get paid for 2. Many people working there won't quit or retire for years and years. They can't just hold your money hostage all that time can they?
Husband says the entire place is outraged and about to start rioting. I'm sure there are other workers worse off than us that need that money to eat.
We are going to lose over $400. I have NO idea how we are going cover the house payment, and buy groceries. Looks like I will have to pull out of the EF to cover it.
Not going to do anything drastic yet. But this is REALLY going to slow down progress. ARG!
Is that legal? Husband is pretty bummed. And it just adds stress to me. It seems like I will never get out of this hole.
This has also been an eyeopener that I need to increase my EF, so I don't have to panic when stuff like this happens.
Posted in
August 15th, 2014 at 04:29 pm
To help ease my stress I thought I would share a few pictures of the critters enjoying their new pasture.

"Yummy!" & Kuzco acting crazy


My sweet Leon. (Goatie baby)
Posted in
August 15th, 2014 at 03:08 pm
I'm having trouble making a decision, and I need input. Right now it seems like I owe little amounts of money to a lot of different things, and it is stressing me out. Nothing is getting paid down very fast, because it is being split between too many things.
Nothing is due immediately, nor is there interest on it, so it is not desperate or anything, but it is just in the back of my mind all the time.
So I was thinking in order to ease my stress load a little I could take out $500 from my EF and pay some things off. Of course then I would owe myself, but I would owe to one thing, rather than a bunch of little things.
But I don't know if this is a good idea, or what I would even pay down. So here are some of the things that I know need paid, and maybe you guys could give me suggestions.
Things I owe & when they are due:
$500 for car - 0% interest, Grandpa is on vacation so I can not give him any money for at least 3 weeks. Not due until end of Sept.
$150 to mom - She says pay back whenever.
$400 on credit card - Due mid Sept.
$160 to cash stash - Probably last thing to pay
$300 for car insurance - Due Oct.
$125 for school - Due Sept.
The car would give me the biggest win because I am currently putting a $100 a week towards it. BUT since I cant actually pay it for 3 weeks it seems silly to have all that extra money just sitting in my account until then.
I am currently leaning towards stopping putting money back for the car and just pay down other things. Then I can take the money out of the EF in 3 weeks and pay off the car then.
Or should I just keep plodding along, and leave my EF alone. Everything will get paid down slowly, it will just take a few months. No interest will be accrued. Help!
Posted in
August 13th, 2014 at 03:13 pm
Things are going great here. 
Interview went well, my internship is in full go!
It is a little intimidating right now, I am worried that I wont be able to keep up, or do the expected jobs. But I am going to try my hardest! Hoping he will be patient with me, and teach me.
The opportunity is even better than I thought. My new employer is on the beginning stages of starting up a Wordpress company, and he has big plans. He was offered $70 an hour to work on Wordpress websites for someone, and he decided if they are making enough money to pay him that much, why don't he just start his own and cut out the middle man. He has the knowledge, and connections to make it a reality. I am the first to be hired, so that means I am on the front end. Who knows, in a couple years we could be the new facebook! lol.
I am really keeping my fingers crossed that by the end of the internship that we will have enough business that I can do that full time and make enough to live off of.
He has already hand picked another person to work with us. Another student that I have taken classes with before. He was another overachiever like me, we were both top of the class. I think it is kind of funny that the teacher was scoping out potential employees from his classes.
I can tell it is going to be a large learning curve, and hard work for a while until I get confident in my abilities. I hope I can keep up at my normal job. I am already trying to figure out ways I could quit and find a less labor intensive job. But in the mean time I will just hang on for the ride.
Employer is paying $50 of my monthly internet. Which is great since it is going to be between $75 - $85 a month. I felt bad making him pay the entire amount, so I just suggested the $50. That is still a large help. I sent the application off today. They said it should take about a week and I will have internet!! *happy dance*
Trim is going up in the house. Just have to put the poly on and we will have door trim in our livingroom.
Posted in
August 11th, 2014 at 07:39 pm
Well today when I went to go pay for my tuition. I noticed there was a payment plan option. I didn't think I could qualify for that, since I signed up so late, but I can!
Even though I had the money to pay it, Id much rather have 3 months to pay it off interest free. That way I can continue working on paying off the car and the credit card. Also it only cost $350 instead of the $400 I was expecting! 
