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October 13th, 2015 at 02:20 pm

I finally had the interview yesterday. I think it went really well! They talked for over an hour and a half, and they would say things like, "when you work such and such we will train you" or "you will really enjoy doing this." Sounded like a sure thing, not an "if you get hired."

They invited me back today to follow them around during a shift. Also my cat is getting neutered Friday and they said I can come help.

So, I'm pretty excited. First thing they told me is that my resume was perfect, and that I seemed very intelligent. lol.

It seems like an even better job than I thought. She said they pay well, very flexible days, friendly people, they have potlucks and go out to movies, etc, and I can pick up as many hours as I want. The manager there is just so sweet and delightful. And I believe she gets to pick who is hired, which is good because she knows me. Big Grin

Shifts run from 7 - 12 and 12 - 5. I'm not sure which one I would prefer. I hate getting up early, but I would like to be home before my husband to get dinner started and such. So maybe I'll do some of both.

Also, they noted that I was a web designer, and the owner said, "you are just what we need." They are definitely interested in me redoing their website.

So all in all, I'm pretty excited. But don't want to get my hopes too high. Keep me in your thoughts today. Need to make a good impression.

Husband's Payday

October 9th, 2015 at 02:59 pm

Sent the mortgage payment in, lowering the balance to $48,086.58! Can't wait to make it to the $47ks next month.

Paid $75 towards the computer, and saved the typical $110 for the truck. Also paid a small amount towards the credit card which isn't due until next month.

The vet has not started interviewing people yet. Web Design has picked up a bit this week, so hopefully my check next month will be a little more normal.

All my goats are bred, and I can't wait until March when I have lots of little babies. Estimating about $3,600 from kid sales.

Holding My Own

October 5th, 2015 at 05:26 pm

Work is not picking up. Feeling discouraged. Trying to stick to a bare budget, and expecting the worst. We may or may not be able to get by on my husband's income alone. Probably short term, but no way for any length of time. If something came up like car repairs, we'd quickly have to cut in our EF. Wanting to avoid that.

I seen that the vet job posted that they will be calling for interviews this week. Praying that I get called, and get the job. Steady income would go a long way for me right now.

Still expecting $550 from the goats soon, $100 from my freelance work, and I may be getting $500 for selling my horse trailer. That money will first and foremost be spent on animal food for winter. May have some left to cover bills or save.

Husband booked a one night stay at a bed and breakfast for our anniversary this month. I'm really feeling like we can't afford it. But he refused to let it go, since we had already been planning for it.

Slowing Down

September 29th, 2015 at 02:34 pm

Projects have slowed down a bit.

My paycheck is less than half of what I'm used to. Boo. And the following one will be even smaller. I hope that the vet calls back soon.

I still managed to put $100 towards the computer, husband saved for his truck, and I put back money for the house payment. Besides that I had less than $100 left which I applied to the credit card.

I've changed my October goal to something simple. Save something. I just want to be able to pay my bills, and I'll be happy if I can save anything.

Windows & Jobs

September 25th, 2015 at 02:54 pm

The windows ended up being almost spot on to my original estimate. $2,900 for the 3 doors, and 2 windows.

We decided to forgo the main back door, and just get the essentials for now. So the total bill is $1,900. We will keep shopping around for the door. But honestly that is the cheapest I've found, for an installed door of that quality, which has everything we want. I might trying purchasing a new door knob and seeing if I can rig up a way to make it close for now.

I put the down payment on the credit card, and have $1,000 which I need to deposit and pay the credit card with. Will have to scheme up a way to come up with the other $900, especially since I'm worried my checks won't be enough to cover bills, let alone extra.

Anyway. Business is still super slow, and I'm getting worried. I did send in the application for the vet job. And my old job is begging me to come back. (Still haven't found a permanent replacement since January.)

Lots to think about. Husband does not want me to go back to old job. It was very stressful and draining on me. The job its self wasn't bad, but I had so much "extra" work to do, and I had to work several evenings, come in on my days off, get called at home, etc. I felt like I never got away from it.

IF I did consider going back, I'd have to sit down and have a heart to heart with the boss. About what I would and WOULDN'T be doing. I'd have to make a list, and lay down the law at the beginning. I just can't go back to that much stress again.

We'll see. Hoping the vet job calls back. From what I understand they are giving interviews to everyone that applied, before deciding. Hopefully I have a good chance since I did work as a receptionist/secretary for 3.5 years, and I have very good references from all my bosses.

