Home > $100k in Retirement!

$100k in Retirement!

April 3rd, 2024 at 05:20 pm

We have finally crossed the $100,000 milestone in our 401k and Roth IRAs!

Maybe not much to some, but it seems like a big accomplishment to us. Hopefully, it will continue to compound and build even faster from here on out. In January 2019 we only had $30k so we have increased it quite a bit in the last 5 years.  



7 Responses to “$100k in Retirement!”

  1. Suemn Says:

    Congratulations to you! You started saving when you were so young and I'm happy for you that you've reached the 100k mark.

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  3. Petunia 100 Says:

    Congratulations! It is a big accomplishment. The first 100k is the hardest and takes the longest.

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    Congrats! Agreed that it is a big accomplishment, and gets easier after the first $100K.

  5. Dido Says:

    Congrats on the milestone!

    Every milestone you reach makes the next ones come even faster. Each tick up makes a difference, but then you hit a point around the 500k mark where you have enough in investments that the earnings ON your investments make the increase go up really rapidly. It's like that old rice on a chessboard story ( You're young still, but keep it up and by the time you are in your 50s, you will be reaping gains upon gains.

  6. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Yay congratulations now it really starts rolling fast

  7. rob62521 Says:

    Wonderful! Keep up the great work!

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