First payment is only $125 and not due until 9/01. No problem.
That means my credit card is down to $350, not due until middle of Sept. That is great news!
I had lunch today with an old friend. We were best friends as children. But I have not hung out with her since middle school, when I stopped going to her school. I truly have no close friends. (All moved away) So husband urged me to contact her.
I am so glad I did! We still have a lot in common, and it turns out her friends all moved away too. Looks like a found a new/old friend, and she seems as excited as I am to have a girl to hang out with. We are thinking of getting together again this weekend. Whoot whoot! I am so happy to have someone to meet for lunch, chat with, and to go to the movies with. Ive really missed that since my friends have all moved on with their lives and left the area.
Posted in
August 11th, 2014 at 03:28 pm
I sold some goats Saturday! Whoot whoot. It doesnt dig me out of my hole, but every bit certainly helps.
I put $350 back for a car payment. I am excited that I only have $550 left! That seems like such a little amount.
I also scraped up enough money to cover my school tuition after taking some out of our small cash stash (not included on the sidebar) and borrowing $150 from mom.
Internship seems to be a done deal. The wheels are rolling, and I cant wait to get started. Will post more after my interview tomorrow.
We also purchased the materials and have started to work on more trim for our house. It feels good to get projects completed. Every time we finish something it makes the house looks so much better.
Posted in
August 8th, 2014 at 04:09 pm
Oh my gosh I can barely contain my excitement!
I am done taking classes for my Web Design degree, but I still have to take the internship before I actually graduate.
Well my teacher from last semester whom I really hit it off with, contacted me today to ask me if I still needed to take my internship.
He offered to take me on, to work in my favorite thing. Wordpress!
Not only that, but it is a telecommute job! Which saves me the 2+ hour trip. Not only that, but he said he would hire me on after the original internship was over!!! And not only that, but he said he would cover the costs to get internet to my house!!!!
I just want to jump up and down. The semester was suppose to start on Monday. So I am completely unsure if I can even get enrolled and registered before then. Everything is up in the air right now. I filled out my FASFA and left a message with the program coordinator, so I can get enrolled ASAP. But I could really use some prayers! This is my dream job!
Oh I also have to figure out how to come up with around $400 for the class.
*runs around crazily like a chicken with their head cut off*
Posted in
August 5th, 2014 at 02:58 pm
Mortgage balance is $49,898.25!!!
My payment finally hit, bringing my total down below $50k. *happy dance*
There is a slight problem. For some reason they did not take the normal $102 escrow out. So I may have to call them up and ask what the heck. The balance may go back up, but it will still hit $50k. Can't believe I have 3 of my 5 goals completed.
Of course I have the hard ones left, but I can do it!
Posted in
August 4th, 2014 at 03:05 pm
2.) Put Up Fencing DONE!
The fence is finished... Well mostly. The gates still have not came in. But I put up some hog panels across the empty gaps, and it works just fine. In fact I hope they dont call me about gates for a couple weeks, so I can pay down some debt before I have to fork out a few more hundred dollars for them.
I came home on my birthday, and it was all done! Whoot, whoot.
The goats are LOVING their new free space. The horse and dogs have also gotten to enjoy it, and they all love to run around and stretch their legs.
After asking nicely, the worker cleaned up his act, and finished the rest of the fence much better. I am happy with it. I would call him again in the future when its time to finish the other half of the pasture. Next time I will be sure he knows clearly how I do and do not want it.
Big news, but another goal will be crossed off later today... Just waiting for the pending status to update!
Hurrah! Trying to celebrate the successes and forget that I have close to $7k in non mortgage debt right now. 
Posted in
August 1st, 2014 at 04:06 pm
Today is my birthday!
This week has been really stinky. It doesnt seem to be getting better either. This morning I realized that I left our garden hose on all night, over 14 hours. Who knows what the water bill is going to be.
Work is so stressful and I want out. I have picked a place as my goal for employment, and I will be taking the test required ASAP. It takes several months to get hired on there, so I need to get on the list quick!
Fence is getting worked on today. I apologized to the worker for being snippy at him last week, and told him nicely what I want done differently. He agreed, and so far it is looking better. He thinks he will finish today, so I gave him the check. (I highly doubt he will finish, but we shall see.) He had a helper today, so Im keeping my fingers crossed.