Still pushing on the house. I caulked/painted another window. And also the outside of all of the windows. I'm not sure what happened but when I looked at my painted window yesterday, it had 3 cracks in it. Frown It definitely didn't crack as I was painting it. So I'm wondering if the caulk didn't stress it as it dried or something. Bummer. Now I'm kind of scared to do the others.

Also working on the kitchen archway. That's a big project. 9 boards to cut, sand, stain, seal, and hang. Yikes.

More Progress & 2nd Job?

September 18th, 2015 at 02:32 pm

So I did get the windows painted.

I stopped in the window company to push them along. They couldn't give me the final estimate but they did give me a price on the windows and also a rough estimate. It comes out way cheaper than I was expecting. It looks like it will be around $2k for all the doors and 2 downstairs windows. Whereas I was initially thinking it would be $3k. I'll know more when they send me a written estimate.

Husband wants to go ahead with the windows. After payday I'll have $500, and my parents are giving $500 to count as an early Christmas present. The other $1,000 we'll have to come up with. But we do have the LOC open if we need it. It will take about a month to get them in, so it's possible to come up with some of the money before then.

Husband and I have sat down and talked, and we also went into the bank and looked at our options. We had a heart to heart with what we really want. We have decided to forgo a truck at this time. Husband will probably purchase another cheaper Jeep around 3k.

We are going to make a large push and try to get as much finished on the house as we can. Then we hope to get the ball rolling in the spring/summer with the addition, and refinance, etc. We have decided we would rather have the addition than a truck, and also after talking with the banker it will only add an additional $100 - $200 to our monthly payment if we can get it done at the price we are shooting for.

We will see how it pans out. Lots that has to happen first.

Also, a position has opened at the local vet for a part time receptionist. I'm seriously considering applying. It would give me some stable additional income, and also I'd get out of the house a couple days a week, and get to work with animals. Win win. I'm practically family there anyway, lol. Feels like I'm there every week.

Husband doesn't want me to work a 2nd job. But I don't work many hours now anyway, so I don't feel like I will be overworking myself. Besides if business picks up and it gets to be too much, I can always quit later.

Anyway, I will talk to the boss. And maybe put an application in. If I get it, great, if not, no big deal. We'll see.


September 17th, 2015 at 02:47 pm

Some progress on the money front. Sent $100 to the computer, and $110 to the truck fund.

Only owe another $200 on the credit cards, and still have $100 owed to me for freelancing.

Next check is husband's extra check. I think I will save the extra $350 for our windows/doors. The Roth is so close to being finished. But my work is slowing down. Frown And honestly I'm a little worried about the future of the job. So I'm having to prioritize things. We have to have a door before winter. So that takes precedence over the IRA, especially since I have until April to fund that last $500.

The $500 coming in, in a few weeks I haven't decided on. It will probably go towards the animal fund, or towards hay/other animal expenses.

But that's not the only progress. We've had a second wind with house projects and have knocked some stuff off the list. Last night we scraped and caulked 3 of the windows on the outside of the mud room. There was barely any paint left on, and all the old caulk holding the window panes in had dried up and fell off. Only a couple very old brittle nails were holding the glass in. Yikes. It was hard work though, it took several houses to scrap all the loose paint and wood. We had to finish up the caulking after dark, which means it's a little sloppy. But at least it's waterproof, and the windows will stay in.

Now that the caulk has dried I'm getting ready to paint them this morning. That will add a big improvement to the outside of our house.

Unfortunately there are still 8 more windows to do. 7 of which are 12 pane windows. >.< It took me hours and hours to do 15 panes... I'm going to be at it for days to finish 84 panes. Hopefully these will be a little easier.

Money Blues Part 2

September 10th, 2015 at 03:57 pm

Last post was getting long. And I've not finished my pity party yet. Big Grin haha.

I've never been the jealous type. But lately I've been feeling it a bit. :/ One of my best friends, recently met and is engaged to a guy. I mean they've literately known each other for less than 4 months.

They are great together, and he is great. I am so happy for her, but I'm feeling a twang of jealousy.

She just finished college, and hasn't been able to get a job yet. Her family is poor, and she has always been raised frugally. Well he is loaded (and very good with money). She went from the pauper to the princess, nearly overnight.

