Payday today. Bank is closed, so cant actually deposit until tomorrow but I know all the numbers.
$50 to Animal Fund
$40 to Trip Fund
$50 to Car Payment
With the rest I am trying to pay down the credit card, after several needed shopping trips, and eating out with friends too many times. It is not due until July. But I just hate seeing a large balance on there.
Someone contacted me out of the blue, wanting to buy the goat that I have to give a refund on! They are only paying half price due to other circumstances, but I thought I was going to have to eat him, so I am thrilled to be getting any amount of money out of him.
Also finally got a word back on my last freelance job estimate I did a couple months ago. I got the job! I have no idea when I start, so it might be months, but I am so happy to have the extra income I could do a dance.
Not sure if I will put it towards my car, or towards fencing yet. Putting it towards the fencing would be the wisest financially, but I really want to get out of this car loan even if its interest free. So we will see if my emotional side or logical side wins.
Good News & Payday
May 26th, 2014 at 04:28 pm
May 26th, 2014 at 08:27 pm 1401132455