I just want to go home and cry for a while after the stress of this week. I need something relaxing. Maybe I will take a bubble bath.
Hoping next week is better.
Posted in
July 28th, 2014 at 05:16 pm
In order to refinance our house hopefully in the spring, we have to finish some remodeling to get the best appraisal we can. I have decided to share my current checklist that needs to be completed before we can refinance our mortgage. I will come back and visit this list later on, to share our progress.
Finish Horse Shed
Build Permanent Goat Ramp
Close In Window on Milk House
Paint Sunroom Windows
Side Bathroom
Figure Solution for Roof
Trim Front Door
Refinish or Polish Floors
Trim Archway
Trim Baseboards
Install Curtains
Trim Windows
Refinish or Polish Floors
Trim Baseboards
Patch Outer Wall
Prime Outer Wall
Paint Outer Wall
Trim Doors
Refinish or Polish Floors
Trim Baseboards
Build Threshold
Install Closet Door
Repaint Walls
Caulk Tub
Replace Window
Install Door
Finish Trim
Paint Door
Trim Doors
Trim Window
Crown Molding
Trim Baseboards
Patch Holes
Paint Wall
Install Trim
Replace Broken Windows
As you can see it is a pretty extensive list, and progress is very slow at this point in time. But looking back we have done a LOT on the house already. This is mostly just tying up loose ends, and it is mostly cosmetic. Money is the biggest issue. All these projects cost, and since the house needs everything custom, everything is pricey!
Posted in
July 28th, 2014 at 03:07 pm
Thank for all the hugs and condolences. I am still very upset, and I am still crying randomly and many times throughout the day, but I guess it is to be expected. 
My husband helped me bury Tippy out under a very neat tree in our backyard. (It is about 10 trees growing together.) He didnt complain at all that we had to hack through tons of roots. I picked that spot because it is my favorite place in the yard, and under the tree grows the most beautiful wild violets. So now my Tippy will always be covered in flowers.
They worked on the fence yesterday. You think I would be happy, but I am not. The work they did looks horrible. And maybe it was my already fragile emotional state, but I was MAD. I called him up and told him it looked bad. He brushed me off, and he might be upset at me, but I dont care. I am not satisfied with the fence at all. There are so many little things wrong.
He put the fence on the inside of the corners, instead of the typical outside. It wont be as sturdy, and it isnt going to match up with the old fence. The wood posts are all different heights so nothing looks level. If it was a few inches I would not care, but I am talking there is a foot and a half difference in the posts...
He didnt use the brace pins I bought for the braces he just nailed them on, and he put the braces all the way to the top of the posts. So they braces are more than a foot higher than the fence. It looks bad, especially when it is right next to all our previous braces that are about 2 ft lower.
This is where my gate is going. This one looks especially bad to me. You can see to the far right one of the metal posts. The fence will only be up to the green part. So you can see the large difference. Besides the fact that the brace looks horrible!

My mother and I are going to redo all the braces today if we can get them off. It is going to be hard work, but I just dont think I can live with it.
The rest is permanent and I will just have to live with it. Sigh. I am trying to calm down about it, because it will still do its job. It will keep the goats in, but I feel like after spending $4,000+ it should look nice.
Posted in
July 28th, 2014 at 12:14 am
A few months ago I shared the story of my beloved pet Goatie. I also shared how her legacy lived on in her son Tippy who was nearly an identical replica of her.
It is with much sadness that I now share that Tippy has passed on to be with his momma. 
Words can not express how devastated and sad I am. I have done nothing but sob and cry for the past two days. I am completely non functional, And it feels like I am reliving the grief of loosing Goatie all over again.
Tippy was 100% healthy before, and suddenly on Thursday he had slight diarrhea. I gave him medicine and got it stopped by Friday, but he acted off. So I gave him vitamins, and several medicines just to perk him back up. He was not walking a lot but he was starting to eat and drink and I thought he was on the mend. Saturday I went to my moms to get him some more vitamins and when I got back he was gone.
To make matters worse, Zoey the cat who was sick and recently got better has completely vanished. She has been missing without a trace for two days. So I can only guess she is dead. We have looked everywhere, and have no idea what could have happened. She was acting completely normal beforehand, and she has never wandered before.
I am still in shock, and hurting very badly. Loosing Zoey is hard, but Tippy was my baby. Please pray for me. I feel so lost.