He has a nice house which he just purchased about a month before they got together, he has a newer truck, a Dodge Charger he purchased new a couple years ago, and he just bought a new custom order Dodge Charger Hellcat. In case your wondering, starting MSRP is $62,000! Embarrassment

All his cars are paid for with cash. She was driving an old Sebring last month that would die at idle, and this month he surprised her by buying her a close to new Subaru.

Right now they are on a 2 and a half week "pre-wedding' honeymoon at Disney World.

It's just such a quick and shocking change. A couple months ago, our girls nights consisted of watching movies at home because we couldn't afford to go out, and chatting about her crushes. Now she is at Disney World, going out to eat everyday, and I'm sitting at home trying to figure out how I can save enough money to have a bathroom door.

It's just hard to swallow. I've never had close friends with so much disposable money.

Add that to the fact that I recently had to tell husband we can't afford to buy a truck right now. (He's been looking.) Now he is upset with me, and anytime I talk about spending money he will say something like, "Oh so we can afford to buy a storm door, but I can't have a truck."

My new computer has been brought up several times. I do feel bad about it. But it's done, and we are using and enjoying it. Hind sight is 20/20.

Money Blues

September 10th, 2015 at 03:38 pm

Well husband and I have seem to have gotten a second wind with the house projects. I'm really really itching to get stuff done.

The problem is money. Frown

Everything to so darn expensive in an old house which needs everything custom.

We are trying to finish up things that we can without spending much. We put up the trim around our bedroom door. I removed and cut down a door that hasn't been able to be opened since we installed new flooring... over 2 years old. Yikes! I also sanded and painted it. Which is not an easy task when it's a 15 glass pane door. It took me over 6 hours to do 3 coats, and then scrap all the windows. I'm still sore from squatting 3 days later, and it could really use a couple touch ups still. But alas it's so nice to have a functioning, white door in the kitchen now. It looks so clean and bright.

Tonight we are going to paint and put up trim around it, and another door.

I've done a little more work on my desk. It's done for now except the wall shelf, which I am undecided about. I really love it. We have a friend over occasionally and all 3 of us can fit on the desk with our computers for online gaming.

Still waiting on the fencing guy who just had a baby. I will call him soon.

I called around to get quotes to refinish the hardwood flooring. $2,000 seems to be the going rate. Ouch. Not going to happen anytime soon.

I got a new window company to come and measure my doors and windows, since I was so displeased with the last guy. They haven't given me a quote yet, but I'm going to estimate it will be $1,500 for the 2 downstairs windows, a storm door, and a bathroom door. Another $1,500 for the back door. And $2,400 for the 6 upstairs windows...

The storm door and bathroom door are must haves. Neither have doors right now. I've been living with a curtain on the bathroom for over 2 years now.

The storm door is needed because we have to heat the room in the winter to keep the pipes from freezing. Can't heat a room with no door.

The backdoor does not have a functioning latch. We put in one of those cheapo eyehooks on both sides to keep it from blowing open, or the cat getting in, and we literately have to lock ourselves in or out. So if husband goes to work, and accidentally latches the eyehook, I'm locked in and have to go out the front door and walk all the way around the house through the wet grass to unlock it from the outside. Totally fun. Especially when the snow gets here...

Add all that, plus we still need more trim and about a million other little projects, and the dollar signs are flying. Sigh.

I have $800 on the credit cards, from projects, vet, insurance. I do have $400 coming from some goat sales, and freelance work I've done. So that's good news. Tomorrow is husband's payday, and next check is his "extra" paycheck. So it will get paid off. But it feels like I will never get enough money to finish our house. People always ask us if our house is finished yet, and are surprised when we haven't made much progress. They just don't realize how expensive it can be to purchase something as simple as a dang door. Especially when that causes a chain reaction of other projects. Such as when the bathroom gets a new door they have to remove the dryway, so then I will have to redo that, and repaint. It just seems never ending. More projects, more money.

Just feeling a little disheartened.

Little Update

August 31st, 2015 at 02:22 pm

Mortgage is down to $48,140.35. Paid my first $100 towards the computer. Also put back $110 for the truck fund.

Still owe about $600 on the credit cards for heartworm treatment, and 6 month car insurance. Should pay it off in 2 more checks.

Then I'll get back to saving. Really wanting to knock out those last few goals. So close!

