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2024 Net Worth End of Year Update

February 14th, 2025 at 06:47 pm

Here are our final numbers for 2024. Numbers in () are 2023 figures for comparison.

Cash/Liquid Savings:

$1,903 Animal Fund ($1,034)

$25,186 Escrow Fund ($4,898)

$4,855 Checkings ($2,056)

$300 Cash Fund ($240)

$3,244 HSA ($1,740)

$3,312 529s ($0)

$38,800 Total Liquid Savings ($9,968)


$76,020 DH's 401K ($59,560)

$7,062 DH's IRA ($6,171)

$30,244 My IRA ($23,104)

$113,326 Total Retirement ($88,835)


-$110,003 Mortgage (-$112,931)

-$6,204 Land Loan (-$8,389)

-$0 Hospital Loan (-$441)

-$116,207 Total Liabilities (-$121,761)


$220,000+ House
$20,000 in Cars (not counted in figures)

2024 Total Net Worth: $255,919 ($162,042)
2024 Net Worth without Mortgage & House: $145,922 ($89,973)

Very happy to see everything has improved this year. Despite inflation making this year's income equal to what it was several years ago for us. :/

Our retirement accounts are finally bringing in the same amount or more in interest as what we are contributing each year so that is exciting. Smile 

2025 we are trying to be more conscious of our spending. I think we do pretty well but there is always room for improvement. This is also the year my husband's work negotiates the next three years' raises. I'm really really hoping for at least 10% raise this year. *fingers crossed*


2023 Net Worth End of Year Update

January 12th, 2024 at 03:48 pm

Cash/Liquid Savings:

$1,034 Animal Fund ($1,686)

$4,898 Escrow Fund ($6,042)

$2,056 Checkings ($2,062)

$240 Car Fund ($20)

$1,740 HSA ($1,119)

$9,968 Total Liquid Savings ($10,929)


$59,560 DH's 401K ($42,860)

$6,171 DH's IRA ($5,050)

$23,104 My IRA ($16,122)

$88,835 Total Retirement ($64,032)


-$112,931 Mortgage (-$115,833)

-$8,389 Land Loan (-$10,861)

-$441 Hospital Loan (-$1,263)

-$121,761 Total Liabilities (-$127,957)


$185,000+ House
$20,000 in Cars (not counted in figures)

2023 Total Net Worth: $162,042 ($132,004)
2023 Net Worth without Mortgage & House: $89,973 ($62,837)

Numbers in () are 2022 figures for comparison.

This year was MUCH better than last year, especially as far as market growth. Cash is a bit down, but we did well saving for retirement. The interest on our debts is so low we haven't paid any extra and probably won't.

Hoping to save this year for some home projects again, and just try to keep our expenses down so we can build up more cash. I feel like we have been riding too close to the line and it's stressing me out. 

Hoping this is the year we break $100k in retirement. Smile

Mid-Year Net Worth Update

July 1st, 2023 at 06:36 pm

Now that we are half way through the year (how is that possible already??) I wanted to check in on how I am doing financially. One of my big goals for the year was to increase my net worth. Which so far I have accomplished! My liquid savings are down but so is debt and retirement is up.


Cash/Liquid Savings:

 $1,364 Animal Fund (-$322)

 $5,720 Escrow Fund (-$322)

 $2,124 Checking Accounts (+$62)

 $20 Car Fund ($0)

 $99 HSA (-$1,020)

 $9,327 Total Liquid Savings (-$1,602)



 $52,237 DH's 401K (+$9,377)

 $5,683 DH's IRA (+$633)

 $21,351 My IRA (+$5,229)

 $79,271 Total Retirement (+$15,239)



 -$114,374 Mortgage (-$1,459)

 -$9,772 Land Loan (-$1,087)

 -$891 Hospital Loan (-$372)

 -$125,037 Total Liabilities (-$2,918)



$185,000 House

$20,000 in Cars (not counted in figures)


Mid-Year Total Net Worth: $148,561 (+$16,557)

Mid-Year Net Worth without Mortgage & House: $77,935 (+$15,098)

Numbers in () are the changes from the beginning of 2023.


Really pleased to see both my retirement contributions and the market are up, leading to the biggest increase in our net worth. Now if I can get my spending reigned in and my savings up I'll be in good shape.