Posted in
July 25th, 2014 at 05:21 pm
I have went back and forth with this so many times, and I NEED HELP!
The fact is we need more money. We get by now. We can afford to go out to eat every once in a while, and we save a little money. But we are trying to save for children, and remodel our house, and progress is so slow.
If I was being paid the same as my husband we would have an additional $800 a month. Which would go a long way towards our goals!
I make nearly half as much as my husband does. Ive been working 3 years in an office. I am only making about $1.50 more than min wage. Ive gone to college, I have skills!
My job is high stress, and I feel very under paid, and under valued. Not to mention split shifts, and no benefits.
My husband has cheap insurance (only for himself), he gets bonuses, he gets raises, he gets overtime if he wants, and every Holiday off and paid. He gets vacation. His job is low stress. I am jealous.
I work only 30 hours a week, but it is still 5 days. The split shifts mean I work 2 evenings a week as well as days, and they make me feel like I am working more than 30 hours.
I also have to work anytime we have an event. Probably a couple times a month, in addition to my regular hours. This week I have worked evenings all week. (But still no extra hours, because I have to take a longer lunch and go home a little earlier in the day. Im not allowed to get extra hours.)
I need a different job, but its hard to pull the plug.
I see a couple options.
A.) Apply where my husband works, in the office. I know they have good pay, and benefits, and they are so nice. But I dont know if I would like the work. (Sales & advertising.) Not really my thing, but I would be willing to try it. I do have a friend there, and we would save on gas money by riding together!
B.) Find a different office job somewhere with better pay. Again. I am so tired of being a secretary. But it might just be the place I work.
C.) Pick up a fun part time job. Waitressing, or something similar. Then try to do more freelance web design. This is my ideal. But then I get no benefits, boo. Plus, no guarantee of pay.
I am thinking I need to get a real 40 hour full time job. I think husband is starting to resent that I am not pulling my weight around here with the bills and such. And I have to agree. Especially since I work so hard, and am always so stressed. It is not worth it.
I would like to save for a few years, and then once we have kids I can give more freelancing a go.
But I dont know if I should apply at his work, or seek out a different job. Both? I am also unsure what job I really want. I wont be able to find a web design job locally for a business, and I am getting tired of being a secretary, even though I am good at it. I also have 3 years of experience now, so I am not a beginner. Which is a plus for a resume.
I took a test today and I can type regularly between 80-90 words per minute. That is way above the 40-45 average. So obviously these years of office work have paid off.
I am just so unsure on what to do, but I know I am very unhappy where I am now. The unknown is scary though. 
ETA: Another problem I have is that, I have to give my current employers a LOT of heads up if Im going to quit. This job is hard, and I trained for 2 months before I took over completely when I got hired on. If I start looking for a new job and get hired, I will be expected to start work in 2 weeks. Which wont give me enough time to train a replacement.
But at the same time, I dont want to tell them I am looking for a new job, and upset the water at my current place, in case I am not able to find new work in the near future. What to do?
Posted in
July 22nd, 2014 at 04:09 pm
Here are some crappy cell phone pictures.

The 4 wood posts in the middle is where a gate will go. The horizontal braces arent up yet.

This is just to show the fence line in the back. You can see my rolls of fencing waiting to be put up too!
Posted in
July 21st, 2014 at 07:23 pm
*dances around crazily*
The day has finally arrived when I see real progress on fence. Over the weekend they put in all the wooden posts and all the metal posts. It looks glorious, and they have done a fabulous and quick job. It is unreal that it took them 2 days to do the same work it took us 6 months to do!
I am itching to let the critters out in it. The posts have to set up (concrete) for a week, so they will put the actual fence up this weekend, and it will be finished!!!
They put in more posts than expected, so I had to purchase 11 extra bags of concrete, and 4 extra posts Saturday.
They still need 5 more wood posts, and 10 more metal posts to finish. Plus some more brace wire. $$$. Which is kind of stinky, but I dont regret hiring them at all. The fence will be so sturdy!
Guessing about $250 - $300 more to spend for gates and the extra supplies. I am really hoping the gates come in by the weekend, so they can put them up while they are here and I dont have to later.
Total of $850 on credit card right now. Will be paying that diligently. It wont be due until first week of September. So I am not too worried.
I will snap some pictures, and try to get them on here tomorrow!
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