To the Roth

August 17th, 2015 at 02:58 pm

Sent the $250 goat money to the Roth IRA! Woo Hoo. Getting so close. Only $500 more to go!

Stinks to think that about the time I finish these goals, there will be new ones. lol. But that is life.

I finally got a hold of the fencing guy, so he should be putting in my fence next month sometime! Hurray!

Good Update

August 14th, 2015 at 03:01 pm

Well things are going better than expected.

Computer is great. Love it, and actually am not feeling guilty about it.

I tried to login to my dell account to make a payment, and it says I can't make payments until the first statement comes out. Which isn't for two more weeks. So I just used the money elsewhere, and will begin paying it with my next check.

I completely paid off all the credit cards, and was also able to send $250 to the Roth IRA. Hurray! Only $750 more to go for the year.

I have $750 worth of goats sold, and have received a $250 down payment which is currently transferring from PayPal. I'll get the other $500 at the end of September. I haven't decided yet if I will send that money to the animal fund or the Roth.

Now that vacation is over and we are back to relatively calm, we are going to start earmarking money towards the truck fund again.

If I keep going at the current pace, I should meet all my original 2015 goals. We'll see.

Small Update

August 10th, 2015 at 03:13 pm

Well the kitten is back sleeping in bed and so far no more accidents. *fingers crossed*

He is quite hyper at night though, so I am finding myself waking up half way through and locking him up. Little stinker.

Not much going to be happening on the money front for the next couple weeks. It's been a spendy month with car repairs, parties, and I'm a bridesmaid again, so I'll be buying another dress.

Dog is starting heartworm treatments next week. Really hoping it doesn't go over the amount they estimated for me. All money is going to be flowed for recent expenses, and I highly doubt I'll have any extra to save this month. Rats.

Lots of Happenings & Kitten Pic

July 31st, 2015 at 02:24 pm

Kitten is doing fine. He is not as snuggly as I was hoping. I was expecting to be able to sit and hold him on my lap for hours like I did with my old kitty. But the kitten is a bundle of energy and begins crying and struggling after about 10 seconds.

Hoping he will settle down once he gets more used to us. He likes to sit close to me, or on my feet, but he does not like to be held.

He has been sleeping in our bed, and lays either on my pillow or by my feet. He was doing great, and slept through the night.

Then last night when I put him in bed he peed. Frown We locked him in the kennel overnight, and early this morning when husband put him in the bed to snuggle with me, he peed again all over me. (a rude awakening)

He had already been running around for about an hour, so I'm not sure why he didn't use the litter box.

That really stinks. Now he won't be able to sleep in bed anymore until we figure out why he keeps peeing. He's not even digging or anything. Just as soon as you sit him down he pees. Weird.

I cleaned my desk and file cabinet, organized all our papers, and burned a whole trash bag full. Hurray! Today I'm hoping to work on cutting and staining the boards for the shelf underneath where the tower is supposed to sit.

I went to the doctor this week and got some really good news about my chronic health conditions. After 6 years they don't think I need my pacemaker anymore so they are going to let the battery run dead. At this point I won't need a new one. They will check again in 2 years.

Tomorrow is my birthday, and Sunday I'm having a girls night. Ought to be a fun weekend.

Ugh Guys

July 31st, 2015 at 01:45 pm

Well I'm a horrible person. I bought the computer, against the good advice here.

I wasn't going to get it, but when husband came home he was so excited about it. When told him I wasn't going to get it, he talked me into it. My boss also tried to talk me into it. (Bunch of enablers, lol)

So I'm having a little buyers remorse, but it's all husband has talked about all night.

Shame on me. But oh well. What's the fun of working if you never get to splurge every once in a while.

I already have some money to put towards the first payment, and everyone is giving me cash for my birthday (tomorrow) to help. It will be okay, and I'm sure I will pay it off quickly.

To answer some previous questions, no I didn't buy it for the tv or gift cards. I was expecting to pay full price for it eventually, so the price was actually lower than I was expecting. Which I why I decided to purchase it at this time instead of waiting. We may sell the tv to offset some of the cost.

The reason it is so pricey is because it has a high quality graphics card, a solid state drive, and lots of ram. Add-ons that I specifically chose. Things most casual computer users don't need, but I do. Between my work, and husband's gaming; el cheapo wouldn't cut it.

My work laptop is already full and slowing down, and I've only had it 6 months. No joke. This is without ANY games on it, or personal files. And it's a very nice laptop, in the $1,000+ range.