2022 Net Worth End of Year Update

January 5th, 2023 at 07:41 pm

Cash/Liquid Savings:

$1,686 Animal Fund ($1,214)

$6,042 Escrow Fund ($7,537)

$2,062 Checkings ($6,427)

$20 Car Fund ($20

$1,119 HSA ($1,491)

$10,929 Total Liquid Savings ($16,689)


$42,860 DH's 401K ($45,294)

$5,050 DH's IRA ($5,463)

$16,122 My IRA ($15,337)

$64,032 Total Retirement ($66,094)


-$115,833 Mortgage (-$119,044)

-$10,861 Land Loan (-$0)

-$1,263 Hospital Loan (-$0)

-$127,957 Total Liabilities (-$119,044)


$185,000 House
$20,000 in Cars (not counted in figures)

2022 Total Net Worth: $132,004 ($148,739)
2022 Net Worth without Mortgage & House: $62,837 ($82,783)

Numbers in () are 2021 figures for comparison.

This is the first year we have lost progress that I can remember. I do know the land we purchased increased our house value but I'm not sure by how much without a new appraisal, and the markets are down even though we kept contributing this year. Sadness.

A wake up call that in 2023 we need to do better at more saving, less spending, and knocking down our debts again. I'll have to think a while on specific goals to set for the year with our tight budget.  

End of the 2021 Year Net Worth Update

January 20th, 2022 at 10:00 pm

Cash/Liquid Savings:

$1,214 Animal Fund ($209)
$7,537 Escrow Fund ($5,814)
$6,427 Checkings ($1,700)
$20 Car Fund ($1,805)
$1,491 HSA ($416)

$16,689 Total Liquid Savings ($9,944)


$45,294 DH's 401K ($34,945)
$5,463 DH's IRA ($4,892)
$15,337 My IRA ($13,741)

$66,094 Total Retirement ($53,578)


-$119,044 Mortgage (-$121,847)


$185,000 House
$20,000 in Cars (not counted in figures)

2021 Total Net Worth: $148,739 ($126, 675)
2021 Net Worth without Mortgage & House: $82,783 ($63,522)

Numbers in () are 2020 figures for comparison.

Some of the 2020 numbers are best estimate because I did not post a detailed net worth update last year. But I do have all the figures in my budgeting software. In 2021 we managed to stay out of consumer debt, went on vacation, got a newer car, paid for another baby with cash, made some significant home improvements, and I quit my job to be a SAHM! Lots of changes and we still managed to raise our net worth! Here is to hoping next year is even better!

October Check In & New Website

October 30th, 2020 at 02:22 pm


Mortgage -$122,309.94 (-$230.57)
Medical Loan #2 -$4,700 (-$500)


Roth IRAs +$16,380 (+$268)
401K +$30,317 (+$735)
Emergency Fund +$8,284 (+$212)
Animal Fund +$938 (+$0)
Truck Fund +$2,030 (+$5)
HSA +$2,524 (+$250)

Overall: +$2,200.57

Markets went up a bit. Slowly picking at debts and savings. Still waiting on insurance reimbursement from July. 

Thought I would let you know that I am working on a new website that will showcase personal finance blogs.

If you have and suggestions on things you would like to see let me know. 

February Check In

February 27th, 2020 at 05:41 pm

Mortgage -$112,573.97 (-$156.77)
0% CC $0 (-$2,700)
Helitech Loan -$3,150 (-$400)
Medical Loan -$1,700 (-$100)

Roth IRAs +$15,568 (-$464)
401K +$25,648 (-$615)
Emergency Fund +$3,406 (+$302)
Animal Fund +$505 (+$0)
Truck Fund +$1,845 (+$120)
HSA +$928 (+$204)

Overall: +$2,903.77

I paid off my credit card! Next goal is to pay off the Helitech loan by June, but hopefully even sooner than that. Retirement is down from the Coronavirus scare. Next month will see the addition of at least $7,000 in medical bills plus I have to pay our 6 month car insurance.

End of the 2019 Year Net Worth Update

January 3rd, 2020 at 03:32 pm

Cash/Liquid Savings:

$105 Animal Fund ($590)
$1,129 Escrow Fund ($690)
$1,100 EF ($1,000)
$1,665 Car Fund ($1,205)
$506 HSA

$4,505 Total Liquid Savings ($3,486)


$26,208 DH's 401K ($16,930)
$4,256 DH's IRA ($3,400)
$11,961 My IRA ($8,630)

$42,425 Total Retirement ($28,960)


-$112,887 Mortgage (-$114,713)
-$3,100 Home CC (-$12,360)
-$3,950 Helitech Loan
-$1,900 Medical Loan

-$121,837 Total Liabilities (-$127,073) / -$8,950 Non-Mortgage Debt (-$12,360)

2019 Total Net Worth: -$74,907
2019 Net Worth without Mortgage: $37,980

Numbers in () are last year's figures for comparison.

Our retirement accounts went up quite a bit.

Liquid savings did not increase very much due to pregnancy and large medical bills.

We added 2 new debts this year but total unsecured debt is still less than last year so that's a win! Hopefully 2020 will be the year we are debt free again.