So I knew I needed to go bigger and stronger. Husband is into photography and frequently uploads and saves hundreds of pictures. This computer will give us room to grow, and will hopefully last many years. My previous one is 7 years old, and it was a cheap one.

That's not to say I couldn't have found a lesser known brand, and got the same stuff for less. I could have.

Many people spend lots of money on the latest electronics like the iphone. We are frugal and don't buy the latest gadgets and gizmos. Husband is still using a flip phone. lol. So honestly I'm not too upset, a new computer isn't the end of the world and it's a long time overdue.

Mortgage payment hit bringing our total down to $48,305.97.

Need HELP on decision

July 29th, 2015 at 05:34 pm

So I told myself I would buy a new computer when I graduated highschool... Then when I graduated college, then when I got a web design job... I would shop around, look at the price of what I wanted and cringe, and then put it off.

Well the time has come. I can't stand it anymore. I can use the company's laptop for work but it's not mine. I can't use it for pictures, or games, and I feel guilty even watching youtube videos.

Husband and I have both been patiently waiting for me to buy a computer so we can resume playing computer games which I love and have gotten for my past several birthdays and I haven't been able to play them all this time.

My old laptop which husband has been using (barely: could only load basic text) has finally hit the crapper a couple days ago and is no longer working, at all. So husband has no access to the internet. (Not allowed to use company laptop)

We talk about it all the time, "We really need to buy a computer." or "I can't wait until we get a computer someday."

I've been shopping around and bookmarking computers for literately years, and I've had one picked out for a while now. Well while aimlessly checking in on it today, I seen Dell is offering a HUGE discount on it... But it expires today. Yikes! So I am sitting here about to make myself sick deciding if I should just spring for it or not. I don't think I will find another deal this good. But the price tag is giving me sticker shock. (Even though I have been expecting to pay this much.)

So the price (after discounts): $2,000 plus tax. Ugh. I want to throw up a little.


Free 2 day shipping
1 year warranty
$400 off instantly
A free 32 inch TV
$200 in gift cards (which I would use to purchase a printer which I also need badly)
12 month 0% financing which I am approved for

Minimum payments are $60 a month. Of course I would pay it off as fast as I could. But I'm trying to decide if it is worth putting my goals on hold for or not.

Part of me feels guilty about spending when I need to be saving. But part of me says I've been waiting a long time, and I'm a professional web designer for pete's sake without a computer.

Please help!

Cutest Thing Ever

July 23rd, 2015 at 02:18 pm

Really, have you ever seen something so adorable in your life? Big Grin

I'm picking up my "MoMo" this weekend and I couldn't be more excited. I can barely wait.

Back Again!

July 20th, 2015 at 01:56 pm

I survived camping in the Wild West for 10 days.

We seen 4 parks, and thousands of animals. Drove 90 hours, flew on two planes, and rode a bus and a train. It was a lot of fun, but I'm glad to be back in my own bed, and I'm happy to see my own pets again.

I believe we only went around $100 over budget, so all in all not bad.

I added $250 to the Roth. Only $1,000 more to go for the year.

Busy busy week coming up. I have a lot of catching up on work. Then each evening I'm helping out at VBS from 5.30 to 8 all week. Saturday is my sister-in-laws hometown wedding reception, and husband and I are going to a play. Sunday I am driving 10 hours to pick up my kitten!!!

Monday and Tuesday I have a doctors appointment, and Wednesday I'm eating dinner with my family. Yikes. Glad I had a vacation, but it's definitely over now.

Meant to Be

July 8th, 2015 at 02:28 pm

I am SO excited!!

We finally have an armoire to put our clothes in. We've gone without a closet for close to 3 years now, and all our dress clothes, and my dresses have been wadded up and wrinkled. Plus we were very out of room in our dressers.

Well I've been searching craigslist nearly daily during this time to look for the perfect wardrobe for us and every time I've found one I like, it's either too expensive or gone by the time I see it.

Well I finally found one I liked, but I couldn't come and get it until after my last weekend trip and I was worried that someone else would take it before I could get there. So I called them, and it turns out they were on vacation anyway. Score.

So we get there to pick it up, and it's a lot bigger than I expected. I mean it's huge. We try to fit it in the van and it's too wide/tall. We were about to give up, but found if we turned it backwards it could fit. Barely, I mean there was less than 1/2 an inch room.

We get home, and it just fits through the front door, again less than an inch. Then less than an inch into the dining room door, and the bedroom door. I mean it couldn't get any closer. I've taken it as a sign that it was meant to be.

It's beautiful, and HUGE. Biggest wardrobe I've ever seen. Real wood too, dove tailed joints, and very well made. I only paid $140!! That is a steal. All the real wood ones I've seen have been upwards of $500+. But it wasn't listed as real wood in the description, and in fact I expected panel board or something. So it was a happy surprise.

It's over 4ftx2.5ft wide and 7 feet tall. Super heavy. It took four of us to move it, and we struggled. Plenty of room for all our hang up clothes, plus it has a shoe rack, and 4 big drawers. I'm in heaven.

Husband woke up this morning and stared at it for a while, then he said. "I could just look at this all day." lol!

I can't remember the last time I've been this excited. Better than Christmas. Words can't describe how stinky it is to go without a closet in the house.

Vacation & Mortgage

July 2nd, 2015 at 03:07 pm

Mortgage payment sent today bringing total down to $48,462.49.

Also saved the last bit of our vacation fund, so that is now COMPLETE! Woohoo! Only a week until we leave, I'm both excited and nervous. Lots of little details, and scary unknowns.

It's going to be an expensive next couple of weeks. We are hosting a 4th of July party, so $60 in fireworks were purchased, and still need to buy brats and hotdogs.

Tomorrow we are going shopping to get some needed clothing, and the last few things for our vacation.

Lots of packing and planning to do still.

Back Again

June 29th, 2015 at 03:01 pm

Back again!

We went to Charleston, SC. I think it was the most beautiful city I've ever seen! I only got to spend a couple hours, but I'd love to go back for a week. So much history, and beauty. Also I couldn't believe how kind the people were there.

As a side note, we didn't realize that was the same day that the president was visiting for a funeral... So traffic and police were crazy. We didn't get in until midnight, so luckily when we got up in the morning to explore most of it had died down. But the street in front of the church was still blocked off.

I've got $325 to add to my animal fund, and a new goat. Smile Next trip is Monday.

Saving Money & Packing

June 25th, 2015 at 10:44 pm

I saved a bundle of money today. I called and added full coverage to one of our cars, so I don't have to purchase the rental car insurance for our vacation next month.

It only cost me $24 to upgrade to full coverage until September!!!

The rental car insurance is $20 a day... for a 10 day vacation. $24 vs $200. Crazy!

Leaving bright and early tomorrow at 4am for our goat trip. 10 goats will be heading to their new homes. Driving all the way to the ocean tomorrow, staying the night. Saturday we are going to the beach, and sight seeing a bit. Then staying with relatives in TN. Then Sunday morning we will be heading home. Going to be a lot of driving. Yuck.

Wish us luck for safe travels!

I'm Back

June 22nd, 2015 at 03:29 pm

I'm back from the wedding. It was very stressful, but turned out lovely. I still owe MIL $30 for the hair dresser, but after that I think I'm done with expenses on this.

Just in time, for my goat trip next weekend. I will be making only $275 on the deal, and will be bringing home a new goat. The following weekend I will be getting $200 more for another goat that is leaving. I'll probably be sticking the money into the animal fund.

Vacation is only one more paycheck away from complete.

Looking forward to working on some of my main goals soon.

A Little Better

June 18th, 2015 at 04:12 pm

Well the utility bills came in low this month, so I sent the "extra" $150 to the Roth IRA.

Got lots of stuff done this morning, but still have a lot to do today.

I cleaned out the goat barn and put down new straw to get ready for more rain that is coming. Sigh.

Cleaned out the dog pen, and new straw. Cleaned out the boys goat house, and new straw.

Wethered (goat term for neutering) 2 boy goats who are going to their new home in about a week. Gave 3 goats their shots, and routine medicine.

I was literately soaked to the skin with mud and water after all this. We've had nearly nonstop rain for a couple weeks now, and at least another week to go.

We don't have it as bad as OK or TX. But rivers and streams are still flooding, roads are closing. My entire yard is several inches of standing water. My town is next to a large river, and there is talk about the bridge closing. Which hasn't been done for over 20 years.

My hay is past it's prime, which is sad since I paid to get the fertilizer and it grew beautifully. Literately over $400 worth of grass going to waste out there. If the rain ever stops I should still be able to cut it, but it won't have much nutritional value. So I will probably have to buy some to supplement. The bad thing is, my hay supplier is having the same problem. So I'm not sure if he will have any quality hay either.

High Spend

June 17th, 2015 at 01:06 pm

Payday came and went. Had to send $450 to the credit card to pay it off. Not sure why it got so high this time. I'll have to go back through and look at the charges.

Besides that I had to spend $130 for the second half of the bridesmaid dress, and also $15 to get it hemmed.

That's pretty much all my check. Rats.

This weekend is the wedding, next weekend I make a goat trip to the East, following week I make a goat trip North, and then next week is vacation. Lots of traveling!

Fence fund did get completed. No progress on anything else.

Weight Loss & Mortgage

June 4th, 2015 at 02:59 pm

Diet and exercise is going pretty well.

Since Monday I have lost 6 pounds. Which I know is more than you should lose. But the first couple pounds always seem to melt off, then after that is slows way down.

Have about 14 more is get down to my goal weight. I can do it!

Found a really helpful app called my fitness pal. I'm using it to track my calories, and my progress. So far so good.

Mortgage payment was sent today. Bringing our balance down to $48,626.32

Getting Close

June 3rd, 2015 at 01:44 pm

Sold another goat. He goes to his new home Monday. Poor guy is separated from his momma, and they have both been crying nonstop for two days. :/

That added $225 to my fence fund, bringing the total to $935. Only $65 from my goal!

After the fence fund is topped off, I will start sending the goat money towards the animal fund.

A $1,000 animal buffer will make me feel much better in case of emergencies.

Haven't been doing very well on my 5 things this week. Been feeling pretty sick, and it was all I could do just to work, and drag myself out of bed.

June Goals

June 1st, 2015 at 01:59 pm

Sold a goat yesterday. My favorite baby. Frown I'm going to miss him terribly. He was my little buddy. But if I kept all the babies I loved I'd have 100 goats. lol.

Added $200 to the fence fund. Only $290 to finish it.

Only $300 to finish the vacation fund.

Might try to knock out both this month. We'll see.

As a side note, I've gotten pudgy. So I've started trying to eat healthier, and work out daily. So far I'm just shooting for 30 sit ups and 30 squats a day. I also purchased a jump rope, and am hoping to incorporate that in for cardio. (I hate running) I just to love jump roping as a child, so I'm curious to see how it goes now.

Payday & Desk

May 29th, 2015 at 02:07 pm

Well we got the top of the desk on yesterday! I'm sitting at it right now and love it!

Still have to cut, stain, and build the shelves underneath. And also the wall shelves above. But at least it is usable right now.

So happy with how it turned out so far.

Now I just need to get a rolling chair, a lamp, and possibly some sort of organization cubby, or something for paperwork.

And ugh. Look at my horrible floors. I wish the construction company would call me back with the quote to refinish them. I can't find anyone else who does it.

Payday today, I added $250 to my Roth IRA. Glad to see the goals still working their way up, even if it's slower. Still need $3,500 to finish my main 2015 goals. Which would be about $500 a month. Very doable, but I have a feeling the truck goal may get scratched for other more important things such as fence and flooring. We'll see.

Much Accomplished

May 26th, 2015 at 07:58 pm

Husband and I had a VERY productive weekend! Woohoo!

I got my desk top stained and put all the coats of poly on. We leveled and tightened the frame. It's all ready to go. Hoping to screw the top together this evening.

The boards are just resting on it in various places to dry. But I wanted to share the color.

We finally cleaned out the mud room and organized all our tools. We cleaned out the dining room which had been a horrible mess, and basically our construction room for the past 3 years.

We cleaned out and put back on the closet door under the stairs. The house had shifted, so the door no longer fit, and we had to cut and sand it down. This is where we put all our remodeling necessities, such as our paint brushes, paint, drywall tools, etc. That we still need and use frequently. But now all our company doesn't have to look at it!!!! I'm so excited.

We cleaned much of the house, and planted our flower beds. Also one of my best friends made a surprise visit for the first time in several years. We live far apart, so it was very spur of the moment, and we had less than 24 hours together. But it was great fun to catch up.

My last goat kid was born, and I got all the babies tattooed, and cleaned out the goat barn.

We got more work done this weekend than we have in a month. Hoping it continues!

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